Through a Glass Darkly

Yeah. You read right. This is for everything that doesn't have anything to do with Eva.

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Through a Glass Darkly

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Postby Zuggy » Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:27 am

This information is dangerous to certain parasite(s)/demiurge(s).

Certain ’humans’ would like you to pay attention to other, false information, in a distractive manner.

Regardless, some posts of mine that have disappeared from other boards that I think contain some helpful hints…

Through a Glass Darkly.


Fairies : Wrong interpretation of giant insects.
Trolls : Wrong interpretation of genetic aberration.
Pixies : Wrong interpretation of plant consciousness.
Elves : Wrong interpretation of tree consciousness.

That applies to the archetypal ‘grid’ system that underlies human consciousness.

When I say alien I mean in the sense of foreign to the body, foreign to what reality is suppose to be like, not little green men.

An aspect of the alien parasite that plunders our planet is to take what is real and put (very ugly and offensive-looking --- Venus badly aspect/placed) 'human' faces and characteristics onto Nature (God's garden or creation). Thus, those who are real (of Nature) will become repelled by it as it has been associated with the plastic-people (alien parasites that seeks to standardise humans and keep them working as slaves, The Crowd).

God is like someone with endless resources who spends them in looking after other creatures. God did not create in order to make-use-of. People have become slaves because their creator was murdered by those who still run things today.

Wake up from the spell. Those casting it are very interested in Montauk Project related subjects because it correctly points the finger at the actual cause of all problems. They do not want to be exposed, thus the truth which exposes them is targeted for treatment which makes it into something which sounds ridiculous to ‘normal’ modes of thought (which means standardised thought, which entails parastic infection) which actually means the non-thinking bait-swallowing acceptance of the standardised person.

The ka is also called the double or the soul. It is ethereal in substance. Heaven is really the ether; because heaven is mind and matter working in symbiotic conjunction with one another. This is also the same as the worlds of the living and what we call worlds of the dead being the same world (fusion). The reason they are perceived as separate is that there is a consciousness here which is not only addicted to plundering this planet --- and it is only mind-control (attempting to standardise humanity) which prevents everyone from automatically knowing about the reality of the soul --- it is also very afraid of what it has done to others so does not want retribution to come to it; it knows that to finally accept reality again will mean having to see itself for what it is (so it resides in it’s own eternal psychosis) and more important, it will have to feel what it has done. It is able to continue the lie, the lie which disables all thinking, because it has stopped itself from being able to empathise (right-brain mentality). It has the ability to distort reality and then not feel the consequences of these distortions, because of the way it has programmed itself to survive.


All humans have a third eye, which is the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain. This is like the CPU of people and your soul uses this to be able to interface (receive and transmit) with all dimensions. What the parasite has done is disable the operation of the third eye in many people, so their brain hemispheres do not work together --- a reflection of heaven and earth being separated.

You can easily check this if you have a part of you which rejects your intuition and feelings, if this is so you have been programmed to ignore what you feel and what you inherently know is true, and you replace it with what you are supposed to think is true. You will have been programmed to police your own thoughts, because the logical circuits of the left brain have over-ridden the feeling circuits of the right brain. you will give in to programs like "boys don't cry, if they do they are …" and other things like that (cultural stereotypes). This is also why many people do not remember much about their early years (or perinatal stuff for that matter), because when they learned to use the languages and symbols (education/indoctrination) which this world communicates with, these languages and concepts have no descriptions and no recognition of perceiving reality as a whole (using both hemispheres in balance). So they are left with using a mode of communication which can only communicate a tiny part of what can be experienced (it is hard to describe Love using symbol-artefacts). This results in reception to those experiences becoming less and less real because the language areas of the brain cannot process them into the symbol-system they have been taught to use (modern alienation and neurosis).


The manner of operation of the alien-parasite is similar to taking a network of computers and using machine code to in effect erase the computers ability to recognise machine code as it's language (preventing this information from reaching the CPU). Thus when a computer is plugged into the network and has not had it's machine code recognition erased, it will find itself linked to other computers with no memory of the basis of their operation and function. This is the same as your soul incarnating into this time and finding that most peoples don't even remember that they incarnated here. Their memories have been overwritten with lies. They might even be reluctant to look into the possibility that they existed before conception or birth. Everything is disordered and does not seem to have a purpose --- because the ability to recognise and know the purpose of life and existence has been either erased or re-routed.

So the Ubermensch (a concept originating from Nietzsche) refers to being un-tampered with --- being in the original state of being (Adam and Eve). It is available if your body (ba) and soul (ka) are not separated at all from one another.

The timeline thing that crops up in relation to this Montauk business, is a reflection of how DNA makes copies of itself. The ka and ba (heaven and earth) are separated (same as removing magickal abilities) because the alien parasite is making copies of our world (splitting timelines). Just a reflection of what we are allowing some ‘scientists’ to do to our food chain with GM type technology.

If this sounds far fetched, then try this:

Alien abduction = humans tagging animals.


The way we treat the life-forms which we are built upon and depend upon (water, rock, mineral, crystal, plant-life, animals = Gaia) - that is what will happen to us. That the two hemispheres are not operating together allows us to not get proper feedback from what we do to the planet (similar to how the Incunabula scientists used biofeedback).

So, although the false genetics manufacturers do not even understand what a lot of the genetic code is (the bits they don't understand they call ‘junk DNA’ and ignore it completely, saying it is the leftover remnants from human evolution), they still continue to mess about with the rest of the code. It could be that though these modified genes get into the food chain that it won't have a terribly bad effect --- but the point is greater than that. The point is that over and over again those with the least ability to perceive and think according to what is, are somehow able to get paid to mess about with stuff that they have no/little comprehension of. Meanwhile, anyone communicating sense about the situation do not get listened to (another symptom of standardisation that I mentioned above).

The sorry situation of the separation of the sexes in most so-called civilised cultures is a reflection of us having let the same kinds of senseless consciousness mess around with atoms.

There is money to be made in going along with a mind which is hell-bent on ruining this planet and humans.

Have a good think about how money got here. Think about beekeepers. They look after the bees, they get some honey out of it. Should be symbiotic, no?

Money is useless to humans --- it is mined elements (metal) and processed dead plants (paper) that is assigned a value of equivalency to actual tangible things needed to survive in this current situation --- food, water, clothing, shelter etc.

What has happened to humans is like this happening to bees:

The beekeeper learns to speak 'bee' and manages to convince the bees to give all their honey to the beekeeper (like you giving your time and energy for money). In exchange the bees get an amount of small pieces of metal from the beekeeper. They then use these pieces of metal to trade with the beekeeper for food.

Now, I can understand that originally currency in the form of mined elements, minerals, had trade value because the actual metal itself was useful. It may have been a good trade for you to do some work in exchange for metal instead of you mining or finding the metal for yourself.

However, that doesn't apply to many today. I doubt even those making a living that involves using metal would have much use for coinage today --- at least money actually used to contain elements like silver. As for paper, that came out of using IOU notes (then the evolution of contacts/banks).

So, do you know the code of which you are built? What about the code of that which you eat?

How can things get so bad that those who are meant to be intelligent go to university, get a degree and can wind up changing a code for a wage which they don't even understand most of. How would you like having your house built by a team who didn't know what most of the blueprints meant and decided to just leave parts they didn’t understand out of the construction of the house? It would be terrible and very dangerous to live in such a house/system, what if important load-bearing walls were simply left out?

But we do the equivalent on a smaller scale all the time --- and then feed it to our children. Won't this have an effect on their own genes, given that food is what your body uses to build itself (you may have heard about the recent findings of how red meat damages your DNA within the lining of the colon, similar dynamic)?

If your higher self was like where the dodgem car plugged into, and it was switched off, you'd be out pushing your car.

Or to bring that home, you'd be using energy up propelling yourself instead of being able to move with thought (your freewill would be limited because you do not have the same capability for movement that you had before).

Ka separated from ba = you are limited on a 2D plane of movement = you pushing your dodgem.
Ka and ba working in conjunction = you have free movement in full rotation = you and your dodgem working together symbiotically with the power switched on and your effective utilisation of the energy grid above you.


Also, humans have more phenotypes than most animals do for the same reason that animals who have lots of different phenotypes have them (phenotypes are genetically the same but look different, like dogs are dogs, but they look different and have different breeds because people have breed them to be like that, species separation). It is the same with people, they have their cultivators/breeders, some of whom pit their races against one another.

We should be answering only to 'Gods' whom produce/utilise beneficial emotions in us.

So, the ones who use humans to produce fear and hate and discomfort and other unharmonious/self-destructive feelings are the same ones who rely on keeping us stupid/separated from ourselves (hemispheres in opposition, third eye ‘closed‘), so we don't remember or even notice what is going on in reality.

Remember what I wrote before about how and why the concept of the ether was erased, the ether is where thoughts and emotions are tangible (archetypal); gods (ETs) which is similar to our ka's - 'feed' (exist) on Love. Love is also what joins our ka's to our bodies. When it is missing, they separate (Dan Winter’s theory on waves compacting non-destructively).

So, our culture tends to condemn those who make us whole again, who give us back our natural power (remember, because they do not fit into the standardisation plan either).

Most modern cultures are a product of parasitical consciousness (well, they are based on money and domination aren't they?). They are only beneficial to those forms of life (non-human) that require non-functioning humans (people who are infected with mind-control/cultural and personal standardisation, and spiritually out of synch) in order to survive.

It may well be that those entrusted to keep the correct knowledge (education) being given out to people, while the 'Gods' were away (doesn't matter whether they flew away on Vimanas, or with their own Merkabah fields or if a Kali Yoga was approaching and it was your own ka that knew it was about to depart from your conscious awareness for a time, it has the same effect, BTW, Merkabahs are counter-rotating fields, similar to how some micro-organisms propel themselves about by creating counter-rotational fields about themselves, so it can be used as a astral form of travel in a similar way) decided instead to abuse this power and keep it to themselves (dominator mentality). This has gone on for so long that maybe when they realised what a massive mistake they had made it was too late to communicate the facts, they would tell the truth and people would think they were mad. So since that they have been panicking/meddling in an effort to fix what went wrong without it becoming apparent that they did do what they did do in the past (Montauk).


This is the reason for time and reality manipulation experiments. They are used to repair the separation of ba & ka; but also have been used by those responsible for the separation to try and cover up what they did to actually cause the separation (separation of the two hemispheres of the brain/of mind and matter).

I.e. Say they would try to change what had already happened, so it would be like it hadn't happened.

This only works in specific circumstances, mostly if you are not using it to save your own ass, for a start. So they usually make it worse because it wasn't something they needed to use to fix what they had done --- they could have fixed it without really referring to that they had caused the damage in the first place.


The news and associated media are a good way to gauge what stage of awareness the parasite(s) want you to be at. So you can use it to see their fears and plans because it is the song/program which many minds are dancing to (do you think that the news tells you 'what's going on' or do you know that it tells you 'what you are meant to think is relevant'?). It isn't just this form of the media; but it is incredibly underestimated what merely the actual broadcasts themselves are doing, I mean the effect they have just being transmitted (remember they are really moving through the ether and create DOR) and that even if you avoid newspapers, the collective human mind has a large number of minds entirely in the web of what a small minority wants you to concentrate your thoughts on.

Things like subliminal messages could be used to evolve consciousness… but they are used in many ways to put thoughts in your head that you need to buy things (that you really don't need) or that you need to look a certain way (are you free, or a slave to the cosmetics industry and the thought projections of it's workers who are mostly unpaid and unaware, about how-you-should-look).

So that's why even today you will see bullshit about what Crowley was all about, yes, the concept of Love really is that dangerous to the alien parasite.

The alien parasite comes into my life in this way; it seeks to find out what my interests and expectations are, what I consider to be important; it then pretends to have an interest in such things, very often making sure that I see it having this interest before I myself have declared such an interest (people have mass-hallucinations all the time, just look into UFO case reports, which means there is certainly a underlying field of consciousness between humans, even way back peeps were seeing angels etc on a mass scale, it is hard to say if angels/UFOs are actually tangible objects because throughout history, depending on cultural values the individual has, the angels/UFO change in appearance, so it makes more sense if these are projected by individuals themselves rather than being ’real’).


"Big fucking deal, Thoth!" You may say. I only wish to convey this:

We do not need the alien parasite(s); it needs us.

It has already tried to trick me by projecting a version of Love, or of pretending that it believes in Love --- because of what I post here today.

Herein I am admitting a sad but true fact --- by the time any answers or information is committed to print (or bytes in this case), you can be sure that the parasite(s) is aware of it and has already incorporated the information you have produced into it's big ol' file it keeps on you (which is categorised into ‘types‘ of consciousness).

Remember that it has not feelings --- it can make your pattern (your waveform) scramble (make you feel depressed) --- but it does not feel what that is like for you, it only knows that making you feel bad stops you from perceiving reality cleary, so it buys it time to keep the illusion and all the lies going.

Since it cannot feel, it is reliant on the information you have which is available in words in order to have things to use to control you. So, it dislikes Love because it can't actually be described --- but it is so very real.

It is unaware of the non-word forms of telepathy (soul languages). This is why it is in reality impossible to crush the human spirit --- because it is much bigger and has much more to it than the parasite is aware even exists (because of the illusion it keeps itself under in order to not feel pain).

Just to re-emphasise this --- an ET is like your ka. To bring it back more you need to remember existence before you learned whatever language you use and obviously you need to be aware of reality which isn't translatable into whatever language(s) you use.
one of the first (meta)programs is to separate imagination from reality --- you need to get your imagination back.

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that entheogens (psychedelic plants) were what accelerated human consciousness and were the means by which peoples communicated with the Gods to begin with (then ritual developed from that, due to the fact that mushrooms grow in relation to the lunar cycle, ritual leads to religion).

If you have ever had a psychedelic experience then you'll know that the words to describe it just don't exist (unless you speak in a way a dolphin can, but that's another story).

Most psychedelic molecules interact with the neurotransmitter serotonin --- they replace it where it would normally go in the brain. If you have tripped and seen 'trails' or 'tracers' that is seeing the effects that movement has on the ethers (it is also because you are perceiving time differently).

The similarities between serotonin and psilocybin (active molecule in mushrooms) are very curious. What can be said with 100% accuracy is that a very slight change in the serotonin molecule will make much more information available to your organic-sensory-apparatus (your central nervous system, only a very small percentage of impulses from your CNS are perceived by the brain, psychedelics increase percentage, this has been proven with EEG scanners and similar equipment, basically what you experience is more real that reality because you receive greater input from the environment around you).

The information which becomes available is not conductive to the type of consciousness which is the alien parasite(s). Psychedelics became illegal in most areas of the world because or this.

Being able to perform pointless and repetitive tasks which are harmful to your species in the long-term --- requires you to be able to ignore that you are doing that. Psychedelics don't let you lie to yourself in that way.

You are re-introduced to the planetary mind (Gaia or Rei) you think in a global citizen kind of way. Not conductive to a society which has borders restricting movement, and makes distinctions as to your rights depending upon the location you were born in.

In short, when Aldous Huxley wrote about a 'reducing valve' of consciousness he was right, as there is so much information about what the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge really were, and that Adam & Eve were genetically altered to be workers… I'll only mention that here and make the suggestion, that you will see elsewhere if you look into this topic, that the 'Fall' was literally a biochemical change within the body.

Well, that’s it, the ball is in your court. What you do now is up to you.

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Postby Defectron » Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:42 pm

Hmmmm, that's pretty interesting, I'll have to look into some of this later , I do have a few questions about this though.

Fairies : Wrong interpretation of giant insects.
Trolls : Wrong interpretation of genetic aberration.
Pixies : Wrong interpretation of plant consciousness.
Elves : Wrong interpretation of tree consciousness.

What exactly did you mean by this part at the begining?

people have mass-hallucinations all the time, just look into UFO case reports, which means there is certainly a underlying field of consciousness between humans, even way back peeps were seeing angels etc on a mass scale, it is hard to say if angels/UFOs are actually tangible objects because throughout history, depending on cultural values the individual has, the angels/UFO change in appearance, so it makes more sense if these are projected by individuals themselves rather than being ’real

I partially agree with this to an extent. But often times ufo's leave behind physical traces, and at least in some cases there do seem to be an external intelligance behind them, a good example of this is in cases surrounding the novelist Whitley Strieber. I've had a theory for awhile about how ufo's and peranormal creatures like mothman and the chupcaabra can do things that seemignly defy the laws of physics. My theory is that the world we know isnt real sort of like the matrix and while the physcal laws seem to be binding to us they really arent, and things like ufo's are beings that have found a way around this which is why they can do things that are seemingly impossible.

Anyway about the astral parasites, I have a freind whose basement used to be haunted by something that appeared to be feeding off of him parasitically much like how you described. It's gone now, but I was wondering about that. According to what you described here these parasites are very organized, but the being in his basement appeared to be acting on it's own and it wasnt too smart either because I effectively baited it into being trapped (It's a long story). There are some differences but do you think that might be the same sort of being as what you described here?
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Postby Titus » Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:52 pm

Ooooooo.... 0.o` - Kay....

Put down the weed, move away from the keyboard and go hand yourself in at the nearest police station for not only defying a court order to go see a shrink, but also confess to the murder of said shrink...

Ever heard of the Curtess Line? I think you just smoked yourself over it, or for that matter into a differant state of mind than that of myne, which does not bold well, conflict is enevitable...

"I say Evamonkey did it himself. After seeing that Titus had more Eva images than him, he was driven into a fit of jealousy that led him to set this up in the hope of infecting everyone with a trojan that automatically rooted through their harddrives and sending him any images he didnt already have." - Space Penis
"some of the most intelligent people I know are complete fuck ups, and some of the less intelligent ones are incredibly interesting and promising." - The Eva Monkey
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Postby Zuggy » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:43 pm

Defectron wrote:What exactly did you mean by that part at the beginning?

If you take some of the notes out of one of the other paragraphs it makes more sense.

Zugzwang wrote:Fairies : Wrong interpretation of giant insects.
Trolls : Wrong interpretation of genetic aberration.
Pixies : Wrong interpretation of plant consciousness.
Elves : Wrong interpretation of tree consciousness.

An aspect of the alien parasite that plunders our planet is to take what is real and put 'human' faces and characteristics onto Nature. Thus, those who are real (of Nature) will become repelled by it as it has been associated with the unreal/plastic-people.

Does that help?

Defectron wrote:I partially agree with this to an extent. But often times ufo's leave behind physical traces.

In my enthusiasm to put a concept across I missed a vital point! Yes, UFOs do leave behind physical traces of their presence sometimes, I personally don't believe that all sightings to be genuine, and that (maybe a majority) or sightings are manufactured by people themselves (whether this has anything to do with ETs themselves I don't know).

Maybe these beings can transverse physical laws because their ka and ba an working in conjunction? Your perspective about the world being comprised of information, you mean like simulated reality or our own (and others) reality-tunnels creating reality (impressing themselves onto the matrix to make sense of the endless information)? While you exist in a physical body you will be restricted by physical laws… Anyway, when I heard the descriptions from WW2 aircraftsmen of how lights were interacting with their planes on bombing missions, it reminded me of how dolphins play alongside boats.

The only reason these parasitic being(s) are organised at all is because they have denied themselves their emotive capability (think of how organised an army is), or they are all controlled in a groupmind kind of way. It doesn't make sense for a one of those parasites to be lurking in your friends basement, it would latch onto your friends soul at all times until he 'cleaned out' his Merkabah, it would be more likely to be some other type of entity, like those Anunnaki bastards.

Titus I love you!

I made some mistakes in my first post, namely in the right/left brain area, but it shouldn't be too hard to tell which I meant.

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Postby SEELE 08 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:50 pm

Ya' know Zuggy this is enough evidence to have you committed.
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Postby Zuggy » Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:27 pm

If I were to manifest myself in your world, would it be like walking on a pinhead? At least I could get from A to B fast.

If your perception/reality-tunnel is loose enough you can even be liberated from one, static personality. Each human totally replicates all the cells in their body within a seven year cycle and yet, we remain fundamentally the same person.

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Postby Titus » Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:57 pm

Zugzwang wrote:Titus I love you!

Signified...... :D

Most happy, my fan base is growing, (evil laugh, muhaha)...

*Rolls a joint*
"I say Evamonkey did it himself. After seeing that Titus had more Eva images than him, he was driven into a fit of jealousy that led him to set this up in the hope of infecting everyone with a trojan that automatically rooted through their harddrives and sending him any images he didnt already have." - Space Penis
"some of the most intelligent people I know are complete fuck ups, and some of the less intelligent ones are incredibly interesting and promising." - The Eva Monkey
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Postby Timesplitter 01 » Tue Feb 07, 2006 7:23 pm

Titus wrote:
Zugzwang wrote:Titus I love you!

Signified...... :D

Most happy, my fan base is growing, (evil laugh, muhaha)...

*Rolls a joint*

Pinky: What we going to do tonight Titus?

Titus: What we try do every night Pinky

Pinky: Whats that Titus

Titus: To try and take over the world ( not sure if this las line is correct, but meh)
Last edited by Timesplitter 01 on Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Titus » Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:11 am

"I say Evamonkey did it himself. After seeing that Titus had more Eva images than him, he was driven into a fit of jealousy that led him to set this up in the hope of infecting everyone with a trojan that automatically rooted through their harddrives and sending him any images he didnt already have." - Space Penis
"some of the most intelligent people I know are complete fuck ups, and some of the less intelligent ones are incredibly interesting and promising." - The Eva Monkey
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Postby Defectron » Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:02 pm

Maybe these beings can transverse physical laws because their ka and ba an working in conjunction? Your perspective about the world being comprised of information, you mean like simulated reality or our own (and others) reality-tunnels creating reality (impressing themselves onto the matrix to make sense of the endless information)?

That thing you said about reality tunnels influencing reality seems to be closer to what I was trying to say. The reason why I think this is because particularly strong beliefs can sometimes have physical manifestations. A good example of this is religious phenomena such as bleeding virgin mary statues or milk drinking ganesh statues both of which are physically impossible under this worlds physical laws but are often reported sometimes without satisfactory explanation as to why they occur. Also I've had a few personal experiences that lead me to think reality might not be solid. One time when I was a kid I had a candy cane that broke. I put it in my pocket and later it was in one piece as if it had never shattered. Another time I was driving to college, there was this annoying old dude in front of me who was driving way to slow in an old hatch back full of crap he was slowing down all the traffic. So I drove ahead of him and passed him up. Further down the road the traffic began to slow down again and guess who was doing it. The same old guy in the same hatch back full of crap still going slow as hell! He never passed me yet somehow he ended up ahead of me after I passed him.

The only reason these parasitic being(s) are organised at all is because they have denied themselves their emotive capability (think of how organised an army is), or they are all controlled in a groupmind kind of way. It doesn't make sense for a one of those parasites to be lurking in your friends basement, it would latch onto your friends soul at all times until he 'cleaned out' his Merkabah, it would be more likely to be some other type of entity, like those Anunnaki bastards

Well I did observe some interesting things about tapeworm that told me some of what he was and wasn't capable of, this might be clue as to what he was. Tapeworm was more or less confined to his basement and couldnt easily move out of that space. He could do it, but only by hitch hiking on a person or object leaving that room.
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Postby Titus » Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:48 am

I listen to what the tapeworm in my ass tells me to do..
"I say Evamonkey did it himself. After seeing that Titus had more Eva images than him, he was driven into a fit of jealousy that led him to set this up in the hope of infecting everyone with a trojan that automatically rooted through their harddrives and sending him any images he didnt already have." - Space Penis
"some of the most intelligent people I know are complete fuck ups, and some of the less intelligent ones are incredibly interesting and promising." - The Eva Monkey
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Postby SEELE 08 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:09 am

Titus wrote:I listen to what the tapeworm in my ass tells me to do..

I had lice once in third grade, but I can't say they were really great conversationalists, more like they just made me itch a lot. The story did come in handy last semester when I needed to write a poem for my Insects in Poetry and Prose class.
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Postby Titus » Thu Feb 09, 2006 10:48 am

Yes. I love the band System Of A Down..
"I say Evamonkey did it himself. After seeing that Titus had more Eva images than him, he was driven into a fit of jealousy that led him to set this up in the hope of infecting everyone with a trojan that automatically rooted through their harddrives and sending him any images he didnt already have." - Space Penis
"some of the most intelligent people I know are complete fuck ups, and some of the less intelligent ones are incredibly interesting and promising." - The Eva Monkey
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Postby Ryo » Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:33 pm

Titus wrote:Yes. I love the band System Of A Down..

System of a Down are awesome, dude.

As for the original post of this topic... After visiting an anti-Scientology website, I thought I had seen it all. I beginning to suspect that I was wrong. *shudders*
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Postby SEELE 08 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:37 pm

Titus wrote:Yes. I love the band System Of A Down..

If you like that band I suggest you read this... :twisted:

along with the hatemail it generated
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Postby Titus » Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:21 pm

Woman, I will bury you if I find out you suck David Thorp's dick!

I'm so pissed off.

Wow, so I'm an idiot, with an IQ of 165(ish), O.K.

I can't spell, I rebel against my parents and I make idal threats, ok. Let's see if that shit can write the review in another language, after he's put in a wheel chair for shooting off his big fucking mouth and magicaly developes a deficiant IQ.

People the amount of disrespect coming from that bitch is unbearable.

Lemme guess, he listens to the Care Bears theme song, goes to the Barney on ice shows and attends church every sunday. He's probably never gotten laid, doesn't smoke and hates alcohol. pah!

Thanx for showing me this Seele, something must be done!

- I just sent an e-mail to the prick, it reads:

Dr Thorpe.

I'm one of the said retards. I have an I.Q well above the average range. I can't spell and I'm not even english.I'm an art student in S.A.I exelled at Physics in school and I don't think myself a better man, I considder myself a rather witty, reckless and ignorant youth, but I'm not disrepectfull to the extent that you(an educated, or supposedly educated) man was to the fan base of and the band, S.O.A.D.

Now we all have the right to voice our opinions, but dude, wtf is your problem? Well, someone else can play your game.

You, probably listen to the Care Bear theme song and go to The Barney on ice shows whenever it's in town. You probably never got laid, yet somehow your a cut above the rest aren't you? Who doesn't listen to system of a down? And I believe you failed your logic bro, cuz if wer'e so thick as you proclaim us to be, than we shouldn't get the music, it should bounce off our thick craniums and harmlessly get passed along the air molucules to the next unsuspecting victim, no? Which means you should be able to hear, understand and find deeper meanings in the lyrics, but you don't, don't you?

You have the right to voice an opinion you snot nosed educated snobish fuck, but just because S.O.A.D isn't your "Cup of tea" docter, doesn't mean you have the right to slap everybody in their fucking face. I'm not sure about the rest of the people you maniged to piss off, but I for one would like an apology. What makes a good man isn't the fucking degree he got his life, his opinions or the size of his swiz bank account, but what he says and does in actions or words to better the world.

I believe Micheal Moore said it best:"Not one member of congress would send their child to Iraq", so Dr, you fucking tell me the president doesn't fight the war. He wasn't even regular army and the only thing that makes him a war president, is the constant war mongering. You dare defend the president of the U.S? Pick up a gun, drop your shit, do a tour and then I won't hold it against you if you don't change your mind. Yet, that won't make me the retard will it?

One day, someone is going to express himself upside your face for shooting off that mouth of yours..

Titus - And all S.O.A.D supporters at

Incase your wondering, my e-mail is [email protected] and Ill be waiting for that apology.....
Last edited by Titus on Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I say Evamonkey did it himself. After seeing that Titus had more Eva images than him, he was driven into a fit of jealousy that led him to set this up in the hope of infecting everyone with a trojan that automatically rooted through their harddrives and sending him any images he didnt already have." - Space Penis
"some of the most intelligent people I know are complete fuck ups, and some of the less intelligent ones are incredibly interesting and promising." - The Eva Monkey
"Titus I love you!" - Zugzwang
"TITUS + ADSL = Disaster" - Timesplitter 01

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Postby Mr. Tines » Thu Feb 09, 2006 2:34 pm

SEELE 08 wrote:
Titus wrote:Yes. I love the band System Of A Down..

If you like that band I suggest you read this...

Well, if they are bending over and taking it from The Man (Sony of Dirty Rootkit Masterplan infamy, no less)...
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Postby SEELE 08 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:40 pm

I rather like Dr. Thorpe I think he's hilarious, I love the way he makes fun of bands, even the ones I like. Hell I'm a Rush fan and he makes fun of them....And I love his Cliff's Notes on "Trapped in the Closet"
BTW he writes those articles partly to generate the hate mail so you played write into his hands, I just wanted people to get a laugh out of the hatemail more than anything....oops. :oops: But I'm not sucking any man's dick, I'd never do something that degrading!
Last edited by SEELE 08 on Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Faußtin » Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:48 pm

Well, Zugzwang, again I'm shocked. I don't say its absolutely new, but it was still edyfying. I've saved it on my PC, just to be sure. I would like to read this in the future a plenty of times.I agree with you in many of your points, but let me share my sights with you.
It all began with watching NGE, however surprising it may sound. After that, many things happened, I've learnt a nice couple of things, and then January came. There was something in the air since watching the anime, but I could never define that scent. Then in January, I read the first 80 pages of Osho's Tantra (I hope I spell things correctly). It made a huge earthquake in my mind. My fort became a pile of stone, I was ruined inside. But I knew that it wasn't that bad. Actually, I've enjoyed it. And after thinking for some time, I could define that scent - it was the delicate, sweat scent of Chaos. I can still feel it tickling my nose. It lures me, it tells me to think more and more, to slay Logic and Order with their own weapon - our mind. This may sound insane. I won't start argueing with you. Actually, I agree. Sometimes I just laugh without any real reason. Sometimes I feel wings on my back, or at least, I imagine them there. Nowdays my actions start to loose every kind of sense. I just enjoy the action itself, the feeling itself, the joy itself. Love? There was a day when I felt it. Nowdays I can barely remember it. But thanks to some people around me, I sometimes recall it, even for only a mere moment or so. This is what I feel. Know let me show you what I think!

My theory is that our logical part had got somekind of genetic boost, or our emotional part got shocked by somekind of brutal event. I really don't know which one, but in the end, our logical part became dominant. I cannot point on any kind of alien activity behind this without great doubts. Maybe we feel it alien because we are averse from it. I'm not sure around the subjective.
So what do we have here? A logical part and an emotional part. And the baka ourselves, of course :D. How about mixing the two? 'cause as I see it, one cannot exist without the other. The logic has no fuel, the emotions won't live long enough due to some enviromental reasons. And lets consider the logic, or as you say, the alien, as a useful tool! If we could harness its power (again?), than we could live our lives happily! With a successful mixture of the two, we all could 1.: be happy 2.: be powerful enough to maintain our physical self, in order to maintain happiness! "But what happens if we loose?" you may ask. Then two thigns can happen. 1.: things go on as usual (the least bad one) and 2.: we get mad (the worst one). At the moment I am not happy, nor depressed; I am not free, nor I have power. This is the part where madness (in the sense of mental breakdown) begins, end ends in death. But mad people don't really care about death, don't they? Well I don't care about it. "Life and death are equal to me", just as Kaoru said, but I bet for different reasons. Hmmm... am I mad? :shock: Yep! :wink: :D But I like it! :lol: :wink: (Don't take me too serious... )
:twisted: !!!HELL IS FUN!!! :twisted:

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Postby Defectron » Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:07 pm

My theory is that our logical part had got somekind of genetic boost, or our emotional part got shocked by somekind of brutal event. I really don't know which one, but in the end, our logical part became dominant. I cannot point on any kind of alien activity behind this without great doubts. Maybe we feel it alien because we are averse from it. I'm not sure around the subjective.

I don't think I agree that our ligical part is dominant. I do agree humans need both, but from what I've been observing in peoples behavior the opposite of "logic being dominant" seems to be the case and oftentimes this causes bad things to happen where people do stuff without thinking of the consequences. An example is all those maniacs who go around buying bigass SUV's in america. It's clear that humans cannot depend on oil forever and this has been showing in the worlds gas prices. But people still buy bigass suv's and humvees without thinking of the consequences. Most people don't buy these because they need them for rough terrain like their designed for, but because it makes them feel more powerful. Were wasting a valuable resource for the dumbest of reasons and no ones doing anything about it. Another example is what going on with new orleans, all the politicians are gung ho about rebuilding it, but from the looks of things this summer may be an even worse hurricane season then it was last time. If that's the case as it's looking to be, rebuilding new orleans would be less then pointless right now since it'll just get destroyed again. My point is that while it's important to use your emotions, logic is something the world needs more of as well, otherwise no one will think things through and eventually it'll be a huge mess.
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