[LAEM] It's all up in the air

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[LAEM] It's all up in the air

Postby The Eva Monkey » Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:47 am

Less so of a topic of discussion, and more like a general statement, which you can comment on if you wish.

Simply put, at this point in the Live Action Eva Project, it is all up in the air. Everything from character names, to a director, to how much involvement Gainax will have. Its simply too early to tell. There are possibilities and intentions, but for the most part, its too early to complain, and too early to start exclaiming that it'll be the greatest film ever.

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Postby EVA-01X » Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:24 am

Can we at least hope for the latter?
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Postby Phaze » Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:43 pm

I think, as Eva Monkey said, it's pointless to create expectations, as it's just too early too tell, and know matter how good the film is, people are bound to be dissapointed anyway. The only idea of the film I am uneasy about is the general idea of Eva, or anime in general leaking into the mainstream, but with anime's growing popularity it seems inevitable, so the least we can hope is that the movie will at be accepted the right way.
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Postby MongolSquad » Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:54 pm

i agree, but thats not going to stop people from ranting about evangelions americanizing if thats what u call it

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Postby wildarmsheero » Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:34 pm

Well, at least we know the mecha designs are pretty good... well, I like 'em.
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Postby Hunter21 » Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:41 pm

With todays technology, I have no doubt they could create very good action scenes, but I am just not going to expect anything anytime soon, because the movie is just and idea right now, with no cast and no director I think it is a far ways off still.

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Postby coff » Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:43 pm

Even if they turn it into an action movie, it might still be fun to watch. And maybe people who see it will watch the series expecting it to be the same as the movie and get their minds blown up. 8)

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Postby MongolSquad » Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:03 pm

coff wrote:Even if they turn it into an action movie, it might still be fun to watch. And maybe people who see it will watch the series expecting it to be the same as the movie and get their minds blown up.

im not sure if thats a good thing seeing that half of the n00bs would commit suicide and the other half would fall into a deep depression

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Postby Ayanami » Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:59 pm

Part of me wants this whole Live Action Eva to just implode in on itself and never be heard of again, so as to decrease the chances of non-anime fans to get the impression that Evangelion (as well as anime in general) is just lame fighting, busty women with guns, and giant b-movie robots that blow shit up. With a series as intricate and fueled by opinions, it would take a miracle to have a live-action version of it live up to the standards of the original.

But another teeny-weeny part of me is excited, and hoping like hell that if it does come into existence, won't end up being what I just said.
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Postby Quiddity » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:21 pm

I'm not looking forward to it at all, knowing full well the history of movie adaptions from other mediums, whether its based on a book, tv show, whatever... when the involvement of the original creators/writers is small at best. One reason why Eva is so good is because its is so perfect for its medium - an animated tv series. Not only due to the fact that you can do so many things cheaper and in context easier through animation, but also the time. There's no chance in hell this movie's gonna be more than 2 and a half to 3 hours at the most. Meaning either we get a bastardized version of Eva, we get only part of Eva, or they cut out far too much of the storyline. I'm sorry, I just can't get all that excited about this project given what I fully expect to happen.
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Postby Phaze » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:43 pm

Quiddity wrote:There's no chance in hell this movie's gonna be more than 2 and a half to 3 hours at the most. Meaning either we get a bastardized version of Eva, we get only part of Eva, or they cut out far too much of the storyline. I'm sorry, I just can't get all that excited about this project given what I fully expect to happen.

Well, supposedly if the first movie works out, it's going to be a trilogy, which will be more like 6-9 hours of screentime.
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Postby Quiddity » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:47 pm

Phaze wrote:Well, supposedly if the first movie works out, it's going to be a trilogy, which will be more like 6-9 hours of screentime.

So what you're saying is that they're making the first movie as if it is only the first part of a trilogy, meaning that if things don't work out in the first movie, thats all we get and 2/3 of Eva (including the peak of Eva, obviously) is never seen? Reminds me of the first Lord of the Rings adaption back in the late 70's (that horrific animated one). They didn't want to bastardize the books by cramming all 3 into a single 3 hour movie. So they split it across two. The problem is the first movie bombed, and we never got part two, so all we had was the first half of the trilogy. In this era where if something in the entertainment industry isn't an immediate hit its dumped like it was garbage, I worry that the same could happen to any Eva live action movie.

Ideally, they'd be set towards making it as a trilogy from the beginning with a guarantee from the studio of three 3 hour movies being made. Which would give them nearly as much time as was the running time of the series, minus openings, closings, commercials, previews, etc... Then all they'd have to handle is the transition from animation to live action, and avoiding any notion that they have to tamper with what makes Eva good, like having Shinji like to pilot his mecha or something like that. Of course they're not gonna get a three movie guarantee, which is what worries me.
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Postby Dave » Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:14 pm

The forums over at www.imdb.com for the Untitled Evangelion Project (2006) have a lot of info on how this movie/movies could be made.
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Postby Asuka Loves Toji » Sun Jul 04, 2004 12:34 am

lol the most we could hope for (im not saying its likey at all) is anno taking inrest in this, cuz i mean he did the game and directed a live action version of cutey honey. so i mean it seems we have a tiiiiiiiiiiny tiiiiiiiny hope, but the fact that an american compony wants to make it backed by a new zeland (?) special effects crew i dont think its likely at all i think we have a 0.000000001 % chance what i like to call oni, or 0 nine XD
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Postby utero2001 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:04 pm

evangelions americanizing

thats what I'm worried about. Hollywood is gonna rape it dry

At least it will look nice anyways. Hope they get a respectable director to give it a try

I can see James Cameroon directing, or even better good ol Ridley (we can pray)

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Postby -]OreK[- » Thu Jul 15, 2004 1:19 am

Well im just gonna say that im kinda hopin that they follow through with it.
I mean it would be interesting to watch.
And if they mess up the whole idea of Eva.
Who cares. We still got the original series and the 2 movies.
And hey if people do watch the series thinkin it will be like the movie
and go insane or into a deap depression.
Who cares about those idiots anyway?? lol
But personally i would like to see who they choose for the actors.
And i heard that they are considering the kid who plays Harry Potter to play Shinji.
Which made me very angry. :x
That kid is the worst actor i have ever seen. But maybe its just a rumor.
I hope it is anyway.

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Postby Hexon.Arq » Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:32 pm

Well, there are many ways to introduce the first part of the story of Evangelion without making it feel entirely incomplete. (Okay, not many, but there are ways.) Take the first six episodes of the series, rewrite scenes, shuffle around the major events, omitting and adding as story development dictates (in good taste with regard to the original, of course), and you have a solid film about a wishy-washy boy who's world is turned on its ear, and his hollow existence is granted the meaning from hell. At the same time, you have a stunning action sci-fi film, and even a candid and funny drama about a young woman who tries to forge a bond with a child who doesn't really want to be welded. Tada! And you didn't even need Asuka. (Of course, there's more to all this than just that.) What you just saw has convinced a lot of viewers that there's more to anime than just clunky and stoic space opera, and nobody had to hear any bitching about bastardization. (Well, no matter what happens, there will be some.) Of course, they seem pretty set on having Unit-02 in the film, so from a marketing standpoint, it might seem a little shakey at first. But anyway, I can see a film like that working and working well. Bash my head in and call me mayonnaise.

The idea of a trilogy makes me uncomfortable. I've always thought that if the project is bigger, it should be bigger on all fronts. I would never expect a carbon copy of the anime, especially considering that the anime is itself a television adaptation of an original concept. (Just how close is the manga to the original idea, I wonder...) However, squeezing never ever EVER does any good. Movies of this kind are very expensive, but in the broader spectrum, what is more costly is loss resulting from editing. What I would ask, if granted the wish of a request, would be for the project to be sat on for longer than might be expected so that resources can be pooled from all directions, and a surer investment made. What all this hulabaloo I'm spouting basically translates to is: as long as the series? Hell, make it a half over!
Call me an idiot. But do you really want to see six Spiderman movies? Seven Harry Potters? Hm...

And since this is a project in its very early stages, one criticism I can make is that it seems too soon to go and make a live-action adaptation; the announcement came not even a decade after the series aired. Of course, given its current state, it's possible that we may see another decade without the film, or several for that matter.

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Postby EVA-01X » Fri Jul 16, 2004 4:36 pm

And besides... If we wanted to we really could have Asuka in the film anyway: About a third of the way into the movie, one angel actully figures out that Adam is NOT in Terminal Dogma, but is currently with Kaji in Germany. This one goes there and voila! you have instant Asuka/Unit-02 action plus another excuse to do an angel battle. That means no akward "introduction of a major character at the end" thing that people are worried about either.
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Postby Hexon.Arq » Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:13 pm

Aw, sticking in another character just after the main character has gone through his whole ordeal? (His ordeal being a time as the focus of a poignant story.) That's clunky. Even to an uninitiated viwer, it would be like, "Why is she just showing up; shouldn't this just be finishing?" Then to have her do a battle? That screams, "WE HAD TO ADD THIS CHARACTER BECAUSE WE WANTED YOU TO KNOW SHE EXISTS IN CASE YOU DECIDE YOU DON'T WANT TO WAIT FOR ANOTHER COHESIVE STORY IN ORDER TO MEET HER."

Besides, Asuka's introduction, while only occupying one episode of the series, could make an interesting sequel if the atmosphere of new acquaintance is stretched a little. Not so much a "look at this girl because she's a new character" movie, but more of a "what's the deal with this girl... and that Kaji guy" movie. And since it focses on character interaction, it's possibly a cheaper approach, featuring maybe only two battles.

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Postby belial11737 » Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:05 am

It is never to expect to much of a movie....and I mean ANY movie.....Its like when I saw AvP, I had such high expectations......I mean it was good but not as good as I had imagined.....
So let me say this to all those waiting for the movie (including myself) calm down and wait for it.....we can all complain or rejoice later...... 8)
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