Official Pokémon Thread
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- DarkBluePhoenix
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
My top three:
Gen II: mainly because of Pokémon Crystal, which was the best of the Gen II games. The entire game felt wonderful from the start in New Bark all the way to kicking Red's ass to the curb. Compared to Gen I, it improved and added so much to the games mechanics (contests, time of day, the funny extra device that does things [pokégear and it's successors], contests, not having to open the menu to use surf or cut, Pokémon and player gender, breeding and so much more!). It was nice to see things change so much too, after the events of Gen I. The best game sequel I've ever played. Not to mention it's the only Gen to introduce pure typed starters.
Gen IV: For HG and SS. The Jhoto remakes improve upon my favorite in so many ways, and double the amount of Pokémon available to catch. Obviously D, P, and Pl were pretty good as well, but I played HG, and I was sold on the generation. Hell, all those legendaries being available in HG/SS was fantastic.
Tie - Gen I/Gen III: while Gen I started things off with the Pokémon craze, my favorite being Pokémon Yellow, and those setting the bar and plotline for every game to follow, I couldn't decide between that and Gen III's Emerald and Gen I remakes. Gen III's remakes make the Gen I games we wish he had back in the 90s. Emerald was a fantastic game, and far better than Ruby/Sapphire, improving the games with small tweaks, and adding the Battle Frontier make these two tie for me.
The rest...
Gen V: seemed rushed to me, and with the addition of B2/W2 it seemed like a lost opportunity to remake Gen III. And I agree with Stan, some of those Pokémon designs are kinda... weird.
Gen VI: Fairy type... ugh. While the introduction of Dark & Steel was a needed balancing act for the super-powered and hard to kill Psychic type, Fairy is just... dumb. No Gen III remake can fix that mistake.
Gen VII: the only Pokémon game I've never finished. It was disappointing to me for the reasons I listed in my previous post. Also, with the cop out of doing another Gen V "we'll remake the games for this Gen right away" instead of doing Gen IV or another Gen I remake was another missed opportunity.
Gen II: mainly because of Pokémon Crystal, which was the best of the Gen II games. The entire game felt wonderful from the start in New Bark all the way to kicking Red's ass to the curb. Compared to Gen I, it improved and added so much to the games mechanics (contests, time of day, the funny extra device that does things [pokégear and it's successors], contests, not having to open the menu to use surf or cut, Pokémon and player gender, breeding and so much more!). It was nice to see things change so much too, after the events of Gen I. The best game sequel I've ever played. Not to mention it's the only Gen to introduce pure typed starters.
Gen IV: For HG and SS. The Jhoto remakes improve upon my favorite in so many ways, and double the amount of Pokémon available to catch. Obviously D, P, and Pl were pretty good as well, but I played HG, and I was sold on the generation. Hell, all those legendaries being available in HG/SS was fantastic.
Tie - Gen I/Gen III: while Gen I started things off with the Pokémon craze, my favorite being Pokémon Yellow, and those setting the bar and plotline for every game to follow, I couldn't decide between that and Gen III's Emerald and Gen I remakes. Gen III's remakes make the Gen I games we wish he had back in the 90s. Emerald was a fantastic game, and far better than Ruby/Sapphire, improving the games with small tweaks, and adding the Battle Frontier make these two tie for me.
The rest...
Gen V: seemed rushed to me, and with the addition of B2/W2 it seemed like a lost opportunity to remake Gen III. And I agree with Stan, some of those Pokémon designs are kinda... weird.
Gen VI: Fairy type... ugh. While the introduction of Dark & Steel was a needed balancing act for the super-powered and hard to kill Psychic type, Fairy is just... dumb. No Gen III remake can fix that mistake.
Gen VII: the only Pokémon game I've never finished. It was disappointing to me for the reasons I listed in my previous post. Also, with the cop out of doing another Gen V "we'll remake the games for this Gen right away" instead of doing Gen IV or another Gen I remake was another missed opportunity.
Avatar - Heero Yuy, pilot of Wing Gundam Zero. If you want to read my NGE fanfic go to my profile here - DarkBluePhoenix on or DarkBluePhoenix on AO3
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
DarkBluePhoenix wrote:And is it too much to ask for if they just do a game that takes you through every region in existence and you choose where you start, and the game adjusts itself based on that. Call them Pokemon World Journey, with three versions Crimson, Citrine, and Cobalt. And they could make a Pokemon Amber to be the "special edition" of sorts.
Imagine how many thousands, if not millions, of other fans are asking their own "Is it too much to ask"s.
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"NGE is like a perfectly improvised jazz piece. It builds on a standard and then plays off it from there, and its developments may occasionally recall what it's done before as a way of keeping the whole concatenated." -- Eva Yojimbo
"To me watching anime is not just for killing time or entertainment, it is a life style, and a healthy one too." -- symbv
"That sounds like the kind of science that makes absolutely 0 sense when you stop and think about it... I LOVE IT." -- Rosenakahara
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I think it is too much lol. Think about it, all regions are programmed on different hardware, they would have to remake everything. Plus a handheld game would not be able to be that big, so it would have to be on consoles. And the last time we got a console game was mid 2000s with Colosseum and XD. So yeah

Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I've always wanted a Pokemon game with all the regions, but as the number of regions increase it's become less and less viable. I would love an open world, non-linear Pokemon game, a la Skyrim, where you choose a starter and are then let loose in the map to play however you'd like. Someday, maybe.
As for my top three Generations, starting with my favorite, I would probably say Gen III, Gen VII, then Gen II.
Gen III has the advantage of including FireRed and LeafGreen, and although not unique like Yellow, they do significantly improve upon the Gen I mechanics and I usually play those whenever I revisit Kanto. Sapphire was also the version I played the most as a kid, and I loved everything about those games. All the starters are great, the story is neat, and the region is fun to explore.
Gen VII I consider my second favorite because of its unique take on the Pokemon formula. As I said upthread, I really appreciate that they tried something different with this game. The concept of the region forming and hosting its first Pokemon League Championship is a really neat idea for a story, and I like that they didn't really make it clear until the second half of the game. The ride Pokemon were fun, the starters were great, the graphics and scale are the best of the series, and the regional variants are awesome.
Gen II is probably my third favorite. IIRC, it was the first generation I played, and Cyndaquil was my first Pokemon. The region is a lot of fun, and I spent a lot of time chasing down the Legendaries from town to town. I also love that it included the Kanto region in the postgame, which is another reason Gen I isn't on my top three. Not a whole lot more to say about it.
The only other Gen I've played was VI, and it was okay. Best part was the inclusion of the Kanto starters, but other than that it didn't stand out too much. Still not a huge fan of the Mega-Evolutions to this day, but some of them are neat. Z-Powers are way better (even though I don't really use them either).
As for my top three Generations, starting with my favorite, I would probably say Gen III, Gen VII, then Gen II.
Gen III has the advantage of including FireRed and LeafGreen, and although not unique like Yellow, they do significantly improve upon the Gen I mechanics and I usually play those whenever I revisit Kanto. Sapphire was also the version I played the most as a kid, and I loved everything about those games. All the starters are great, the story is neat, and the region is fun to explore.
Gen VII I consider my second favorite because of its unique take on the Pokemon formula. As I said upthread, I really appreciate that they tried something different with this game. The concept of the region forming and hosting its first Pokemon League Championship is a really neat idea for a story, and I like that they didn't really make it clear until the second half of the game. The ride Pokemon were fun, the starters were great, the graphics and scale are the best of the series, and the regional variants are awesome.
Gen II is probably my third favorite. IIRC, it was the first generation I played, and Cyndaquil was my first Pokemon. The region is a lot of fun, and I spent a lot of time chasing down the Legendaries from town to town. I also love that it included the Kanto region in the postgame, which is another reason Gen I isn't on my top three. Not a whole lot more to say about it.
The only other Gen I've played was VI, and it was okay. Best part was the inclusion of the Kanto starters, but other than that it didn't stand out too much. Still not a huge fan of the Mega-Evolutions to this day, but some of them are neat. Z-Powers are way better (even though I don't really use them either).
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
USUM are so weird. I didn't like this gen, so I didn't follow them closely. Still, there was so little news prior to them releasing, and even post launch, nobody is talking about them. I did some digging, and supposedly the Japanese hate it. It got 2-stars on Amazon JP when it launched. Hoping Gen 8 on the Switch is better, even though I don't plan on getting one 

Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I'm playing Ultra Moon and it's not a bad game, quite the opposite, it's a really nice Pokémon game, but it's the first time I'm finding a Pokémon game boring. I'm on the third island and it's way too similar to the original and way too slow paced. Emerald too was this similar to the originals, but it didn't have so much holdhanding and cutscenes placed every 3 seconds. When X&Y came out I played for 24 hours in the first 5 days, now I'm playing since the game leaked (8 November) and I'm still at 20 hours.
The fact that it came out on 3DS after the Switch came out too is a problem: the 3DS and its 240p screen calibrated like ass didn't age well at all.
The fact that it came out on 3DS after the Switch came out too is a problem: the 3DS and its 240p screen calibrated like ass didn't age well at all.
Last edited by Joseki on Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- imprimatur13
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
Isn't that Pokemon Go?

My first fanfic: Neon Genesis Craig-Insertion
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Kyoko's Melons: Currently being completely rewritten, so... if anyone liked it so far, great. I did too. But... not enough. ;)
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- DarkBluePhoenix
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
imprimatur13 wrote:Isn't that Pokemon Go?
I think Sachi means one that let's you freely roam the world in the game, not wander around outside looking for Pokémon or however that thing works, a true RPG where the story can take a backseat while you do whatever.
Avatar - Heero Yuy, pilot of Wing Gundam Zero. If you want to read my NGE fanfic go to my profile here - DarkBluePhoenix on or DarkBluePhoenix on AO3
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
- imprimatur13
- Gaghiel
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
Well, I know, I was just joking. 

My first fanfic: Neon Genesis Craig-Insertion
Kyoko's Melons: Currently being completely rewritten, so... if anyone liked it so far, great. I did too. But... not enough. ;)
EvaGeeks Discord server:
Kyoko's Melons: Currently being completely rewritten, so... if anyone liked it so far, great. I did too. But... not enough. ;)
EvaGeeks Discord server:
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I wouldn't mind another Pokemon Colosseum. A new region but with an objective that doesn't revolve around badge collecting or conquering the Pokemon League. Having another game that makes double battles as the standard would be sick!
- DarkBluePhoenix
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I played Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, which was also pretty fun. Personally, if they combined the two game models, with contests, badge hunting, free roaming, and whatever else they can think of (maybe another Battle Frontier) it could be a very interesting game. Add in multi-region access and the ability to fight every previous protagonist would also be a big plus.
Avatar - Heero Yuy, pilot of Wing Gundam Zero. If you want to read my NGE fanfic go to my profile here - DarkBluePhoenix on or DarkBluePhoenix on AO3
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
The new Pokemon Movie: Everyone's Story is set to premiere this summer in Japan - it's set up to be a transitional movie between generations (much like how the Lucario movie bridged the gap between Hoenn and Sinnoh and how the Zoroark movie bridged the gap between Sinnoh and Unova etc).
The new Pokemon they'll feature will be a gen 8. Lets hope for some Pokemon Switch news this summer or fall!
The new Pokemon they'll feature will be a gen 8. Lets hope for some Pokemon Switch news this summer or fall!
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
If Pokémon Switch is coming out in 2018 we'll know it before the end of April I think. Generally speaking Game Freak announce its games in Spring for a Fall release.
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
Heavy Pokemon Switch rumors circulating the net, many credible websites and sources are saying the same thing, the new games should be announced really soon:
Take all that as you will
>The supposed titles are "Pokemon Go Pikachu" & "Pokemon Go Eevee"
>They are set in Kanto (not clear if Red/Blue Kanto or future Kanto)
>They are re-imagining the first generation and are a spiritual remake of Yellow
>These new games may or may not be Generation 8
>They will have a presence at E3 2018 (but should be revealed before that)
>They are set in Kanto (not clear if Red/Blue Kanto or future Kanto)
>They are re-imagining the first generation and are a spiritual remake of Yellow
>These new games may or may not be Generation 8
>They will have a presence at E3 2018 (but should be revealed before that)
Take all that as you will

- DarkBluePhoenix
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I saw this article and figured his was the best place to post it. Here are some interesting nixed Pokémon designs cut from Red & Green that will be appearing in a new educational manga Satoshi Tajiri.
Avatar - Heero Yuy, pilot of Wing Gundam Zero. If you want to read my NGE fanfic go to my profile here - DarkBluePhoenix on or DarkBluePhoenix on AO3
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Voted in college to be Most likely to Take Over the World, how to do that however, will require at least Four Evangelions. Thanks for the idea Misato-san!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." Said at the beginning of the nuclear age by J. Robert Oppenheimer.
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Words of Wisdom from German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
- El Squibbonator
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
I wonder what this would mean for the anime. A return to Kanto? Maybe we'll see some old friends again. . .
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Do you like Eva? Do you like Pokemon? Then check out Neon Genesis Evangelemon-- You Can (Not) Catch 'Em All thread/16052/Neon-Genesis-Evangelemon/
- IronEvangelion
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
Looks like I'll be buying a Switch in the second half of 2019, or maybe even this year if Let's Go, Eevee turns out to be good. I'm just glad that the Let's Go games aren't the Switch pokemon games they were originally talking about.
Re: Official Pokémon Thread
They took a major L with this "let's go game"... did they seriously remove this many features?
-No more wild battles, only allowed to catch the Pokemon you encounter?
-No online battles, only local?
-They cut out 6 gens worth of Pokemon and only put in the old 151?
-And now they reduced the controls to using a single mini joycon (with required tacked on wii motion controls..)?
No thank you, I'll wait until Fall 2019 to get a switch, if gen8 isn't a trainwreck that is.
-No more wild battles, only allowed to catch the Pokemon you encounter?
-No online battles, only local?
-They cut out 6 gens worth of Pokemon and only put in the old 151?
-And now they reduced the controls to using a single mini joycon (with required tacked on wii motion controls..)?
No thank you, I'll wait until Fall 2019 to get a switch, if gen8 isn't a trainwreck that is.
- BlueBasilisk
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Re: Official Pokémon Thread
They also confirmed it needs an online service subscription and lacks GTS, Wonder Trade and Battle spot. ... 9425921025 What's the point of this game if you're going to remove so many core features? 

Someday I hope that we'll be reunited if that is what's destined to be. Perhaps we'll discover that elusive bible. And then we will finally be free!
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