Official Pokémon Thread

Discussions about non-Evangelion related video games, board games, card games and gaming in general.

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Postby Guyver Spawn » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:51 pm

Most of you are going to post something like "WTF is this?" but This is where you may discuss any Pokemon games from any system. This is the games only not the anime. I'm planing to get Platinum version soon and I beated Diamond back in late 2007.

This was my team back in 2007 when I had Diamond.

Infernape lv. 86 (Flame Wheel, Mach Punch, Hyper Beam, Dig)

Sceptile lv.75 (Leaf Blade, Screech, Cut, Slam)

Rampardos lv. 74 (Head Butt, Rock Smash, Strength, Earthquake)

Lucario Lv. 80 (Metal Claw, Ice Punch, Fury Cutter, Rest)

Dialga Lv. 89 (Earth Power, Slash, Ancientpower, Cut)

Garchomp lv. 77 (Slash, Dig, Dragon Rage, Surf)

I love the games but hate the animes and I still own a few cards back in the 90's. Disscus the games series here and post your teams if you want.
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Postby ZapX » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:08 pm

I don't know who any of those pokémon are. It's been at least 12 years since I've played any of the games. I certainly liked it much better than the show.

I was awesome though. I kicked everyone's ass with just a magikarp.
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Postby Guyver Spawn » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:17 pm

I had a level 100 Magikarp before and I used to kick everyone in the Eite 4 in Blue Version thanks to Game Shark. If you have wfi then you can post friend codes and people can trade or battle. I hope I get Wfi soon since I trade with people but my Sister and I share a DS which means I have to wait for her to be done playing with it as always. Before I do that I would need to get more badges because Pokemon in games won't listin to depending on the amount of badges.

It hard to believe Pokemon cameout over 10 years ago in the USA and I still remember TV adds for it. The one thing I don't like the new games is that their too many of them and their names are even harder to pronounce.
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Postby GAP » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:24 pm

I stopped playing the games after Sapphire and Ruby after...I will not say but lets just say I won't play it until I leave my parents household.
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Postby ZapX » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:26 pm

If I remember correctly my typical setup was my starting pokémon, Mew, Mewtwo, maybe Dragonite and one of the elemental birds. Like I said, it's been a LOOOOOOOOONG fuckin' time.
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Postby Fazmotron » Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:37 pm

Mewtwo will always be the greatest pokemon.

HYPERBEAM, anyone?
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Postby GAP » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:03 pm

Fazmotron wrote:Mewtwo will always be the greatest pokemon.

HYPERBEAM, anyone?

Mewtwo is the greatest pokemon ever! :thumbsup:
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Postby chee » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:08 pm

The games were fun.

The anime was crap. Pure crap with dialogue that would give George Lucas severe diarrhea.

I was too lazy as a kid to learn how to play the card game.

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Postby Reichu » Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:29 pm

ZapalacX wrote:I don't know who any of those pokémon are.

Word up, dawg.

The games were fun. Kind of obnoxious in some ways (e.g., Psychic Pokemon were totally overpowered in Red/Blue, and it took forever to hatch eggs in Gold/Silver, and all sorts of other things I can't remember right now), but fun.

I will admit that I watched the raped version of the anime (not that the unraped version could be THAT much better). It was retarded, but it appealed to some aspect of my childish whimsy. Plus it helped cultivate my interest in anime, and I had some IRL friends (dai shokku!!!!) at the time who liked it, too. Nothing like social bonding by making Pokemon noises at each other. Ah, those were the days.
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Postby BrikHaus » Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:17 pm

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Postby Formless One » Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:22 am

BrikHaus wrote:<snip>

You know what's the stupidest thing about that lolcat? Look at the cartridge in the gameboy. I don't know what that is, but it sure as hell isn't poke`mon.
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Postby Oedipusfoot » Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:57 am

I blame serebii and curiosity for ruining Platinum for me. Is anyone getting it tomorrow?

I haven't played Pearl in a while, or my DS, because of this thing I was doing with EVs and IVs. I found that pokerus sucks, basicially. It's not needed, and i've grown disillutioned. Has anyone else been experimenting with IVs and EVs?

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Postby Xeroko » Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:41 am

I'm picking it up tomorrow night along with my roommate. I've already been planning my endgame team out.
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Postby Oedipusfoot » Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:23 am

Friend codes, friend codes

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Postby Iron Rooster » Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:49 pm

Damn, pokemon was the shit. I had a level 90 team on my Red Version. I can't even remember what I had. I think I had a Charizard with swords dance, flamethrower, earthquake, and slash.
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Postby Guyver Spawn » Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:30 pm

I got Regigigas at Toys R' Us and he is at level 1 though. I never had a pokemon that low since I over used gamestark on Red & Blue which gitch up everything.
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Postby JimmyWolk » Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:07 pm

I used to have a team of six Level 100 Mewtwos on red/blue (probably still have it). Without cheating or gathering them from others. Yes, I had waay too much time back then granted, playing through the entire thing again goes actually pretty fast with even just one Lvl. 100 Mewtwo - even if he doesn't listen to you at first, when he attacks eventually, it's more than enough to wipe the floor with any enemy.

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Postby Oedipusfoot » Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:58 am

Man, what is going on here. Everyone is spreading their pokemon nonsense around. Swords dance in red? I think we only had Fissure in the original games. 6 Mewtwos in one game cartridge? Level 100 toysrus Regigigas mysteryously becoming level 1 when downloaded? Jeez, You guys are happily raping what is wholesome about Pokemon. This is what guys do when Pokemon comes up?

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Postby Zeak » Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:05 am

Ill’d have to agree. In its day it was the shit. Top notch. I even have my full (Yes FULL original cards) card set laying around stoneware. Ill probably give it to my kids one day.

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Postby Oedipusfoot » Sun Mar 22, 2009 8:18 am

^ I've always wondered where that screenshot came from.

I still think the Pokemon games are great even today. I mean, Crystal was fantastic (the eggs [no matter how long they took to hatch], the color, the animations, the train between 'two worlds'). Frankly, I'm even wondering when it will get old. The Pokemon games are fantastic sellers, and like [insert pokemon developper's name here] said, the games started out not being extremely popular, but their sales rose steady over time. I think that will continue, especially since I don't see a lot of satisfying RPGs for a handheld out there.

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