EVA Sessions: The Eaters of Sin

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Gob Hobblin
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Postby Gob Hobblin » Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:51 pm

Next chapter.



It was a question of numbers, really.

The math to warfare was not always the most straightforward of algorithms and formula. The numbers always had their own way of working in context to the situation. Not just the number of bodies, but the quality of that number, and all the little numbers that tagged along: number of bullets. Number of weapons. Number of rations.

It was all about the numbers.

The numbers had daunted Misato when she read the clinical report that Kaji wrote. The projected timetable for Instrumentality. The individuals known to be part of that dread conspiracy. The suspected members. The end, ultimate goal.

What could be brought to bear to achieve that end. A whole country…a whole planet…all those resources directed here, on one place. To achieve an end…incalculable.


She felt the despair in that moment, shuffling through the papers, until she got to the end. A small envelope, that smelled of cologne, with her name on it, attached in rubber band to a small, black cell phone. Something tucked in the back, where he knew she would find it, and read it, after seeing the gravity of what he had found. What he faced off against, alone. She opened it, and it was a card with a single phone number on it, and a little, handwritten note:

I wish this could have been diamonds, but I think it’ll be worth more in the end. Make use of it.

A single phone number. A special phone. And all of this.

She had made a call. And things…started…to move.


“Two companies?”

“Roughly three hundred pax,” the JSSDF Major said, his face angular in the shadows cut by the headlights. Misato narrowed her eyes cautiously, then circled past him to glance at the first of the trucks idling by the bend. The Southern Access Road wound through low hills and dense tree-line, and she knew that there were at least fifteen to twenty more vehicles tucked behind that first one. Closer was the Major’s command vehicle, a cockroach-like armored vehicle with roughly a squad of soldiers inside. Two of them stood by the open hatch, their weapons low but not stowed.

They wore tactical balaclavas, and their nametapes and ranks had been removed. They still had, however, the Japanese flag on one shoulder. Non-tactical patches, so the white and red of the flag was blisteringly apparent in the dark, and through the haze of the vehicles lights. On the other would be the current CRF unit patch.

Sanitized to protect individual identities, but not enough to leave no doubt as to the unit and nation of these soldiers.

“What about assets? Attachments?” Misato asked.

“Official, or otherwise?” the Major replied. He was a short, lean, hungry looking man, a few inches shy of Misato’s height. His balaclava had been pulled down and tucked under his chin, revealing his humorless face.


“Officially, we have two teams from the Special Forces Group. Reliable, so no worries. We also a have a Prophet, though I imagine you have similar devices within the GeoFront?”

“Keep fishing.”

“No trust?” Misato smiled, and held her hands wide. The Major almost met the smile, but his face continued to hold its cool demeanor.

“We have some drones, mostly hand-launched, though we have a pair of Albatross catapult launched. A few armored vehicles, multiple trucks, combat cars. We have a platoon of attached engineers, with their own Lieutenant. If you want an exact count, I suggest speaking to my first sergeant.”


“In about…,” the Major checked his watch, “One hour, there will be news teams crawling over this place, videotaping a cordon of Japanese soldiers providing security to the GeoFront.”

Misato nodded, smiling slightly. So that was it. Not enough troops to assist in truly defending the facility, but good quality troops…the best quality, really. Troops that were supposedly loyal to whoever was currently cooling his heels in the Prime Minister’s office while the previous occupant was probably tied up in a closet somewhere. And not enough to take the facility (at least, not quickly), but enough to make a ring. Guard the entrances, set up pickets, provide a true, 360 degree bubble of security around the facility. And to do so publicly, in full view of everyone.


She had been given hostages. She could work with this.

“We are happy to accept your help, Major. Please send your First Sergeant to the bridge, with the exact numbers of your personnel, a list of items you have…we can see about resupply if necessary. Transponders on your vehicles would be useful, too, assuming they all have satellite link-ups?”

“They do, but we’re currently running dark. Our internal comps are off, at the moment.”

“I have a brilliant little staff that I am certain will be able to tie your vehicles into our net securely, if you’re willing.”

“Of course.”

“…M’kay,” Misato murmured, rubbing her teeth with her thumb. “Right. Send them in.”

“We’ll go where you need us,” the Major said, and turned back to his vehicle. He cycled his arm in the air, and the engine of the command carrier revved. Behind, the first truck blared its horn, and like an answering chorus, more truck horns called back.

The Army was moving in.


“It’s like a movie, huh?” Aoba was slowly tracing the big bandage on his face with the fingers of his left hand, cautiously probing at it.

“Stop that,” Maya scolded.

“It’s just…it feels weird. Like numb-ish, but not numb. It’s supposed to hurt, right?”

“It will if you don’t stop messing with it,” she complained. “Look, damn it, it’s bleeding again.”

“Ah!” Aoba pulled his hand away, looking at the small red smudges on his fingertips. Maya grabbed some of the gauze left by he medic on the console, and pressed it against Aoba’s shoulder.

“Gently apply it to your cheek, not too hard,” she said. Aoba sighed, accepting the gauze and cautiously pressing it against his face. He then resumed watching the JSSDF troops arranging their trucks as a squad of engineers pulled out bales of concertina wire. They were efficient, but relaxed. Almost bored in their movements.

“Look at these guys,” Hyuga chided, highlighting and zooming in on a pair of troops with their rifles slung. One was leaning against a truck’s fender, while his partner had wedged his balaclava up enough to allow him to smoke a cigarette. “Pride of the nation.”

“They’re both tougher than you, you know?” Aoba said.

“No doubt about it it,” Hyuga said. The phone on the console rang, and he sat up, answering it. It was the unmarked cellular, the one that had started this whole chain of events. “Ma’am,” he said.

“I take it you guys are watching our friends trundling about the perimeter?”

“And mocking them, yes.”

“Please don’t, we might actually need their help,” Misato said. “You should be getting their first sergeant soon, with their transponder codes among other things. Can you plug those into our net?”

“I’ll have Maya do it. Unless there’s something else you want me to check for.”

“There’ll be a good number of them. Any chance one of them might be a bug, or….”

“…or we’re giving one of their vehicles access to Magi, I got it. No worries, ma’am.”

“Also, as soon as you’re done with that…uh…it might…be a good idea to get…you know, get Samson ready.”

“…Really? Are you…?”

“Just in case. Don’t do anything rash, just…in case we need it, you know?”

“…Yeah, I can do that. That can be done. Also, in fifteen more minutes, we’ll have the internal nets scrubbed, and we’ll be able to use comms again.”

“Good. Which reminds me, have we located the Vice-Commander yet?”

“No, ma’am. We’ve narrowed down where we think he is, but….”

“Yeah, but. That needs to be a priority. As soon as he is located, he needs to be brought the bridge. I have to make a stop, but I’ll be p soon.”

“Roger, ma’am.” The line clicked, and Hyuga put the phone down. “God.”

“What?” Maya asked.

“The Major just asked me to prepare the Samson option?”

“We don’t…we won’t need that, will we?” Maya asked, shocked. Hyuga’s mind filled momentarily with the image of a great, smoking crater in the ground, ash and carbonized molecules drifting through the air of where there had once been a vast, layered structure. And somewhere at the center of that smoldering wasteland would have been the place that they had been sitting, at the bridge, when they blew it all up.

“No…I trust it won’t come to that,” Hyuga mumbled, and then cursed himself for making foolish promises. On the screen, the soldiers had finished their smoke break. They hefted their rifles, and went back to work.


Shinji stared out over the bloody sea, as the gory water sopped on to the sand. The remains of the old wold lingered around him, and the afterbirth of the new one was splattered in front of him. It pooled in the sea, and seemed sprinkled across the sky: a great, red band that seemed to splatter against the moon. A gash in the sky.

He had been here before. He would be here again. He was there, and then not. He was here, and then never. He was in all places, at all times, and this is where he would always find himself, again and again. It would be always be here, and he would always be in this place.

“Hey, there, kid,” the voice said, and it was familiar in ways that were both saddening and nostalgic. He turned to the source, and saw a tall man next to him, thin but solid. He seemed younger than he should be, but older than time. He looked very familiar, but Shinji couldn’t decide from where.

“Hi,” he mumbled, listless.

“How are you holding up?”

“…I’m good. I guess.”

“That’s good. Keep yourself upright, you know.”


“Apathy at that age…I remember that.”

“Go away.”

“Not when I just got here.” The man stretched, gazing out over the ocean. “We always end up back at this one spot. It’s like we can’t ever avoid it. We’re being drawn to it, you know?”


“This spot. This beach. This water. This sky. It’s here, waiting for us and demanding our presence.” The man looked at Shinji. The boy thought he looked like Kaji, and he felt pain. Pain and loss, that disappeared as quickly as it arrived, pushed back into the box. Distant, and closed.

“What are you talking about?” Shinji mumbled.

“That this place is meant for us. Tailor made and designed. In one form, or another.”

“One form…or….”

“Hey, look, it’s starting,” the man said, and pointed up. Shinji looked, as light split across the sky. Thousands of crosses seemed to linger overhead, and he felt a strange sense of longing and dread.

“Don’t run away.”


He sat up, wobbly and feeling fuzzy. There was gentle noise, the hum of machines and low-voices of people moving around him. He squirmed into a sitting position, drool slicked on his cheek from slipping too hard. He rubbed ineffectually at it, snuffling. His eyes focused, and he saw Asuka in the bed next to him.

The image of that night came to him, when he found her sleeping next to him. The panic, the sweat, the butterflies and shocking desire all muddled up and mingled. Looking at her now brought none of that. Just hurt. Hurt, and confusion, and other feelings. Deep, dark and hopeless feelings. Shuddering, he got to his feet, carefully moving next to her bed.

She had gone away. Not physically, she was always there, but she had gone away. She was not here, and had not been here for a while. Not since that day, that day when she just couldn’t Pilot anymore. That day when she began changing, and the change frightened him, and he looked at her and he saw Asuka, but it wasn’t. It was an impostor, and he wanted who she was back. He wanted her to scoff at him. To talk down to him. To call him an idiot. Anything.

To be here again, and not gone.

“Wake up,” he mumbled. Asuka did not respond. He gazed over her, the twisted sheets, the immaculate bandages on her wrists. The wires…why were there so many wires. “Wake up, come on,” he mumbled, a bit louder, a hint of a whine. He reached out and gently shook her shoulder.

“Get up, get up,” he said. “You need to get up. You don’t get to run away.” She didn’t respond, so he shook harder. “I said get up!” he said, his voice breaking. He jerked her shoulder, gripping it tightly with his fingers.

“Hey, stop that!” one of the medics snapped, but Shinji didn’t hear him. He shook Asuka roughly, and began sobbing.

“You’re supposed to be here! I have to be here! You have to be here!” Someone grabbed him and pulled him away. It was not difficult, because he was only a boy, and a small one at that. He fought against the hands, but he was lifted off of his feet and dragged back. “Wake up! Wake up!” he screamed. One of the medics fussed over Asuka, checking the wires and bandages. “Don’t touch her!” Shinji shrieked, kicking and squirming. He tried to pry the hands away, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t stop, though. He couldn’t stop. He couldn’t run away. Not now. He couldn’t.

“Shinji!” Misato’s face filled his vision, and he relaxed slightly. He didn’t stop squirming, though, and kept pushing. Kept trying. “Shinji, stop! Stop…just relax. It’s me, okay?” She cupped his face in his hands, as tears soaked his cheeks. “Relax.” Shinji sighed, and stopped fighting.

“She won’t wake up,” he whimpered.

“She’s hurt, Shinji, she won’t wake up for a little while,” Misato explained. “You need to stop this.”

“She…has to wake up, I can’t…she….”

“She will wake up. You need to calm down.” Shinji tried to look past Misato at Asuka.

“…I need to help her. I didn’t help, I…I should have…I mean, I had….”

“Let’s go, okay? You stay with me for a bit, and let’s leave Asuka alone, okay? There’s someplace else I want you to be for a bit. Help me out, huh?”

“I can’t help, I can’t help. I don’t…I’m not…no one…please don’t….” His eyes went glassy, and he fell away into murmuring. Misato’s face went hard, but not cruel.

“Come on. You’re not going to get rest here.” She began to guide him back towards the door. He tried to resist, and then slid to a halt. Rei was staring at him, her expression somewhere between curious and bland. He felt embarrassed, and reminded of the strangeness around him. That wasn’t Rei. That was someone else. And yet, he felt ashamed of being like this, in front of her. He wiped his face, and hurried into the hallway. Misato followed, watching closely.

“Let’s put you in my office,” she suggested. “The couch in there is comfortable.”

“…I don’t care,” he grumbled. Misato sighed, nodding.

“Okay. That’s fine. Let’s…let’s get you settled then.” Shinji shrugged, his addled brain sifting images. The bloody beach. The man who was so familiar. Rei who was not Rei. Asuka who was not Asuka.

Shinji who was not Shinji.
Though, Gob still might look good in a cocktail dress.

Rei wanted to know what waffles tasted like.
-Literary Eagle

We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, and work. But work has to come in third.
-Leslie Knope

Come read EVA Sessions! This place has it, too! There'll be pizza! Not really! There are other things, too! Not EVA Sessions! Did I mention the pizza!?

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Postby ElMariachi » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:25 pm

Okayyyyy, now that's becoming weird! :bigeyes:

So this story is in the "You Can (Never) Trust" universe, and we have a time loop with an older Obi Wan Shinji? :psyduck:
Kensuke is a military otaku who, at one point, is shown creepily taking pictures of girls to sell. He would clearly fit right in as an animator at Studio Gainax. -- Compiling_Autumn
EoTV is a therapist, EoE is a drill instructor. -- Chuckman
Seriously, that is the most fananked theory I've ever heard, more than Mari being Marty McFly travelling through time to keep her parents (Asushin) together. -- Jäeger

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Postby Gob Hobblin » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:44 pm

the choice of name is coincidental, and has no connection to the character from my other story. it's a reference to the biblical judge pulling the palace down on his head and the heads of his enemies.
Though, Gob still might look good in a cocktail dress.

Rei wanted to know what waffles tasted like.
-Literary Eagle

We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, and work. But work has to come in third.
-Leslie Knope

Come read EVA Sessions! This place has it, too! There'll be pizza! Not really! There are other things, too! Not EVA Sessions! Did I mention the pizza!?

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Postby Bagheera » Thu Nov 13, 2014 5:50 pm

Don't forget that Asuka's sedated, not catatonic or comatose or whatever. I think you're aware of that, but just wanted to reiterate the point.

Also, not sure who Misato's hostages are.
For my post-3I fic, go here.
The law doesn't protect people. People protect the law. -- Akane Tsunemori, Psycho-Pass
People's deaths are to be mourned. The ability to save people should be celebrated. Life itself should be exalted. -- Volken Macmani, Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra
I hate myself. But maybe I can learn to love myself. Maybe it's okay for me to be here! That's right! I'm me, nothing more, nothing less! I'm me. I want to be me! I want to be here! And it's okay for me to be here! -- Shinji Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Yes, I know. You thought it would be something about Asuka. You're such idiots.

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Postby Gob Hobblin » Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:02 pm

remember that Shinji doesn't know that Asuka is sedated. he's very tenuously aware of what's going on around him at the moment.

the hostages are the crf troops (hostage in this case being in the classical sense). they are part of the conspiracy; there are just enough of them to surround the geofront in a very public manner, and make it difficult for other j s s d f troops to launch an offensive. they can't stop an attack but their presence delays one.

......the commandos are in on Melchizidek.
Though, Gob still might look good in a cocktail dress.

Rei wanted to know what waffles tasted like.
-Literary Eagle

We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, and work. But work has to come in third.
-Leslie Knope

Come read EVA Sessions! This place has it, too! There'll be pizza! Not really! There are other things, too! Not EVA Sessions! Did I mention the pizza!?

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Postby Sicarius VI » Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:29 pm

Kept seeing this thread the past few days, and due to my lack of attention I didn't know what category it is in, and then I decided to click, and therefor read your fanfic, I'll say the same thing I said to Bagheera and Pwhodges, since I am not a writer I do not believe I have the right to be critical about someone else's work. With that said I will however state that I am really enjoying your fanfiction, doesn't seem like there will be much of any WAFF going on in here.

Anyways did you ever read Evangelion Genocide: Extended, once I realized that this was a alternate EOE scenario I thought of the latter.

Also how many chapter will you make this? Do you have any idea yet?
"I'm not going there to die, I'm going to find out if I'm really alive." - Spike Spiegel

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Postby Literary Eagle » Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:05 pm

Hmm, so they still haven't found Fuyutsuki yet. I wonder what he's planning to do? As for Shinji's mysterious dream, that has me even more curious! Please keep up the good work, Gob Hobblin!
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Postby MisterHalt » Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:09 pm

Fuyu is either having a SuperNap, or he's working on his own stuff for stopping Third Impact. Or both.
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Postby ElMariachi » Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:28 am

I think he's more trying to find a way to ensure that he and Gendo's version of Instrumentality happens, but that won't be easy, with Rei in custody and the place swarming with soldier loyal to Misato.

View Original PostGob Hobblin wrote:the hostages are the crf troops (hostage in this case being in the classical sense). they are part of the conspiracy; there are just enough of them to surround the geofront in a very public manner, and make it difficult for other j s s d f troops to launch an offensive. they can't stop an attack but their presence delays one.

......the commandos are in on Melchizidek.

So, we have the CRF reinforcements that just arrived and who will make a public show of guarding the entrances to delay the order of an assault, then we have the incoming commandos that also are secretly part of Misato's conspiracy?

Well then things seems to be going smoothly for Misato, which of course means that it'll be even more violent and gruesome when things will inevitably go pear-shaped! :devil:

Judging by your explanation about "Samson" in the Bible, I supposed that it's the plan of blowing up the whole place, taking out Lilith and the Evas in the process so SEELE or Gendo will never be able to start an Impact.
Kensuke is a military otaku who, at one point, is shown creepily taking pictures of girls to sell. He would clearly fit right in as an animator at Studio Gainax. -- Compiling_Autumn
EoTV is a therapist, EoE is a drill instructor. -- Chuckman
Seriously, that is the most fananked theory I've ever heard, more than Mari being Marty McFly travelling through time to keep her parents (Asushin) together. -- Jäeger

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Postby ChaddyManPrime » Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:38 am

Actually I think it'd be cooler if Shinji and Unit 01 bring down the Pyramid, gives that nice allusion to him attempting to do it in Rebuild and him doing it as a kid in EoE.

Are we to expect any eye gore injuries happening to Shinji in this story?
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Postby Bagheera » Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:31 am

View Original PostElMariachi wrote:^
I think he's more trying to find a way to ensure that he and Gendo's version of Instrumentality happens, but that won't be easy, with Rei in custody and the place swarming with soldier loyal to Misato.

I'm a little worried about that, actually. Fuyu was never that loyal, and he was very much a "whichever way the wind blows" sort. Not sure I like the idea of him being a major antagonist.
For my post-3I fic, go here.
The law doesn't protect people. People protect the law. -- Akane Tsunemori, Psycho-Pass
People's deaths are to be mourned. The ability to save people should be celebrated. Life itself should be exalted. -- Volken Macmani, Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra
I hate myself. But maybe I can learn to love myself. Maybe it's okay for me to be here! That's right! I'm me, nothing more, nothing less! I'm me. I want to be me! I want to be here! And it's okay for me to be here! -- Shinji Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Yes, I know. You thought it would be something about Asuka. You're such idiots.

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Postby ElMariachi » Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:54 am

View Original PostBagheera wrote:I'm a little worried about that, actually. Fuyu was never that loyal, and he was very much a "whichever way the wind blows" sort. Not sure I like the idea of him being a major antagonist.

Well, he decided to follow through Gendo's plan partly to thwart SEELE, but mainly to be able to see Yui again, and since he's hiding instead of accepting that he lost and peacefully surrendering, he's obviously preparing something in his corner.
Kensuke is a military otaku who, at one point, is shown creepily taking pictures of girls to sell. He would clearly fit right in as an animator at Studio Gainax. -- Compiling_Autumn
EoTV is a therapist, EoE is a drill instructor. -- Chuckman
Seriously, that is the most fananked theory I've ever heard, more than Mari being Marty McFly travelling through time to keep her parents (Asushin) together. -- Jäeger

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Postby Gob Hobblin » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:59 pm

...I actually have no freaking clue what Fuyu is up to, and that has me a little worried. I honestly thought I knew the guy, but it turns out he has a lot more skeletons in his closet than I thought he did.

He is a wild card.
Though, Gob still might look good in a cocktail dress.

Rei wanted to know what waffles tasted like.
-Literary Eagle

We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, and work. But work has to come in third.
-Leslie Knope

Come read EVA Sessions! This place has it, too! There'll be pizza! Not really! There are other things, too! Not EVA Sessions! Did I mention the pizza!?

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Postby IronEvangelion » Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:38 am

I love this story so far, great job. I can't wait to find out what happened to Fuyutsuki.

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Postby Gob Hobblin » Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:47 pm

Next chapter up.



Shinji began bawling by the time Misato got him into her office. It had started as small sniffles, the kind that a boy would produce when trying not to cry. As soon as they were walking through the threshold of her office door, the sniffles abruptly went right out the window, replaced by shuddering, deep peals of misery and despair. His legs gave out from under him in that moment, and he collapsed in a heap on the floor, completely given over the tears, the consuming sadness.

Misato was at a loss. She found herself trapped between irritation, frustration, sympathy, concern…a whole melange of emotions that left her with no clear idea of what to do.

“Shinji, come on,” she cooed, leaning down next to him. “There’s no reason to—”

“I killed him!” he bawled. “I felt it! His…the crunching…in my fingers…I felt the bones…!” He was forcing out words between gasping breaths and shuddering heaves. “I crushed him, and I killed him, and I’m wrong, wrong, I’m all wrong inside!”

It was starting to become clearer to Misato why Shinji had slipped like this. Not entirely, but that was a new factor of it. She had not considered the height of the synchronization, had not considered that the way in which the Angelic infiltrator was eliminated may be a contributor to…this. Shinji would have felt it all: the fragile bones snapping under his palm, the sense of life bursting through his fingers like a popped balloon. The entire time thinking that this was his friend.

“He wasn’t your friend, you know,” Misato tried to reason. “He was an Angel…it was all a trick.”

“It’s all a trick!” he screamed, whirling around and glaring at Misato with such hatred that she recoiled. “He loved me! It felt real! It felt really real!” He scooted backwards, deeper into the office and away from Misato. “No one loves me! And if he loved me to make me…to trick me…what does that say about you!?” He wobbled to his feet. “Or Asuka? Or Rei? Or my father!?” He was still backing away, and he collided with Misato’s desk, stacked high with papers and reports she had long neglected. The tower of office material shifted and spilled. Shinji turned and helped the catastrophe along, swiping it onto the floor and sending Misato’s phone, lamp, and one of her pen-containers against the wall.

“You all don’t care about me, you just want what you can get from me! Do this, do that, kill him, kill him, kill him!” He picked up her keyboard and chucked it across the room at Misato. She didn’t move, staring at him impassively as the missile passed by her at a wide margin. “I want to die! I want to die! I want everyone to die!” He threw her mouse this time, which passed a little closer. He ripped her monitor off of the table, held it over his head, and slammed it on the floor. It popped violently, glass shards blossoming into the air and the acrid smell of something burning filling the room. The force of the action tipped him, and he stumbled back and fell down. He stayed on the floor, sobbing quietly and exhausted in his rage.

Misato surveyed the destruction he had caused, and tried to pinpoint exactly where he had lost it. She was flummoxed. Completely confused. One minute, he was an empty vessel, barely there on the surface, much less beneath. And with seemingly no provocation…from nowhere…he had done this. All of this, with such anger, and hate, and hurt, hurt upon hurt. There was a part of her with no sympathy whatsoever. So he hurt…so what? Who didn’t these days? Did his suffering mean more than her suffering? Did he give more than she did? Did he know what she felt when Kaji…?

When Kaji…?

She bit her lip, fighting the tears down. Buck up and soldier on. That’s what you did, and that’s what he needed to do now. She had no time to wet-nurse a child in the middle of all that was happening

…and this child was at the center of all that was happening. She reminded herself why she had made her decision, her choice to take on those shadowy elements that Kaji had battled in this direct and forward manner. She done it because there was a door. And on the other side of the door was a boy, and that boy had killed his best friend and was told he was a good boy for doing so. He had soldiered on…time and again. He had done what he could, what he thought was best, was right, and it had broken him. Little by little, piece by piece. When she had finally intervened, done something she thought was right…what needed to be done…he had already sunk so low that he was now open in his desire.

Kill the world. Kill myself. Kill it all away until it felt better. The lack of sympathy slowly dissolved, and she stared at the child she had set out to help. Her shoulder still throbbed from where he bit her. She endured that, but that was a trivial pain. An easy thing to overcome. Could she endure this?

She had to. She had made that decision, and she would follow through with it.

Misato crossed the officer, and crouched next to Shinji, hugging her knees. “Shinji, I don’t know if I love you,” she said. “I am fond of you, and I don’t like seeing you hurt. I started this…thing, to try and protect you. To take you out of it. I think that’s a kind of love, don’t you?”

“Don’t make me do it again,” he whimpered. “I don’t want to do it again.”

“Shinji…sweetie, you may have to.” He covered his face, and turned to the floor, withdrawing. Hesitantly, she reached out, like trying to pet an unfamiliar dog. She touched his shoulder, and he flinched. He did not fight her off. “It is…awful, what you can do. What you have to do. And right now I think you’re the only one that can do it. I don’t know if…Asuka can, right now. Or ever again. And I don’t….Shinji, I don’t trust Rei…right now. This Rei.

“We have one Evangelion left to us, and it’s the strongest one ever made. And…you’re its Pilot. You’re the only one who can Pilot it, so you might need to. If I could do it for you, I would. In a heartbeat. I can’t, though. That’s you.” She swallowed, thinking on what he had said.

Great job, Misato, you idiot, that voice in her head said. The one that sounded like her, and commonly told her all the little things she did wrong in her life. He just told you how he felt used by everyone. Tell him you need him together so you can use him some more.

“Look, it’s…Shinji, I’m an awful person. I don’t know how to do this, okay? You need someone who’s not me. No one needs someone like me. I’m…the worst kind of person.” A single eye peaked up at her, from between tear-soaked fingers. She swallowed. “I want to run away so many times in the day I stop counting. I…did want to kill myself. Sometimes I still do. I think that would be better for everyone, sometimes. It would be better for you.”

She shifted, kneeling on the floor and feeling ugly inside, the ugliness that seemed constant these days. “I don’t, though, because I’m the only one who can do what I do. I have to. I…I knew what these people were going to do, I knew it. And no one else did, or at least…no one in Nerv that needed to. I had to do something, right? I couldn’t run away from that, and I want to, because…I’m very scared, Shinji. I’ m scared I made a mistake. I’m scared that it will fail at any second, and everything I tried to do will not…matter. I’m scared everyone I know will be killed, and that I couldn’t stop it. I’m scared that I overlooked something.

“Hell, I’m just…I’m even scared of dying. Funny how that works, huh? Want to kill myself one minute, but can’t stand the thought of being killed at the same time.” She laughed lightly. “Maybe it’s a woman thing, I don’t know.” She sniffed, looking up at the ceiling. This frank admission of how she felt was wearying, and her eyes stung. “You hold it together, though. You don’t know what’s at the other end, but you hold on tight, cut off what you can’t save, and maybe you’ll have saved something important at the other end. Or failed. But if you run…if you do nothing, you fail anyway. At least…that’s how I see it.”

She looked down. Two eyes stared up at her, red-rimmed and hollow but wide and focused. She smiled. “I…Shinji, I still say you did a good thing, with…the Fifth Child. I am so sorry, however, that you had to do that to a friend. I am. But…Shinji, it doesn’t make you a bad person. It makes us bad people for making you do it. It makes the Fifth Child a bad person for putting that decision on you.” She took her hand away from his shoulder, brushed his hair away from his face. “You save the world every other day, Shinji. Bad people don’t do that.”

“I don’t want to save the world anymore,” he mumbled. “I…I don’t.”

“And you shouldn’t have to. At the end of this…maybe you won’t. I still need you, though. Shinji, the enemy I’m facing…that we face…we don’t know what they’ll throw at us. And we may need you to Pilot again. We just…we might need it. If you don’t…we won’t win. And everything we did won’t matter anymore. We’ll all be dead. You, me, Rei, Asuka. Maya, Hyuga, Aoba, Ritz….” She sighed, and was preparing to name more names when he sat up, slowly and carefully. He leaned against her desk, looking like he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

“…I’m sorry I messed up your office,” he mumbled.

“Ah, it’s just stuff. Stuff is nothing,” she said, smiling. “If it makes you feel better, go ahead and wreck it some more.”

“I want things to be…back to the way they were. Before…it…I dunno, just the way they were.”

“We can’t…go back,” Misato said, feeling a sudden stab of pain in her heart. He’ll be just a memory, now. “We can go forward, however, and we can make what’s in front of us better than what was behind.”

Shinji nodded, but he didn’t seem sold on that. He looked down at his hands, and he sat silently. Misato stayed with him, having nothing more to say.


The search for the Vice-Commander continued, even as the mutineers secured the remaining pockets of resistance. One by one, squads of Section 2 men and surprised Seele sleeper agents were captured, separated, and sequestered to the GeoFront’s security block. Kozo Fuyutsuki was nowhere to be found among any of the surly, shocked, and dismayed prisoners.

This was simply because he was in the one, single place that no one would have thought to look.


The Evas always had a ‘standby’ Plug inserted, filled with oxygenated LCL, for storage. The theory was that, in a scramble, a Pilot could enter this Plug much more rapidly than the normal launch Plug sitting back in the loading cradle. During a normal launch sequence, the standby would be removed, clearing the way for the launch Plug. In standby mode, it was considered just good housekeeping: keeping the Plug filled was recorded to be good for the Eva’s internal systems. It was something that was so normal to the standard operating procedures for the Evangelion’s that no one had even remembered that Unit One and Two still had their standby Plugs in.

No one had thought to even consider that the professor-turned-paramilitary officer was floating in LCL bath of one of those Plugs at this very moment.

Fuyutsuki took one final, measured breath, and relaxed deeper into his trance-like state. When the coup had started, he knew…he knew…that this was it. The critical juncture. This was when Gendo would make his move. This was when Seele would make its grab for godhood. This was it, and he had no options. No choices left. So, he enacted the plan he himself had pondered…if not actually prepared for…when the Event came into being.

Ensuring that no one would be looking into the Plug’s was as simple as disconnecting a few discrete wires connected to the monitoring and entry warning systems. There would be no reason to check the Plugs during this time, and so he decided to try one thing he had always mused on. This was the last chance he would get, and he had nothing to lose. Activating the Plug, at low enough levels to be unobtrusive, but with enough power to form a nascent synchronization link, Fuyutsuki had closed his eyes, calmed his rattled nerves, and began to slip down into a dream-like state of calm.

Theoretically, one could enter a state of sympathetic synchronization, if not actualized synchronization, in this manner. It would not be enough to move an Evangelion (not that Fuyutsuki could ever hope to do that), but it could share information. There could be a transfer of thoughts, or feelings. Or words. It was all he had left, and he was taking every throw of the dice to see if it worked.

At some point…some strange, and unreal moment…Fuyutsuki began to speak. It was an unconscious thing, the moment when he felt he could go no deeper, form no further connection. It was the Edge, and he was shouting over the border.

“Yui…,” he whispered. Slowly, the word seemed to take a shape and form not of its sound, and Fuyutsuki felt that was the sign he was waiting for. “Yui-kun…we need to talk.”

He waited for a response, and when none came, he continued. “I don’t know if you can hear me, or even if you care, but there are things you need to know, and decisions you have to make. And I feel I have a right…no, a…a duty to inform you on those decisions. As your teacher, and…friend.” He felt relaxed…giddy, even. This was something he had determined he would never, ever do, but doing it now was strangely uplifting. It lightened, somehow.

“Those Men…the Men you told me about, the ones we dealt with back in those days…the ones you knew before Antarctica…the ones called Seele…you know them. You knew their goals then, what they would try to achieve. Yui, I think…they are trying, now. I think they are trying to accomplish what they set out to do. I know…I know that you have other plans. That you don’t want them to succeed in their…madness. We…are in danger right now. Yui, I…I think I know what you want. From our talks. And I have never told Gendo, even…even when I think I should have. I have been honest in this, and loyal to your request. I have to ask you now…do your plans include this? The end of humanity? Did you plan on your…success ending with you as a true monument? A shrine to a species that doesn’t exist anymore?”

He swallowed, and he felt tremendous sadness. The sadness of loss, lost opportunity, lost friends. Lost time. “I am…a foolish, old man. I have…let too many things go in the assumption that it would all be as it should be…that I would know what to do when the time was right. I…should have told you, long ago, how much you…touched me. And you did, Yui, you…I haven’t ever…I mean….” His heart ached, and he mumbled for a moment. “Eh…it never makes a difference, but sometimes these things need to be said. You are a remarkable woman, and…you left a remarkable boy behind.

“He has…gone through a lot. A great ordeal. And he is now here, left alone…at the end of this. He…we…we need you. Just for a little longer. I can’t…make you help us, I can’t…even be sure you’re hearing me. I have no way to gauge this, I…am praying…that you hear this. That you consider these things. That….” He closed his mouth, and sighed.

“Yui, god damn it, you stupid, idiotic, selfish woman, of all the things I should have told you, not going through with your wretched experiment was the first. And not leaving your son…to that. That was the second. He deserved better. We all did. Even…Gendo, he above all deserved better, and I can barely stand the man.” He sighed. He had nothing more to say, and he shrugged. “This was…my last chance to tell you these things. I hope you heard them. I hope…you will consider them.” He nodded, satisfied…and decided to face the music.


The sentries outside of the Bay were shocked when a sopping, copper-smelling man of tremendous height appeared through the doorway they were guarding. He regarded each of them the way a hunting bird regards a rabbit, and sniffed. “So…the Old Men have taken over, have they?”

“Who?” the first of the sentries asked, before recognizing Fuyutsuki. “Hey, wait a minute…you’re the Vice-Commander!”

“Oh, good: they blind can see,” Fuyutsuki mumbled.

“We have orders to detain you and bring you to Maj. Katsuragi!” the sentry continued, backing up and pointing his submachine gun at the man. Fuyutsuki gave him a disdainful look until the sentry lowered the submachine gun in chastised embarrassment.

“What do you mean ‘Maj. Katsuragi?’” Fuyutsuki demanded. “Explain what’s going on.”

“We are simply under orders to detain you until further notice. If you want explanations, you’ll have to talk to the Major,” the sentry said, while one of his fellows began speaking into a shoulder radio. Fuyutsuki considered this, piecing the elements together. Maybe this was Seele’s move, after all….

“Yes. Detain me and bring me to the Major at once,” Fuyutsuki ordered. The sentries looked at each other in confusion. “Are you not proper mutineers? You have a prisoner! I suggest you guard him!” Fuyutsuki scolded, until one by one they aimed their weapons at him. He nodded in satisfaction.

“Much better,” he said, pleased.

Though, Gob still might look good in a cocktail dress.

Rei wanted to know what waffles tasted like.
-Literary Eagle

We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, and work. But work has to come in third.
-Leslie Knope

Come read EVA Sessions! This place has it, too! There'll be pizza! Not really! There are other things, too! Not EVA Sessions! Did I mention the pizza!?

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Postby IronEvangelion » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:00 pm

I have a strange feeling that Fuyutsuki is going to think Misato is lying to him, then he'll find Shinji and manipulate him into doing something terrible.

Gob Hobblin
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Postby Gob Hobblin » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:12 pm

Goodness, think the worst of Fuyutsuki, why don't you?

Look at him:


Does that look like a villain to you?
Though, Gob still might look good in a cocktail dress.

Rei wanted to know what waffles tasted like.
-Literary Eagle

We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, and work. Or waffles, friends, and work. But work has to come in third.
-Leslie Knope

Come read EVA Sessions! This place has it, too! There'll be pizza! Not really! There are other things, too! Not EVA Sessions! Did I mention the pizza!?

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Postby amitakartok » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:31 pm

It's always the nice ones, Gob. Beware the nice ones.
Strategic Cyborg Evangelion : an average author's aspiring attempt at awesomeness. Currently at chapter 42.

Mana, Mayumi and Sakura: the TRUE goddesses of Eva

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Postby ElMariachi » Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:12 am

View Original Postamitakartok wrote:It's always the nice ones, Gob. Beware the nice ones.

Indeed, just look at EoE and who pulled the trigger to end the world! :tongue:

But anyway, Fuyu was swag as fuck in this chapter, it's nice to see someone calling on Yui on that crazy plan of her, let's see how that will influence events later, a nice power boost against the Harpies would be nice! ;)
Kensuke is a military otaku who, at one point, is shown creepily taking pictures of girls to sell. He would clearly fit right in as an animator at Studio Gainax. -- Compiling_Autumn
EoTV is a therapist, EoE is a drill instructor. -- Chuckman
Seriously, that is the most fananked theory I've ever heard, more than Mari being Marty McFly travelling through time to keep her parents (Asushin) together. -- Jäeger

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Postby Literary Eagle » Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:04 pm

Ah, so that's where Fuyutsuki was hiding! Interesting... I wonder what Yui will do about this? Hopefully she won't wait for Asuka to become harpy chow this time!
The Happy Red Planet (my Evangelion fan fic)

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