ath wrote:014:
Oh, and they forgot to fix the Yebichu/Yebisu branding issue in the Video releases, so enjoy your hamster-themed beer one more time.
I mean, this comment seems to imply a somewhat different branding issue that's described here. "Yebichu" is the new status quo, is it not, and thusly the original issue with a real-life brand is now history. Is this the first time the newly re-christened Yebichu appears? If yes, I'll try to craft a comment that includes a callback to the abovementioned episode 2 cut, and perhaps there could be a line or two about what a messed-up manga and anime Oruchuban Ebichu is.
So, is this the most creepily human-like thing Pen Pen does?
The car lady pulls a Quattro.
Even this single shot of Rei is kind of meaningful since it shows her in Gendo's trademark pose.
Speaking of this so-called Gendo pose, when I was younger and more eager, I had the bright idea of trying to catalogue instances of anime characters sitting in that pose, be it a probable reference or not. Just for shits and giggles. It was not until later on that I realized it was a dumbass idea, since the pose is everywhere, from Patlabor porn parodies to Oliver Stone's W., and even in anime it's been around decades before Eva. It's the sort of generic thing that you can hunt for when playing a drinking game (a double shot for both the pose and reflecting glasses).
Definite shades of early installment weirdness in this scene, even though we are already in episode 7.
Non-comments / meta:
035: It'd be neat to have an actual explanation for Toji's fashion statement. Anyone?
055: To build on my public comment, can we please nuke this embarrassing page? Even though it's a joke, it's essentially an unmanageable joke. It would only work if I had the resources to keep it bloating forever and ever.
072: Another wiki-related shame of mine is that I've uploaded at least some botched DVD screenshots before I understood about aspect ratio changes and other assorted complications (and I admit I still don't fully get their logic). Essentially, someone would have to go through all of my screenshot submissions with a fine-toothed comb and adjust or delete any botched uploads. At this point I have neither time nor patience for such undertaking, but I'm straight-up willing to pay for some more eager soul to do the job. Real money, Paypal transfer. If anyone's interested, please contact me.
080: In places such as this where ADV's original Evanglion release used those fancy overlay translations (?), should we include their text somewhere? As I said, I've been out of the Evangelion game for a long time, but I do remember there's some pretty interesting info there. And since the Commentary Project's whole purpose is to be incredibly OCD, shouldn't we have an easily consultable list of those overlay translation spots? They are interesting, information-dense bits.
Will do the second half of the episode a little later.