Notes on Color Bloodtypes/Patterns, Dirac Sea, Kabbalah Infinite Light/Tzimtzum, and Buddhism

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Notes on Color Bloodtypes/Patterns, Dirac Sea, Kabbalah Infinite Light/Tzimtzum, and Buddhism

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Postby sithsauron » Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:12 pm

Color in regard to Blood-type/Pattern


So a quick refresher,

1 blood-type red, fruit of knowledge, humans
2 blood-type blue, fruit of life, angels

3 pattern green, occasionally referenced pattern-type color of Evangelions
4 pattern orange, occasionally referenced pattern-type color of Angels when in certain states


Anyhoo, what I noticed is that while Red and Blue are Primary Colors, Green and Orange are Secondary Colors (resulting from a mix of red or blue with yellow)

What's really interesting is if you look at the above color chart, you should notice that...
A) Green (Evangelions created by man with angel DNA but lacking S2 drive) is an exclusionary opposite of Red (Humans)
B) Orange (Angels with special powers to absorb/contaminate Objects/Evangelions/People, think Leliel, Armisael, Bardiel) is an exclusionary opposite of Blue (Angels)

The interesting thing about the Angels with Blood-type Orange is that each attempted to either absorb or contaminate Evangelions, and possible hack/invade the psychologies of their pilots in the process.

One of the most interesting things I find is that after Toji lost control of his Evangelion via Angel Contamination in Episode 18, and subsequently lost his leg and ended up in the hospital, he perhaps briefly gained the ability to peer into other people's dreams (he does this with Shinji lying in the adjacent hospital bed) almost the same way you would imagine Lelial probably had when it invaded Shinji's psychology after absorbing Unit-01 in episode 16. It feels as if Toji has a residual albeit brief blood-type: orange Angel-like power.

As for why Evangelions are pattern green, I'm guessing that maybe it's something to do with the fact their cellular material was petri-dish grown from Earth material rather than Gates-of-Guf material like the Angels, meaning the Angels are built using stuff from a different dimension through which their Creator/Seed is likely a portal to.

Speaking of Episode 16, I just have a few notes

In this episode, Unit-01 gets absorbed into a Dirac Sea, Reference:

Regarding the Shinji's internal conversation in this episode
A) Real Shinji audio lines have no reverb on it
B) Angel-Influenced Shinji/Other Characters have MUCH reverb when speaking
C) A vertical white line represents Real Shinji speaking
D) A horizontal white line represents Angel-Influenced Shinji speaking

Now, Regarding Kabbalah

A) The all-white appearance of the Dirac Sea dimension is reminiscent of Ein Sof (Infinite Light) aka God's form before he created the universe
B) The white-line surrounded by black when Shinji is speaking is reminiscent of TzimTzum (Contracted Light) aka God beginning the process of creation by contracting his Infinite Light into a BEAM in order to create an Imaginary CONCEPTUAL SPACE

And, Regarding Brain Structure, and why I think Leliel in Episode 16 is not necessarily trying to Speak to Shinji, but is trying to HACK Shinji's Psychology the same way it tried to HACK the Magi System.

A) The Left-Brain deals with Logic and Facts and is a direct mirror of one's reality, this is Shinji's voice with REVERB and notice that it states facts directly
B) The Right-Brain deals with Emotions and Feelings and is how one choses to define their personality, this is Shinji's voice without reverb and is freaking out
C)The Angel is utilizing the Left-Brain self of Shinji to attack Shinji's Right Brain by attempting to brainwash, reprogram, and install various types of Psychological Complexes and Emotional Contradictions into him in order to weaken Shinji's abilities as a pilot and as a functional human being.
D) There are parts in Episode 16 during Shinji's internal monologue where seemingly 2 voices speak at the same time saying the same thing. One with reverb and one without reverb. This is when Shinji's left and right brain either agree with each other, or when they use the same words as arguments against each other because they have different contexts when said by opposing points-of-view.

Finally, the Buddhist Inspiration

A) In Buddhism, there are multiple levels of minds/consciousnesses
B) The Alaya-Vijnana is the store-house consciousness, which stores impressions of the past to creates seeds of Karma, which lead to Dukkha/Suffering, Proposed by the Yogachara School of Buddhism
C) The Tathagatagarbha is the subconscious part of mind that reflects reality exactly as-it-is, more sharply than any other part of mind, and is needed to attain Enlightenment, Proposed by the Mahayana School of Buddhism
D) Do you see the connection? It's like 2 different levels of Shinji are speaking with each other. The more logical one with Reverb also uses the voices and faces of people Shinji knows if what it has to say is reminiscent of the person it depicts. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the practitioner will visualize an internal deity that represents whatever over-arching state of mind they are in, this in turn has an after-effect in regards to inspiring or instigating internal dialogue post-meditation. I think that is a fascinating allegory to how an individual has a personal pantheon of internal gods made from impressions of people they knew, met, or witnessed.

Extra Bonus, Multi-Religion Creation Myth Influence.

Without going into detail, the religion of the very first major agriculture/neolithic empire, Egypt, set the stage for a sequential set of transformational religions leading up to today's Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This includes Akkadian/Sumerian/Babylonian religions. Obviously all the names and stories have been altered in the process, but due to how similar the various stories are, this subset of human religions all share the same DNA, and ALL OF THEM could be used to possibly explain parts of the Evangelion mythos.

Gainax was already set up to include utilizing Judaic and Christian creation myths in Evangelion, because they were already very familiar with the Akkadian/Sumerian/Babylonian myths they utilized for making the universe of Nadia: Secret of Blue Water (spoiler: the Atlanteans were Gods who created earth's humans, including Adam and Eve).

In the Sumerian religion, a god had to be put to death to create the first humans. Which could explain why the third Impact revolves around an Evangelion being stabbed with the Lance of Longinus to begin the Rebirth phase

Interesting thing about above, probably the same Sumerian influence was used in creating the Aliens franchise origin story (see the movie Prometheus, where the first scene shows one of the ancient alien Engineers destroying itself by drinking a type of poison while on Earth and disintegrating to allow for the creation of life on the planet)

Heres another Sumerian story of Adapa, one of the first humans who knowingly refused/rejected to eat the Fruit of Life. This story eerily reminds me of Shinji's actions in the events of End of Evangelion movie
Reference: /

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