Reichu wrote:So by "dissipating", where exactly does it go?
I think Mr. Tines meant that the blood's orbit, as low as it was, would disintegrate rather quickly, the blood itself dispersing through the upper atmosphere (oh good, now its raining blood).
Reichu wrote:Regarding this: Quaint Screenshot
Assuming you're refering to the cloud of souls from Rei's neck, I've got nothing serious to add. Considering the hundreds of millions of souls that chose Rei over the Black Moon, I don't know why only two dozen or so popped out... The only thing I could think of (and I said it wasn't that serious) is that if the Black Moon asploding signifies the end of Intrumentality, then maybe the souls from the neck are the few individuals, the
only individuals, that actually wanted Intrumentality in the first place(i.e. the council of SEELE) and now have no where left to "be as one". Maybe?
I do like the thought of Keel groaning "Shinji divided by infinite zero. Oh shi-" as the Moon bursts, though.
Jabberwok wrote:I'd love to watch the specific scenes right now...
I did, and while the "Fork of Divinity" theory doesn't seem any weaker, I just feel like I'm missing something to really bring it together (not like NGE would let that happen, but one can dream).
I think I may take up the suggestion of starting a tread on the topic, though. Maybe after I learn how to imbed small SS and catch up on reading old threads (just to make sure I'm not rehashing old, erroneous trains of thought).
Reichu wrote:(Replies to posts on the other topics would be nice, too. Heh.)
Ornette, the Search Guy wrote:Some good threads about 2I, among other things.
These were fun to read and I wish I had done so sooner.
I'm not going to touch the Anti-Anti-AT-Field (AAATF, hell yes!) properties of the escape pods/plugs and the topic seemed pretty thoroughly discussed, but I can think of one thing.
In end of Misato's flashback at the beginning of Ep:12, the look on her face as she stands in the pod. She looks saddened and maybe a little surprised; it transitions well with the face of the older, angrier Misato in the following scene. But it doesn't seem, to me anyways, to transtion as well with the traumatized, mute Misato from Fuyutsuki's flashback in Ep:21.
That was until I read someone's comment about ghostly Kaworus tangifying everybody. I suddenly imagined a badly wounded Misato being approached by Kaworu, who then morphs into the person she most wants to be loved/accepted by, her father (at least according to her Complementation from Ep:25(?), correct me if I'm wrong here). Misato's pod continues to drift away from ground zero, Adam is in her death thoes, her AATF weakening, a father reaches out a hand for his child, but then dissipates forever.
that might turn me in to a vegetative mute for a couple years. (I need to do some more writing; that was kind of fun)
two things, though this one is worse so I'll make it shorter. I thought of this when I was trying to figure out just why the hell she was even in Antarctica.
2I occurs in 2000... Misato's birthyear is listed as 1986... That makes her 13-14 when it occurs... The same age as the Children... the only people capable of interfacing with the Evas... which are created from Adam...
This drifts violently into "old, erroneous trains of thought" territory, but whatever.
One more final: What does FIP stand for? No biggy, I didn't see it in the Geektionary at FGC, is all.
I'll try coming up with some other stuff later. Peace.
Originally posted on: 06.02.2006, 12:13 AM