Designation: Evangelion Mark II
Type: next-generation technology demonstrator
DNA Base: Unit-02
Head: shaped like Rebuild's Mark.06 but has Unit-02's four eyes on the sides of the visor; visor can open up to reveal two more eyes where a human's eyes normally are; the Eva actually has a seventh eye on the forehead, but it remains permanently covered
Torso: instead of a standard, vertically segmented armor, the Eva uses a novel armor design where a circular central plate covers the core and the seams in the torso armor radiate outward from this central plate
Shoulder Pylons: smaller and more compact than usual, contain micromissile launchers instead of prog knives
Power Source: transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; Overboost System
Entry Plug: experimental configuration that replaces the bulky seat with a frame-like design the pilot is strapped into as if it was a motion-trace frame; refer to Gunbuster for the design
Color: white for Unit Alpha's Spec 1 and Spec 2 configurations, white/red for the Full Armor configuration, white/blue for Unit Beta's Full Armor configuration
Weapons: varies with configuration.
- Spec 1: OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle; progressive sword, stored in a horizontal scabbard on the rear of the waist; chest-mounted beam tracer cannon, fires a dozen particle beams in a shotgun-like blast due to not being properly calibrated; forearm-mounted shield; 2x helmet-integrated beam pulse cannon, weak but has a rate of fire comparable to a machine gun
- Spec 2: replaces standard beam rifle with an OLRD MR/T-58 Janus multiform carbine, a semi-auto particle beam rifle that can split into a pair of one-handed automatic carbines or can deploy external heatsinks and switch to firing a seconds-long continuous beam at maximum power output instead of a regular one; impact saber, a progressive sword with a blade structurally reinforced to withstand repeated high-speed collisions without breaking like a standard-issue progressive sword would; a smaller progressive blade, can be double-wielded alongside the rifle as a zero-range backup weapon, attached to the rifle as a bayonet, double-wielded with the impact saber as a parrying sword or magnetically attached to the end of the impact saber to form a double-bladed weapon, stored in a horizontal scabbard on the back of the waist just like the impact saber, but unsheathes in the opposite direction; chest-mounted particle beam tracer cannon, now properly calibrated and thus capable of precision-guiding every single one of its beams at a separate target; superheated plasma blade mounted on the right forearm, much more destructive than a progressive blade but imperfect technology means it can only be turned on for a few seconds at a time in order to avoid destructive overheating; lightweight progressive blades on both legs, fold up into a storage compartment while not in use, designed for kicking attacks in zero gravity
- Spec 3 Full Armor: powered exoskeleton with massive physical strength and speed; gravitic repulsor "power fist", transfers enough kinetic energy upon impact to send an Eva-sized target literally flying back several hundred meters; impact multisword, a further reinforced progressive sword the size of the Eva's height, can wrap its edges in superheated plasma to further supplement its offensive power, normally folded up and hung off the left shoulder pylon while not in use; OLRD HW/T-58 positron bazooka, extremely powerful heavy weapon capable of clearing an entire battlefield and brute-forcing itself through all but the most powerful of AT-fields but requires several minutes' worth of full reactor output to fire once and even one firing risks blowing out the power conduits; normally hung off the right shoulder pylon while not in use; 2x ORLD SW/E-58 Mauler dark matter plasma cannon, mounted on the shoulders, short-ranged in space and useless in atmosphere but can be fired from a head-first aerial dogfighting position, extremely devastating against AT-fields; 2x ORLD SW/K-58 Shiv light railgun, mounted on the waist, loaded with special low-caliber shells that wrap themselves in dark matter plasma to penetrate AT-fields, use kinetic force to penetrate armor, then a delayed explosive charge to detonate inside the target; superheated plasma blades mounted on all limbs, two per forearm, one per leg
Special Features:
- Telesmic Frame: the sheer size of an Eva's body means that there is an inherent transmission lag between the pilot's commands and the Eva's actions. By coating the Eva's nerves with a superconductive material, this lag is eliminated, making the Eva react and move at almost speed-of-thought; as a result, even a complete novice behind the Mark II's controls have reflexes and dexterity on par with an ace pilot in an unaugmented Eva, with a starting sync ratio well into the 80s. If the pilot achieves a sufficiently high sync ratio, the net result is that the Eva's nervous system essentially becomes an auxiliary processing cluster for the pilot's brain, with the vast additional processing power manifesting as a "bullet time" effect and near-precognitive reflexes.
- Particle ramjet engine: a revolutionary new flight propulsion system tested in the Mark II, it uses electromagnetic fields to funnel matter from the ambient environment into a particle accelerator, whereupon that matter is accelerated to near-relativistic speeds and expelled through a series of nozzles, similar to the concept of a Bussard ramjet; on the Mark II, the exhaust part takes the form of a pair of large, mechanical wings on the back (two pairs on the Full Armor spec). The result is a highly powerful engine easily capable of achieving hypersonic speeds inside atmosphere, with zero fuel requirements and the ability to work both in atmosphere and in space, with the denser the ambient medium, the higher the energy efficiency. However, the engine has exorbitant energy requirements to the point even a dedicated reactor wouldn't be enough to make an Eva go all-out and the high-velocity exhaust shears through pretty much anything that gets in the way, making the Eva a major navigational hazard to nearby friendlies.
- Overboost System: During the design of the Mark II, the engineering team hit a stonewall in the form of all the equipment mounted onto the Eva requiring more energy than what the reactor is physically capable of supplying with current technology. The solution was an overhaul of the normally-underused emergency backup batteries, installing an interlocked network of supercapacitors across the Eva's body. During normal operation, these capacitors are charged from surplus reactor power. On command, the capacitors discharge into the Eva's internal power grid, increasing the amount of energy available beyond what the reactor is normally able to provide so that the Eva can go beyond its normal power limitations without experiencing a brownout for as long as the capacitors last. Use of the Overboost is not time-limited, only capacity-limited - but due to technological limitations inherent to the materials used, the batteries' capacity will decrease with repeated charge/discharge cycles and need to be replaced, sharply increasing the Eva's maintenance costs. On the Mark II's Full Armor spec, the Overboost is further supplemented by a secondary battery array in the powered exoskeleton into Hyperboost, increasing both capacity and output but also skyrocketing costs beyond practicality.
Operational History: two prototypes were commissioned in 2058, with both seeing combat as part of a spec ops unit; the first unit in particular earned a fearsome reputation among Trident pilots as an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction famously nicknamed "White Glint"; aside from its combat record, the first prototype was also known to have been involved in a time travel incident of some kind, as well as having been the first Eva to utilize an actual human soul instead of a synthetic consciousness as its core intelligence, before it chased an Archangel through an anomalous wormhole and was never seen again
Designation: Evangelion Drone Carrier Test Type AX-01
Type: modified Delta MP used as technology testbed
DNA Base: Unit 02
Head: same as standard Delta MP
Torso: standard, vertically segmented
Shoulder Pylons: replaced with massive, leaf-shaped engine blocks that make the Eva's silhouette resemble that of a Qubeley; can fold up against the Eva's body for maximum forward thrust or split away for better maneuverability
Entry Plug: same as Gamma MP
Color: black/crimson
Primary Weapon: OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle
Secondary Weapon: progressive naginata
Emergency Weapon: 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225
Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, helmet-integrated
Special Features:
- The shoulder binders are an integrated version of a new, experimental configuration for A-type equipment, giving the Eva the ability to fly at high speeds (albeit not as fast as the Mark II).
- As a testbed for drone technology, the Eva carries 8 Autonomous Reconnaissance / Remote-Operated Weapons, high-mobility combat drones armed with particle beam cannons of power comparable to the OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle and linked into a network that allows them to coordinate their attacks and intelligently choose targets with minimal human oversight. While not in use, the drones dock into a set of slots on the Eva's back to recharge and refuel, though they do have the acceleration to keep up with the Eva while in flight. However, the standard A10 wireless neural interface has insufficient bandwidth for the drone control signal, requiring the pilot to undergo cranial surgery and receive a neural implant for a direct hardline connection.
Pilot: Mana Kirishima
Operational History: commissioned in 2058, with an initial hitch regarding lack of a test pilot until a volunteer was found; served in the same spec ops unit as the Mark II units; dispatched on a special mission in 2063 to find the MIA Mark II unit, hasn't been heard from since
Designation: Evangelion Mark III
Type: extreme combat prototype; two units, codenamed Seshat and Maat
DNA Base: Mark II
Head: shaped like a jackal, Anubis-style
Torso: same as Mark II
Shoulder Pylons: look like small, skeletal wings instead of pylons, serve as the emitters for the Cyclonic Particle Shield
Entry Plug: two-seater, pilot in front in a Mark II-style frame seat, co-pilot in the back in a classic seat, co-pilot is sitting with his/her back against the pilot, facing backwards
Color: Seshat has golden armor, Maat has bronze armor
Primary Weapon: a
very large number of particle beam tracer cannons, placed all over the Eva's armor
Secondary Weapon: double OLRD HW/T-67 Hexacore bazookas, hanging off the shoulders while not in use; compared to the Mark II's positron bazooka, this one uses a revolving capacitor bank that can fire off as much as six shots in succession before it has to recharge - and even so, an autoloader can remove the expended capacitor bank and replace it with a fresh one in seconds so that the bazooka can be re-fired immediately, while the expended capacitor bank is recharging on the Eva's back
Emergency Weapon: high-output superheated plasma blades mounted on the forearms, now work for an extended amount of time and can extend to nearly half a kilometer in length
Special Features:
- Aside from having the Mark II's Overboost System, the Mark III carries a large ring on its back, framing its head and upper torso like an Angel's flight halo. This ring is a receptor dish that can use a high-powered microwave laser fired by friendly forces to rapidly recharge Overboost without having to disengage and leave the battle.
- Cyclonic Particle Shield: a primitive attempt at creating an energy shield, developed for battleship use at roughly the same time as the Mark II. It surrounds an object with an electromagnetically confined sphere of ionized particles forced to orbit the object at a high speed. When something tries to pass through the sphere, it is vaporized or pushed off-course by the violent storm of particles hitting it from the side. Not very effective, reliable or efficient, but more accessible than an AT-field and does not require active mental concentration like an AT-field does.
- Cross-Synchronization: an advanced synchronization pattern derived from Unit-03's Dual Entry System and the AX-01's drone control signal. In an ordinary Eva, the Eva's core intelligence micromanages and automates background processes so that the pilot doesn't have to bother with them and can concentrate on combat. Dual Entry improves upon that by networking the two pilots' brains together, distributing neural load and allowing them to coordinate their actions better. Cross-Sync is a further improvement on that: aside from networking the pilots of the Eva, it is also capable of networking pilots in separate Evas. When Cross-Sync is active and the two Mark III units are in close proximity, the two Evas' neural interfaces wirelessly link to each other and start sharing synchronization telemetry between all four pilots, basically turning them from four minds in four bodies into a quad-core CPU in two bodies. All cognitive and sensory data is shared equally. Everything one of them notices, the others all know instantly without having to be told. One pilot notices an imminent threat on the other Eva, she can move the other Eva out of the way while the other Eva's pilot is using hers to counterattack.