Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby Natalie the Cat » Wed Apr 27, 2022 4:26 pm

Thor: Love and Thunder looks really gay and I approve of that.

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Sat Apr 30, 2022 11:48 am

Speaking of really gay, lesbian centric CW shows Batwoman & Legends of Tomorrow have sadly been canceled (legends on a giant cliffhanger apparently) :irked:

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby EvaChero » Tue May 17, 2022 12:18 pm

Who knows how accurate it is but Shulkie is being referred to as "a mess" ... vAClWCTyCc
who doesn't want to kick back with Misato and have a few beers?

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Wed May 18, 2022 9:41 pm

The Boys - Season 3 trailer -

View Original PostEvaChero wrote:Who knows how accurate it is but Shulkie is being referred to as "a mess" ... vAClWCTyCc

1st trailer -

Looks fairly good to me.
CGI is inconsistent but mostly fine.
Happy Tim Roth & the Abomination are getting used & while I appreciate the overall more faithful design I wish Abomination's face was more menacing/monstrous.

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:35 am

Magnificent & emotional Black Panther - Wakanda Forever teaser
Cinematography looks better than the 1st & it was already good there.
Art of Namor & Attuma.

She-Hulk trailer 2 -

The full upcoming Marvel line up...
- ... de-a194944
- ... rs-a194946

The Russo Brothers are tragically confirmed to not be directing the next 2 Avengers films (please god don't let it be waititi)
The director for Captain America 4 is a very weird choice, he did the Cloverfield Parodox which got bad reviews and not much else of note.
The lack of the previously announced Armor Wars (war machine show) is disturbing.

Black Adam trailers
Dr Fate is easily the part of the film I am most interested in. Viola Davis (amanda waller) has been added to the cast.

Shazam - Fury of the Gods trailer -
Much more epic than the first.

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Mon Oct 03, 2022 6:44 pm

Inexplicably Jake Gyllenhaal will star in a movie adaptation of edgy 90s Rob Liefeld character Prophet from the director of Netflix's Extraction.

DC canceling the nearly complete 90 million dollar Batgirl movie may have opened Pandora's Box unfortunately. Netflix just canceled it's Grendel series after nearly the whole first season was already filmed - ... on-a197102

Armor Wars is now being made into a movie instead of a TV series.

View Original Postmovieartman wrote:Magnificent & emotional Black Panther - Wakanda Forever teaser
Cinematography looks better than the 1st & it was already good there.

New -

View Original Postmovieartman wrote:The Russo Brothers are tragically confirmed to not be directing the next 2 Avengers films (please god don't let it be waititi).

The Shang-Chi director will direct Kang Dynasty. Very pleased.

View Original Postmovieartman wrote:Black Adam trailers
Dr Fate is easily the part of the film I am most interested in.

New -

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:37 am

- Cavill is officially back in the DCEU.
Profoundly pleased.

- James Gunn & Peter Safran have been officially declared to be the Kevin Feige type managers of the universe going forward.
This seems like a good option as Gunn had direct experience with Feige & saw how to manage things working under him and he wrote Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead & praised the Snyder Cut so hopefully he will be less likely to fully burn away all Snyder aspects of the universe going forward. He also is a artist himself so I think he will be relatively hands off and not force other directors/writers to conform their films to his jokey/vulgar style from TSS/Peacemaker.

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:15 pm

In 2018...
View Original PostGendo'sPapa wrote:Kinda think the days of “DC messing things up” is going to be over soon if it already isn’t.


View Original Postmovieartman wrote:- Cavill is officially back in the DCEU.
Profoundly pleased.

- James Gunn & Peter Safran have been officially declared to be the Kevin Feige type managers of the universe going forward.
This seems like a good option as Gunn had direct experience with Feige & saw how to manage things working under him and he wrote Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead & praised the Snyder Cut so hopefully he will be less likely to fully burn away all Snyder aspects of the universe going forward. He also is a artist himself so I think he will be relatively hands off and not force other directors/writers to conform their films to his jokey/vulgar style from TSS/Peacemaker.

ANNNNNNNND Cavill is bloody out again as Gunn wants to write a young Year One style Superman movie focused on him working at the Daily Planet.
Wonder Woman 3 is canceled and Patty left.
Momoa will likely be recast as Lobo so no Aquaman 3 (leaks are claiming Aqua2 is going to be close to god damn AdamWest/WW84 in tone, what in the actual fuck)
The Rock says Gunn has zero plans to use Black Adam in the first phase of the new universe.
And the radioactive acid salt on the wound is the fact that the Superman movie by the POS who said that the 9/11 first responders weren't human and deserved to die is still apparently moving forward.

As I said when Affleck left directing his Batman movie...

Thuktun Flishithy
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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby Thuktun Flishithy » Mon Dec 26, 2022 6:41 pm

And the radioactive acid salt on the wound is the fact that the Superman movie by the POS who said that the 9/11 first responders weren't human and deserved to die is still apparently moving forward.

The what now?

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Re: Superhero/Comic Based Films & Tv - Vol.2

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Postby movieartman » Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:43 am

View Original PostThuktun Flishithy#938454 wrote:
And the radioactive acid salt on the wound is the fact that the Superman movie by the POS who said that the 9/11 first responders weren't human and deserved to die is still apparently moving forward.

The what now?

Sorry for late reply, Ta-Nehisi Coates who made the above statement is writing a period piece black Superman movie & it will be produced by JJ Abrams (the guy many would say ruined both Star Trek & Star Wars)

Coates is capable of being a good writer (the first 8 or so issues of his Black Panther run were fantastic, I need to finish it) as long as he isn't writing about America (his Panther run was set entirely in Wakanda) but his unhinged political opinions can deeply disturb his writing when they mix. He was given the job of writing a Captain America run and the very first thing he says in a interview about it is that he always hated America and never understood why someone would want to represent it. His Cap run ended up being ok/meh from what I have heard but Steve was apparently treated like a side character in his own book.

Having someone like Coates write a American icon like Cap/Superman is like having Louis Farrakhan write a story about Jews IMO. I am not saying he should not get work as I hate cancel culture/blacklisting but he is not a moral or appropriate fit for these specific characters/projects IMO.

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