Share your Dreams (Part 2)

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Share your Dreams (Part 2)

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Postby Sventevith » Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:01 am

You had a Dreams about NGE (...), and I think that's not as funny or interesting as normal dreams... I don't have any time to write anything cool right now, so I'll copy and paste from a post I made a few months ago at another forum. Have fun (I bet no one will read the following text... Or well, afterall - you're NGE-fanatics so I bet you will)

Well, this subject really intrigue my brain... I just love the surreal dreams, and I'm a big fan of nightmares that ARE surreal too! ;D Those are the greatest.

So, had any dream you can remember and you wish to share with us ? Or do you just want to share what you dreamt tonight?

To kick this thread off, I will write a dream I had tonight for you (This was in august) - which is kind of weird, and I can only remember the last part of it.

As I said, I can’t remember the earlier parts of this dream so it will start kind of weird.

I was in my old school’s PE. Hall to watch Rammstein play live, but for some reason they had to cancel so Eddie Murphy along with some other guys should play Rammstein covers, but it sounded exactly as the original artist so I had nothing to argue about! As I left the hall after the concert, I felt really happy, I started to talk to some random guy I didn’t know and we started to talk about Murphie’s vocals and he said that his voice wasn’t as good as Till’s (The vocalist of Rammstein) at some of the higher notes, I thought about it and nodded in agreement but then he was gone. I shrugged at that and kept walking down the hallway.

Then I met this guy I know that's a huge Black Sabbath fanatic such as me, he told me that Tony Iommi had quit the music business because it was ‘false’ or something like that, and that it was rumours about him selling newspapers on some street in some city in England, and to some customers he added a free demo with his new band. I thought that was cool somewhat, but I got angry at him so I tried to kick him with some awesome “I-can-fly-5-m-and-kick-you-into-the-wall-so-it-will-break-kick”, but suddenly he was all gone so I accidentally kicked a little 10 year old girl (Or around that age) in the face instead.

I was really confused then, so I said “Damn, I’m sorry! Are you ok? I’m really, really sorry!” and so forth, she just looked at me with disgust in her eyes but with a blush on her cheeks, she didn’t look hurt or something, just disgusted. Then her boyfriend, or twin brother, brother… Whatever, he was about the same age as her anyway and I didn’t ask in my dream so I don’t know, he said something like “Did you see that? Which f*ck was it? He should at least say sorry!”, I was surprised that he hadn’t seen it was me… I answered him “Guy, I’ve already said sorry to her several times and she doesn’t seem to mind it.” The girl just looked down in the floor and looked embarrassed by then, the guy went wild “Why the f*ck did you do that for?” and he started yelling and insulting me, I just laughed and walked away, then he ran in front of me and kicked me in my scrotum, but it didn’t hurt at all. I laughed again. He kept kicking me, I didn’t bother.
So I went out of the school, for some reason the kid was gone (It’s a dream… and everyone seem to disappear after a ‘scene’ for some reason) so I walked out of the entrance, then people started to throw snowballs at me, then I started to run/fly backwards while I was waving my arms in the air ! It was really weird, the guys yelled “We’re sorry, we don’t mean to hit you but that other guy!”, the street was empty, and they kept throwing these snowballs at me, I quicked up my flying/running while waving my hands in the air until I got a few streets away. Then I felt like I wanted some candy, so I started to run away (forward this time, without waving my arms in the air) towards a candy-store I know – halfaway I woke up. So… That was a weird dream!

I've had a dream that I've dreamt two or three times during my life, all started the same, the rest was different. I will explain, but I can only remember one of the endings on one of them - and it was one I had when I was 6 years old. The last I had for a few years ago, but still.

You see this line of houses, along a dock with some deep blue water on it. The sky is very very dark, but with a shade of blue, and there's a moon shining through the clouds. These houses are like 3-4 flats high, and have an old structure, 1800's atleast - maybe older. You never see the "I" in the dream, there's just an "I" you follow from the eyesight, I can't remember if you feel anything. I believe you don't.

Anyway, we zoom into one of the houses, we get into an old scrutty bar-thing. It's empty, no bartender, no one sitting arround the bar. The whole thing looks really filthy, but still there's something clean over it. There's no mess of things, there are rarely none - very sterile in that way - but it's dirty....

The room looks somthing like this when you stand in the doorway, it's a rather small room; About 20 cm to your left there's a wall, which leads straight into a black room/hallway, you can't really see it - there's maybe a painting hanging on the wall. On the right wall is where the bar is positioned, It's shaped like an old one, probably made of oak or some fabrication of that kind, guess it sticks out 2 meters or something and then there's a few meters of bench straight forward with a bookshelf in the end - if you know what I mean. The bookshelf has no bakside so you can see a door leading to the right through it.

We walk away along the bar, around the bookshelf and into a dark hallway, visibilty is equal zero. We walk along that corridor for a while until we reach into a pitch black room, how I know that I don't know - I just do. If you reach behind you know, the door is gone. Just a soft wall behind you, no holes or anything. Then the walls/roof/floor turns bright white, as I can feel nothing I don't have any problems with eyes adjusting to the bright light! It's so white that it shines somehow from within... Anyway, now you can see what is inside the room.

There's all these huge boxes, small boxes, medium boxes... Anything from the size to those little packets which they put a ring in when you buy it to these huge colossal boxes which you probably could fit a few elephants in!
All these boxes have different colors too, black and white, red, blue, just black, none are just white though. They have different kind of patterns - streaky, doted and so forth.

If you jump down into these boxes you come to different "worlds", I'd name them. The one I could remember was a big black and white-streaky one - maybe a height of 2!½ meter, same length in all directions. It's positioned a bit to the far right corner of the room. I climb down in it with ease somehow.

Down there I get to some bix boxing circle where I shall fight a Japanese robot of some kind, everything is very shiny and blippy-bloppy with a lot of noisy sounds. If I remember right, the robot kills me. I didn't win though, it ends with me getting throwed out of the box (Or the I as me, not the person) and how I just is there until I wake up or pass on until the next dream... Never been in more than one box each time I've been there, seems like the person which I follow down into those boxes always get stuck there somehow.
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Postby Mr. Tines » Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:45 pm

I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but I have a number of settings that crop up repeatedly in their essence in dreams, enough to be familiar, even if different in accidents of form each time - a town with a park; a railway station; a long track leading to the sea; a long path cut through sandstone climbing to home; and a starship.
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Postby Titus » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:41 pm

*raises hand* yip, me too...

Places, faces, starships, but more importantly, warships. Big ones. Always in the same place, looking out the same window, diff faces. Strange thing is I don't know if I see them or the places before hand, but sometimes I see something I never notice or havn't seen before and I remember the dream I had about it, like a sight or sumtin, deja voux...? I dunno. It weirds me out. It's not like I ever dream about sumtin usefull, like the lotto numbers or a potential girl, just faces and places that seem to find their way into my world at some point. Weeks, months and atleast on 1 occasion, a year, or close to it...

Guess this raises my fucked up bar a notch or two....
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Postby Timesplitter 01 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:34 pm

Seen I havent dreamt in over a year , that must mean i live my dreams :? .

I dont know.

The last dream I had was about the end of the world. To give you a picture of what i was seeing, something like this only with it in red and a lot of weird creatures climbing about.

I tried to fight for a while with a crappy gun by there were millions of them so I started to run and I though I was safe for a while but guess what I wasnt, I got my head bitten off. And then I woke up.
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Postby Defectron » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:56 pm

Hoo boy, it's been awhile since I've been here, but who can resist a thread about dreams, here I'll copy and paste one of mine here, I try to write down all the good ones in a txt file on my computer.

I dreampt I went to the haunted house from the movie juon. Some people had moved in and I was going over to investigate stuff that was happening there.
When I got there, two brothers in the neighboring yard were practising ninja moves. One of them got slashed across the face and a piece of his eyeball
as well as a bit of bone was knocked out. To sterilize the piece they had me put it in my mouth, which isnt very logical at all since peoples mouths are
pretty dirty. Anyway it tasted like i expected eyeballs to taste. After that I went inside the house, apparantly one of the people living there was an
annoying girl from my high school chemestry class named angel. For some reason I took a shower there and when I came out angel tried to hit on me by
grabbing me you know where. But then my mom walked in which was really awkward. Anyway after that I got back to investigating the ghosts. One by one
each of the investigator crew as well as the people who moved in the house got nabbed by the ghost. Most of their deaths were the usual sort, Angel got
grabbed by the crawling ghost who was hiding in the dirty clothes bin. The most memorable death was the death of the midgit investigator I was working with.
For some reason there was barn behind the house even though it was in Japan. There were no animals there because all of them got eaten by the ghost or
something like that. But then a ghost piglet showed up and tried to get the midget investigator. But he retaliated beating it to death with a metal baseball
bat.But that wasnt the end of it, the piglet split open growing into a larger ghost pig, he tried to beat this one up too but it was too big and tough.
He tried to run away but the door was locked and the pig got him. Soon I was the only one left, but I had my special roller blades from the battle cube rpg
that control the laws of physics, so when the ghosts attacked me I was ready. The crawling ghost attacked several times but I literally kicked her all
over the house with the gravitational fields generated by my roller blades. Eventually she gave up and started to whine about how being a ghost really sucks
and how they needed to destroy the living in death because they had nothing but pain in life. When she talked both her voice and appearance would shift.
Sometimes she sounded like a whiney teenage girl and sometimes she sounded sort of like a guy. Also she occasionally changed to look less asian then in the
movies and one time her eyes even morphed to look like a grey aliens eyes. Anyway she rallied up the other ghosts and was about to attack me again so I blasted
through the ceiling and escaped to headquarters wherever that is. I reported this to a rubber faced dude and we were going to nuke the house with our satilite
weapons but then the ghosts came and kidnapped the rubber faced guy. I had to go save him, so i went to the house, but before I could fight the ghosts again
voldemort showed up looking for saurons ring, apparantly it was buried beneth the house. The crawling ghost tried to attack him, but he changed her into
a pile of dust with a hollowed out tribble with two eye holes sitting on top it. He took the ring and left and thats where the dream eneded because I
woke up after that.

And here's another one

I dreampt that kaworu from the gainax pages came from poland to try to work on our manga project. But then we got attacked by the clown from IT, I had to turn into a combat cyborg to fight him. But he had gotten stronger since the last time we thought(we fight a lot in my dreams), even after impaling him multiple times on metal spikes he
kept on coming but somehow I beat him.After that I got a special skylight in my room, where clouds would fall out of the sky and hit me in the face. The It clown was snooping around looking for revenge, but I was so intimidating he decided not to and ran off somewhere. After that my dream became a musical I was the terrifying and misunderstood phantom mosquito man. I had insect eyes and had a big rusty metal pipe I used as a weapon and also used it to impale the base of the necks of dbz characters to suck out their blood. Eventually I was caught and after I did a musical number about being caught I pried the bars
open with my mosquito pipe and escaped with the lead female character in a dramatic phantom mosquito man sort of way.

I've also dreampt of having sex with strange things like giant spiders that have boobs and death itself. The dream about death was weird, death was coming down from the ceiling to kill me looking very scary(like in baron munchausin movies), but I was so horny I just started making out with it. The dream was pretty realisitc, I've heard of people who claim to see the grim reaper and then die so I made sure to tell everyone about it so that if it really was the grim reaper, itd be too embarrsased to show its face around me again. So far its worked because its been more then a year and I'm still here.
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Postby Hexon.Arq » Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:23 pm

The most distressing thing has happened. It seems that over time, and without my noticing, I've lost the ability to recall my dreams. What I can only imagine to be the last few months have been effectively devoid of any life but the mundane. How tragic for me. Cry, everybody.

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Postby Timesplitter 01 » Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:40 am

Hexon.Arq wrote:The most distressing thing has happened. It seems that over time, and without my noticing, I've lost the ability to recall my dreams. What I can only imagine to be the last few months have been effectively devoid of any life but the mundane. How tragic for me. Cry, everybody.

I just dont dream, so effectively were in the same boat.
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Postby Mr. Tines » Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:25 pm

Hexon.Arq wrote:I've lost the ability to recall my dreams.

I have had long dry spells myself; and it's by no means every night that I wake in the morning remembering what had just happened.
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Postby Zuggy » Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:24 pm

The dreams that I recall usually start in or around my bed (my mind must simply be lazy in this respect.) From there I usually plunge into a surreal dreamscape, or just go back to bed with an attractive, sensual woman... :P
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Postby superdoughboy4 » Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:38 pm


Well, I haven't had a dream in a long time really.
I haven't had a dream for a long time.
When I mean long, I mean long.
But normally now, I only have dreams on things that really disturbs or distresses me.
They normally end up in a strange setting that is applied to what has disturbed or distressed me in my subconcious, while it is stuck there until the next morning.
Many times, my dreams are those that I am afraid of something, and just want to run.
This sounds a little like Shinji huh?...
But everytime, I always hide or run away.
I hate dreaming... Dreams or what you tell yourself as a lie to hide something are substitutes for real truths.
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Postby Sventevith » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:41 am

Well, to sleep in a new environment, or lay in a different position often works to trigger dreams for my sake. If I lay with me head where I usually keep my feet I will dream, and at vacations... Well, I guess when you're out of your apartment and somehwere "unknown" the brain has more information to handle and maybe you won't sleep as deep and thus you remember your dreams. ;) We all dream though, there's some kind of evidence for that... Though, you just remember a very very small part of it. It's fun how 10 minutes in a dream can be an hour or two in real life.
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Postby Hexon.Arq » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:00 pm

Mr. Tines wrote:
Hexon.Arq wrote:I've lost the ability to recall my dreams.

I have had long dry spells myself; and it's by no means every night that I wake in the morning remembering what had just happened.

This ais a truly strange experience for me; I can remember every dream I've ever had since I was three. My dream memory is even better than my real-world memory, and that realm feels even more real than this one. But lately it's as though I've been dead for the past few months.

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Postby Shnooks » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:05 pm

I dream, but I'm just too lazy to post it.

You're gonna have to contact me if you wanna hear them D:


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Postby superdoughboy4 » Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:03 pm

Sventevith wrote:Well, to sleep in a new environment, or lay in a different position often works to trigger dreams for my sake. If I lay with me head where I usually keep my feet I will dream, and at vacations... Well, I guess when you're out of your apartment and somehwere "unknown" the brain has more information to handle and maybe you won't sleep as deep and thus you remember your dreams. ;) We all dream though, there's some kind of evidence for that... Though, you just remember a very very small part of it. It's fun how 10 minutes in a dream can be an hour or two in real life.

It's kinda funny, how sometimes, when I fall asleep, it feels like 5 minutes, and I'm awake.
I'm so exhausted and stuff also.
But when I dream, it feels more like a whole day has gone by.

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Postby insight » Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:57 pm

Timesplitter 01 wrote:
Hexon.Arq wrote:The most distressing thing has happened. It seems that over time, and without my noticing, I've lost the ability to recall my dreams. What I can only imagine to be the last few months have been effectively devoid of any life but the mundane. How tragic for me. Cry, everybody.

I just dont dream, so effectively were in the same boat.

Oh no, you have thousands of dreams each night. You only remember memorable ones, or none at all, but you do have the dreams. I myself have been void of any dream rememberances for a while, I just can't remember my dreams.
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Postby Hunter21 » Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:58 am

superdoughboy4 wrote:It's kinda funny, how sometimes, when I fall asleep, it feels like 5 minutes, and I'm awake.
I'm so exhausted and stuff also.

Sounds like sleep apnea to me.

And to answer the main question, I am among the bunch that doesn't remember my dreams that much anymore. And even when I did in the past my dreams have more often than not been replays of events in my life.

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Postby Sventevith » Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:46 am

Tonight I had the best dream ever for my sake - I got myself a really beautiful and nice girlfriend in it. I'm so sad as a human being, I feel all fuzzy inside even though it was just a dream!

She had light brown beautiful hair, a bit longer than axellength, all arround beautiful body (no model thing here - normal but beautiful by my tastes) blue eyes, she seemed to enjoy wearing black/brown cloths and well... Her name was Jessica too, I've prented in all these facts in my sorry mind as I love this dream-girl. ;)

We just went arround and did normal things but it was so damn much fun - experienced in today (this age, I was myself, we were in Stockholm here in Sweden (a bit modified though) and it was October and so forth).

I wish I didn't wake up!
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Postby superdoughboy4 » Sun Oct 23, 2005 6:38 pm

Hunter21 wrote:
superdoughboy4 wrote:It's kinda funny, how sometimes, when I fall asleep, it feels like 5 minutes, and I'm awake.
I'm so exhausted and stuff also.

Sounds like sleep apnea to me.

And to answer the main question, I am among the bunch that doesn't remember my dreams that much anymore. And even when I did in the past my dreams have more often than not been replays of events in my life.

What's sleep apnea?

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Postby Mr. Tines » Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:20 pm

Google turns this up:

Sleep Apnoea FAQ
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Postby superdoughboy4 » Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:28 pm

I see.
I have Sleep Apnoea then.
It sucks to wake up exhausted...
At first, I thought that was a normal thing, but now I know.

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