Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby IronEvangelion » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:18 pm

If you could have your own Eva unit built to your specifications, what would it look like? What would it be armed with? I've put together a template so we can all design our own Evas! Just click on the spoiler for the template:

My Evangelion

Unit number/Name:
DNA Base:
Shoulder Pylons:
Power Source:
Entry Plug:
Primary Color:
Secondary Color:
Other Colors:
Special Markings:
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Emergency Weapon:
Special Features:

To give an example of how to fill it out, I'll go first.

My Evangelion

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit Epsilon
Type: Special Close-Range Model
DNA Base: Adam
Head: Production Model head with Eva 13's horn and Mark. 06's red visor.
Torso: NTE build, slightly more muscular than normal.
Shoulder Pylons: Eva 13 type.
Arms: Slightly more muscular than normal, armor plating on outer arms.
Legs: Slightly more muscular than normal, but otherwise standard.
Wings: EoE Harpy type.
Power Source: Special 30-minute battery, can hook up to standard Eva power plug if needed.
Entry Plug: Single-entry, Mark. 06-type interior screens, Golgotha dummy plug equipped for backup piloting.
Primary Color: Copper-plated armor and wings, polished to a mirror sheen.
Secondary Color: Gold-plated accents.
Other Colors: Black chrome jaws.
Special Markings: Hebrew script embossed on the torso plates.
Primary Weapon: Progressive two-handed sword.
Secondary Weapon: Spear of Longinus copy.
Emergency Weapon: Standard progressive knife.
Special Features: AT Field levitation (at expense of battery life), Automatic dummy plug activation if pilot loses consciousness, fixed-depth pilot seat to prevent core-drawing, signal jamming to prevent remote access should the need arise.

Have at it, it will be interesting to see what types of Evas everyone else creates. Pictures are welcome, I'll try to draw mine at some point in the near future.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby amitakartok » Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:36 pm

A few questions.

  1. Are we allowed to post only Evas we'd wish for ourselves or are fanfic Evas allowed too?
  2. How many weapons are we limited to maximum?
Strategic Cyborg Evangelion : an average author's aspiring attempt at awesomeness. Currently at chapter 42.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby IronEvangelion » Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:55 pm

View Original Postamitakartok wrote:A few questions.

  1. Are we allowed to post only Evas we'd wish for ourselves or are fanfic Evas allowed too?
  2. How many weapons are we limited to maximum?

The original idea was to make your own personal Eva, but fanfic Evas are welcome as well. Make as many as you want.
My template has three weapon slots to make it a bit more realistic, but if you want to add even more then feel free. The template is just a general guideline anyhow, you can make your Eva(s) as overpowered as you want.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby amitakartok » Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:43 am

I was asking because I have quite a few Evas made up for my fanfic, but there's no way in hell am I ever going to write a self-insert story, so I can't contribute here if we're only allowed to describe Evas for our own use.
Strategic Cyborg Evangelion : an average author's aspiring attempt at awesomeness. Currently at chapter 42.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby amitakartok » Mon Apr 04, 2016 6:08 pm

Anyway... in case anyone cares, what I intend to put into the fic in my sig:

The redesigned version of Unit-00  SPOILER: Show
Full designation: Project Evangelion Alpha Series Prototype EX-0024
Type: zeroth-generation functional prototype
DNA Base: Unit-04
Head: single eye with diagonally backward-reaching horn; horn contains an advanced sensor suite
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Shoulder Pylons: as in canon, with yellow/black industrial warning stripes instead of normal paint
Power Source: dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch, very heavy and bulky, places the Eva's center of mass high enough that the Eva can trip and fall over very easily; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: standard configuration, orange HUD
Color: orange (for high visibility during prototype testing)
Primary Weapon: Gehirn Heavy Industries 400mm L/75 Spalthammer assault cannon (modified naval artillery gun)
Emergency Weapon: 2x progressive knives
Special Features: due to a genetic problem, the Eva's cartilage tissue is structurally defective, causing the joints to abrade during high-activity operations; as a result, this Eva is unsuitable for prolonged close-quarters combat and requires regenerative treatment
Pilot: Rei Ikari
AI: Lilith
Operational History: commissioned in 2038 as the first independently mobile Eva, three confirmed Angel kills including a solo kill during its first sortie, self-destructed in 2042 by autonomous decision from the AI to save the pilot

The redesigned version of Unit-01  SPOILER: Show
Full designation: Project Evangelion Alpha Series Prototype EX-0025
Type: zeroth-generation functional prototype
DNA Base: Unit-00; fixes the cartilage issue
Head: similar to the canon helmet but has a third eye on the forehead, initially lacks the horn and has less-pronounced jaw armor
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Shoulder Pylons: as in canon
Power Source: until mid-2042, dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch; after mid-2042, S2 organ, located internally; standard emergency battery, removed after S2 organ integration to reduce the Eva's weight
Entry Plug: standard configuration, blue HUD
Color: until late 2042, metallic gray (rushed into combat before it could be painted, stays without paint at the pilot's request); after late 2042, chrome silver (repainted by the maintenance crew for morale purposes)
Primary Weapon: Spear of Longinus
Secondary Weapon: OLRD CW/P-58 shotgun, fires custom-tooled flechettes wrapped in dark matter plasma to destabilize AT-fields; 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, chest-integrated
Emergency Weapon: 2x progressive knives
Special Features:
  • Evas are routinely scalped after commissioning to eliminate hair-related issues during maintenance but this one escaped that fate due to circumstances and pilot request; as a result, the Eva has pale yellow hair exiting the back of its helmet's neck section, reaching down to the middle of the Eva's back, stylistically resembling a valkyrie
  • after acquiring its S2 organ, the Eva spontaneously grew extra muscle mass it immediately compressed back down to normal size, resulting in a superdense musculature capable of exerting far more physical strength than normal
  • also through the S2 organ, the Eva gained the ability to float and fly in complete defiance of the law of conservation of momentum, manifesting a vertical halo behind its body while flying
  • three eyes grant depth perception superior to Unit-00
  • later outfitted with the Dummy Remote Control System, an advanced version of the Dummy Feedback Loop System allowing it to remotely control specially-built Evas as unmanned drones
Pilot: Kaworu Nagisa
AI: Adam
Operational History: commissioned in 2040, but put into cryogenic storage shortly afterwards due to lack of funds for maintenance; thawed out and rushed into service in 2041, has the highest number of confirmed Angel kills on record, including the only recorded solo kill on an Archangel and complete destruction of a minor planetary body; put back into cryogenic storage in 2045, thawed out in 2058 and continuously kept in service through repeated overhauls all the way to its final decommissioning in 3925; a reactivation attempt was made somewhere around 12,000 AD but the cybernetics were too badly degraded by that point to work anymore

The redesigned version of Unit-02  SPOILER: Show
Full designation: Delta Series Production Model Prototype EX-0026
Type: first-generation final mass production prototype
DNA Base: Unit-01; bit less muscle mass, but joints have a slightly greater range of motion
Head: same four-eyed design as in canon but has a pair antennas starting from the forehead and pointing diagonally backwards, like the Proposal design
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Shoulder Pylons: standard-issue at first, slightly bulkier later on, slanted diagonally backwards to not obscure the Eva's peripheral vision
Power Source: until 2047, dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch; from 2047, transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: standard configuration, orange HUD
Color: NGE version of canon scheme
Primary Weapon: Gehirn Heavy Industries AR/K-41 209mm assault rifle, later upgrades to Gehirn Experimental Weapons Division AR/T-42 particle beam rifle, later upgrades to OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle
Secondary Weapon: 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, helmet-integrated; later upgraded to four autocannons instead of the standard two
Emergency Weapon: 2x progressive hand axe, stored in the enlarged shoulder pylons
Special Features:
  • later upgrades to four head gatlings instead of the standard two, making the normally backup weapon unexpectedly dangerous; the same refit also includes a customized version of A-type equipment with more thrusters, resulting in increased mobility and plenty of Char Aznable jokes from the maintenance crew
  • helmet antennas contain an advanced triangulation radar
  • four eyes grant binocular depth perception along the Eva's entire field of vision
Pilot: Asuka Langley Shephard
AI: Sekhmet
Operational History: commissioned in 2042 and has seen continuous service since

The redesigned version of Unit-03  SPOILER: Show
Full designation: Delta Series Experimental Model Prototype EX-0027
Type: first-generation proof-of-concept prototype
DNA Base: Unit-02
Head: same as Rebuild's Mark.06, has an insect-like compound eye behind the visor, granting it superior image resolution
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Shoulder Pylons: similar to canon but diagonally extended backwards to serve as a shoulder-mounted scabbard
Power Source: until 2047, dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch; from 2047, transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: two-seater, both facing forward; pilot in rear, co-pilot in front
Color: same as Rebuild's Mark.06
Primary Weapon: Gehirn Heavy Industries 250mm L/120 Donnerlanze bolt-action sniper railgun, has enough recoil to break the Eva's arm if fired without a bipod mount; later upgrades to OLRD SC/K-56 sniper railcannon, essentially the same weapon but forearm-mounted instead of handheld to leave both hands free, a built-in autoloader and a kinetic assist frame to ease aiming and dampen recoil
Secondary Weapon: 2 custom-made progressive swords, capable of magnetically attaching hilt-to-hilt to form a double-bladed weapon; stored in the shoulder pylons
Emergency Weapon: 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, helmet-integrated
Special Features: has an early version of the Dual Entry System, which allows two people to man the Eva at the same time; while originally intended as a prototype for a two-seater trainer unit, this early version only works with pilots who have near-identical neural patterns, making it unusable to the majority of Eva pilots
Pilot: Rei Ikari
Co-pilot: Reika Ayanami
AI: Artemis
Operational History: commissioned in late 2042, after a disastrous incident where a parasitic Angel used the Eva as a trojan horse to infect and attempt to subvert Unit-00, resulting in Unit-00's destruction; after a thorough decontamination failed to find any foreign residue inside the Eva, it was put into service to replace Unit-00; put into cryogenic storage in 2049, thawed out in 2058 for a general overhaul and has seen sporadic use since

The redesigned version of Unit-04  SPOILER: Show
Full designation: Gamma Series Experimental Cybernetic Model EX-0023
Type: failed zeroth-generation prototype repurposed into a partially robotic model
DNA Base: failed prototype EX-0022, repurposed into an organic processing cluster for the MAGI
Head: same as Rebuild's Provisional Unit 05, has a single eye behind the visor
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Arms: originally atrophied organic arms, amputated at the shoulder and replaced with a mechanical prosthetic with fully animate fingers and a palm-mounted flight stabilizer
Legs: originally organic legs too atrophied to move the Eva's weight, amputated at the hip and replaced with mechanical prosthetics that can switch between plantigrade bipedal and digitigrade bipedal (AKA "chicken walker") modes or split apart into a quadruperal mode to maximize stability over varying terrain; all modes have built-in storm rollers to decrease wear on the leg joints, as well as integrated thrusters to allow flight without A-type equipment
Shoulder Pylons: bulky ones with ranged armaments instead of prog knives
Power Source: until 2047, dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch (the Eva's quadruped mode almost completely eliminates the balance issues); from 2047, transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: modified standard issue with a special neural interface that physically plugs into the pilot's brain via a needle-like jack instead of using a wireless A10 link, minimizing signal noise and allowing direct command of the robotic limbs
Color: same as Rebuild's Provisional Unit 05
Primary Weapon: Gehirn Experimental Weapons Division AR/T-42 particle beam rifle, modified to be mounted on the right forearm instead of handheld; Gehirn Heavy Industries AR/K-41 assault rifle, similarly modified to be mounted on the left forearm
Secondary Weapon: missile launch tubes, inside the shoulder pylons
Emergency Weapon: Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, two in the chest, two in the helmet, loaded with regular ammunition; two more in autotracking turret mounts on top of the shoulder pylons, loaded with airburst shrapnel ammunition for anti-air and anti-missile defense
Special Features:
  • flare and chaff launchers in the thighs for added anti-missile defense
  • hands and legs have thrusters that allow independent flight without A-type equipment, Iron Man-style
  • due to its partly robotic nature, the Eva is too clumsy and fragile to be useful in close-quarters combat
Pilot: Shinji Ikari
AI: Loki
Operational History: originally constructed back in the mid-2030s as Unit-00's predecessor but abandoned after its limbs did not develop properly; put into cryogenic storage and periodically thawed out as an experiment to test Evas' resilience to long-duration cryo, finally thawed out for good, shipped to Polygonus and sold to Gehirn in 2042, who amputated the vestigial limbs and replaced them with prosthetics, unknowingly also fixing the same cartilage problem that plagued Unit-00; eventually stolen by the pilot who flew the Eva back to Earth and joined efforts against the Angels as heavy fire support using F-type equipment, but did not score any confirmed Angel kills before it became a non-combat testbed for under-development Eva equipment, including having been the first Eva to receive a transdimensional entropic reactor in 2047

What became of the Harpies  SPOILER: Show
Designation: Beta Pre-Production Series
Type: failed zeroth-generation mass-production prototype
DNA Base: Unit-00
Head: same as Unit 00 in canon, minus the eye-like things on the top of the helmet
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Shoulder Pylons: same as canon's numbered Evas
Power Source: dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: standard configuration, orange HUD
Color: initially the same as a Harpy's, minus the lips; later repainted pink
Primary Weapon: Gehirn Experimental Weapons Division AR/T-42 particle beam rifle
Secondary Weapon: 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, helmet-integrated
Emergency Weapon: 2x progressive knives
Pilot: Reika Ayanami at first, Mari Makinami later
Operational History: created in 2042 as part of a failed experiment to speed up Eva production via the use of an experimental chemical that speeds up cellular division; however, the abnormally fast growth left the Eva's body wracked with dozens of developmental issues, leaving it structurally weak and physically inferior to every other model, useless as anything other than cannon fodder; after a short period of sporadic use where it suffered frequent breakdowns and was only kept around out of necessity, the Eva was finally decommissioned once the Delta MP model went into full production; originally intended to be euthanized and destroyed, the Eva was instead thawed out and remodeled into an autonomous testbed for the Dummy Remote Control System

And the others  SPOILER: Show
Designation: Delta Mass-Production Series
Type: general purpose mass-production unit
DNA Base: Unit-02
Head: shaped like a zunari kabuto samurai helmet, with officers using Unit-02's antenna'd helmet instead
Torso: standard, vertically segmented armor
Shoulder Pylons: standard-issue, slanted diagonally backwards to not obscure the Eva's peripheral vision
Power Source: until 2047, dark matter fusion reactor externally mounted onto the upper back, just below the entry plug hatch; from 2047, transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: standard configuration; some are modified into Unit-03's two-seater configuration as trainer units
Color: black, with a personal-colored strip on the upper arm
Primary Weapon: usually either an OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle, an OLRD HW/K-44 recoilless rifle or an OLRD CW/P-56 shotgun
Secondary Weapon: 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, helmet-integrated; progressive sword, stored in a scabbard horizontally mounted to the back of the waist
Emergency Weapon: 2x progressive knives
Special Features: depends on the equipment package.
  • A-type: independent flight and spaceflight capability; lacks the thrust and fuel to reach orbit or go supersonic
  • B-type: storm rollers (feet-mounted rollerskates with spiked wheels for greater traction) / storm boosters (leg-mounted thrusters that allow the Eva to hover and glide over the terrain at high speed) and assault harpoons (rocket-propelled harpoon blades stored in the shoulder pylons)
  • C-type: additional reactive armor and pylon-mounted point defense autocannons for anti-air and anti-missile defense
  • D-type: atmospheric reentry capability
  • E-type: electronic warfare, radar-absorbent armor and holographic active camouflage
  • F-type: heavy fire support powered armor
  • G-type: advanced sensor and targeting suite
Operational History: mass-production version of Unit-02, first fielded in 2043

Designation: Gamma Mass-Production Series
Type: special purpose limited production unit
DNA Base: Unit-04
Appearance: identical to Unit-04 but painted in a digital urban camo pattern instead of Rebuild's Provisional Unit 05's colors
Power Source: transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; standard emergency battery
Entry Plug: same as Unit-04
Weapons and Capabilities: same as Unit-04, compatible with all standard-issue equipment packages
Operational History: production version of Unit-04; still suboptimal for close-quarters combat, thus only saw limited use, mostly as combat engineering support

And the OP ones  SPOILER: Show
Designation: Evangelion Mark II
Type: next-generation technology demonstrator
DNA Base: Unit-02
Head: shaped like Rebuild's Mark.06 but has Unit-02's four eyes on the sides of the visor; visor can open up to reveal two more eyes where a human's eyes normally are; the Eva actually has a seventh eye on the forehead, but it remains permanently covered
Torso: instead of a standard, vertically segmented armor, the Eva uses a novel armor design where a circular central plate covers the core and the seams in the torso armor radiate outward from this central plate
Shoulder Pylons: smaller and more compact than usual, contain micromissile launchers instead of prog knives
Power Source: transdimensional entropic reactor, externally mounted onto the lower back, about waist-height; Overboost System
Entry Plug: experimental configuration that replaces the bulky seat with a frame-like design the pilot is strapped into as if it was a motion-trace frame; refer to Gunbuster for the design
Color: white for Unit Alpha's Spec 1 and Spec 2 configurations, white/red for the Full Armor configuration, white/blue for Unit Beta's Full Armor configuration
Weapons: varies with configuration.
  • Spec 1: OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle; progressive sword, stored in a horizontal scabbard on the rear of the waist; chest-mounted beam tracer cannon, fires a dozen particle beams in a shotgun-like blast due to not being properly calibrated; forearm-mounted shield; 2x helmet-integrated beam pulse cannon, weak but has a rate of fire comparable to a machine gun
  • Spec 2: replaces standard beam rifle with an OLRD MR/T-58 Janus multiform carbine, a semi-auto particle beam rifle that can split into a pair of one-handed automatic carbines or can deploy external heatsinks and switch to firing a seconds-long continuous beam at maximum power output instead of a regular one; impact saber, a progressive sword with a blade structurally reinforced to withstand repeated high-speed collisions without breaking like a standard-issue progressive sword would; a smaller progressive blade, can be double-wielded alongside the rifle as a zero-range backup weapon, attached to the rifle as a bayonet, double-wielded with the impact saber as a parrying sword or magnetically attached to the end of the impact saber to form a double-bladed weapon, stored in a horizontal scabbard on the back of the waist just like the impact saber, but unsheathes in the opposite direction; chest-mounted particle beam tracer cannon, now properly calibrated and thus capable of precision-guiding every single one of its beams at a separate target; superheated plasma blade mounted on the right forearm, much more destructive than a progressive blade but imperfect technology means it can only be turned on for a few seconds at a time in order to avoid destructive overheating; lightweight progressive blades on both legs, fold up into a storage compartment while not in use, designed for kicking attacks in zero gravity
  • Spec 3 Full Armor: powered exoskeleton with massive physical strength and speed; gravitic repulsor "power fist", transfers enough kinetic energy upon impact to send an Eva-sized target literally flying back several hundred meters; impact multisword, a further reinforced progressive sword the size of the Eva's height, can wrap its edges in superheated plasma to further supplement its offensive power, normally folded up and hung off the left shoulder pylon while not in use; OLRD HW/T-58 positron bazooka, extremely powerful heavy weapon capable of clearing an entire battlefield and brute-forcing itself through all but the most powerful of AT-fields but requires several minutes' worth of full reactor output to fire once and even one firing risks blowing out the power conduits; normally hung off the right shoulder pylon while not in use; 2x ORLD SW/E-58 Mauler dark matter plasma cannon, mounted on the shoulders, short-ranged in space and useless in atmosphere but can be fired from a head-first aerial dogfighting position, extremely devastating against AT-fields; 2x ORLD SW/K-58 Shiv light railgun, mounted on the waist, loaded with special low-caliber shells that wrap themselves in dark matter plasma to penetrate AT-fields, use kinetic force to penetrate armor, then a delayed explosive charge to detonate inside the target; superheated plasma blades mounted on all limbs, two per forearm, one per leg
Special Features:
  • Telesmic Frame: the sheer size of an Eva's body means that there is an inherent transmission lag between the pilot's commands and the Eva's actions. By coating the Eva's nerves with a superconductive material, this lag is eliminated, making the Eva react and move at almost speed-of-thought; as a result, even a complete novice behind the Mark II's controls have reflexes and dexterity on par with an ace pilot in an unaugmented Eva, with a starting sync ratio well into the 80s. If the pilot achieves a sufficiently high sync ratio, the net result is that the Eva's nervous system essentially becomes an auxiliary processing cluster for the pilot's brain, with the vast additional processing power manifesting as a "bullet time" effect and near-precognitive reflexes.
  • Particle ramjet engine: a revolutionary new flight propulsion system tested in the Mark II, it uses electromagnetic fields to funnel matter from the ambient environment into a particle accelerator, whereupon that matter is accelerated to near-relativistic speeds and expelled through a series of nozzles, similar to the concept of a Bussard ramjet; on the Mark II, the exhaust part takes the form of a pair of large, mechanical wings on the back (two pairs on the Full Armor spec). The result is a highly powerful engine easily capable of achieving hypersonic speeds inside atmosphere, with zero fuel requirements and the ability to work both in atmosphere and in space, with the denser the ambient medium, the higher the energy efficiency. However, the engine has exorbitant energy requirements to the point even a dedicated reactor wouldn't be enough to make an Eva go all-out and the high-velocity exhaust shears through pretty much anything that gets in the way, making the Eva a major navigational hazard to nearby friendlies.
  • Overboost System: During the design of the Mark II, the engineering team hit a stonewall in the form of all the equipment mounted onto the Eva requiring more energy than what the reactor is physically capable of supplying with current technology. The solution was an overhaul of the normally-underused emergency backup batteries, installing an interlocked network of supercapacitors across the Eva's body. During normal operation, these capacitors are charged from surplus reactor power. On command, the capacitors discharge into the Eva's internal power grid, increasing the amount of energy available beyond what the reactor is normally able to provide so that the Eva can go beyond its normal power limitations without experiencing a brownout for as long as the capacitors last. Use of the Overboost is not time-limited, only capacity-limited - but due to technological limitations inherent to the materials used, the batteries' capacity will decrease with repeated charge/discharge cycles and need to be replaced, sharply increasing the Eva's maintenance costs. On the Mark II's Full Armor spec, the Overboost is further supplemented by a secondary battery array in the powered exoskeleton into Hyperboost, increasing both capacity and output but also skyrocketing costs beyond practicality.
Operational History: two prototypes were commissioned in 2058, with both seeing combat as part of a spec ops unit; the first unit in particular earned a fearsome reputation among Trident pilots as an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction famously nicknamed "White Glint"; aside from its combat record, the first prototype was also known to have been involved in a time travel incident of some kind, as well as having been the first Eva to utilize an actual human soul instead of a synthetic consciousness as its core intelligence, before it chased an Archangel through an anomalous wormhole and was never seen again

Designation: Evangelion Drone Carrier Test Type AX-01
Type: modified Delta MP used as technology testbed
DNA Base: Unit 02
Head: same as standard Delta MP
Torso: standard, vertically segmented
Shoulder Pylons: replaced with massive, leaf-shaped engine blocks that make the Eva's silhouette resemble that of a Qubeley; can fold up against the Eva's body for maximum forward thrust or split away for better maneuverability
Entry Plug: same as Gamma MP
Color: black/crimson
Primary Weapon: OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle
Secondary Weapon: progressive naginata
Emergency Weapon: 2x Gehirn Heavy Industries MK225 Hellstorm 20mm triple-barreled gatling autocannon, helmet-integrated
Special Features:
  • The shoulder binders are an integrated version of a new, experimental configuration for A-type equipment, giving the Eva the ability to fly at high speeds (albeit not as fast as the Mark II).
  • As a testbed for drone technology, the Eva carries 8 Autonomous Reconnaissance / Remote-Operated Weapons, high-mobility combat drones armed with particle beam cannons of power comparable to the OLRD AR/T-45 beam rifle and linked into a network that allows them to coordinate their attacks and intelligently choose targets with minimal human oversight. While not in use, the drones dock into a set of slots on the Eva's back to recharge and refuel, though they do have the acceleration to keep up with the Eva while in flight. However, the standard A10 wireless neural interface has insufficient bandwidth for the drone control signal, requiring the pilot to undergo cranial surgery and receive a neural implant for a direct hardline connection.
Pilot: Mana Kirishima
Operational History: commissioned in 2058, with an initial hitch regarding lack of a test pilot until a volunteer was found; served in the same spec ops unit as the Mark II units; dispatched on a special mission in 2063 to find the MIA Mark II unit, hasn't been heard from since

Designation: Evangelion Mark III
Type: extreme combat prototype; two units, codenamed Seshat and Maat
DNA Base: Mark II
Head: shaped like a jackal, Anubis-style
Torso: same as Mark II
Shoulder Pylons: look like small, skeletal wings instead of pylons, serve as the emitters for the Cyclonic Particle Shield
Entry Plug: two-seater, pilot in front in a Mark II-style frame seat, co-pilot in the back in a classic seat, co-pilot is sitting with his/her back against the pilot, facing backwards
Color: Seshat has golden armor, Maat has bronze armor
Primary Weapon: a very large number of particle beam tracer cannons, placed all over the Eva's armor
Secondary Weapon: double OLRD HW/T-67 Hexacore bazookas, hanging off the shoulders while not in use; compared to the Mark II's positron bazooka, this one uses a revolving capacitor bank that can fire off as much as six shots in succession before it has to recharge - and even so, an autoloader can remove the expended capacitor bank and replace it with a fresh one in seconds so that the bazooka can be re-fired immediately, while the expended capacitor bank is recharging on the Eva's back
Emergency Weapon: high-output superheated plasma blades mounted on the forearms, now work for an extended amount of time and can extend to nearly half a kilometer in length
Special Features:
  • Aside from having the Mark II's Overboost System, the Mark III carries a large ring on its back, framing its head and upper torso like an Angel's flight halo. This ring is a receptor dish that can use a high-powered microwave laser fired by friendly forces to rapidly recharge Overboost without having to disengage and leave the battle.
  • Cyclonic Particle Shield: a primitive attempt at creating an energy shield, developed for battleship use at roughly the same time as the Mark II. It surrounds an object with an electromagnetically confined sphere of ionized particles forced to orbit the object at a high speed. When something tries to pass through the sphere, it is vaporized or pushed off-course by the violent storm of particles hitting it from the side. Not very effective, reliable or efficient, but more accessible than an AT-field and does not require active mental concentration like an AT-field does.
  • Cross-Synchronization: an advanced synchronization pattern derived from Unit-03's Dual Entry System and the AX-01's drone control signal. In an ordinary Eva, the Eva's core intelligence micromanages and automates background processes so that the pilot doesn't have to bother with them and can concentrate on combat. Dual Entry improves upon that by networking the two pilots' brains together, distributing neural load and allowing them to coordinate their actions better. Cross-Sync is a further improvement on that: aside from networking the pilots of the Eva, it is also capable of networking pilots in separate Evas. When Cross-Sync is active and the two Mark III units are in close proximity, the two Evas' neural interfaces wirelessly link to each other and start sharing synchronization telemetry between all four pilots, basically turning them from four minds in four bodies into a quad-core CPU in two bodies. All cognitive and sensory data is shared equally. Everything one of them notices, the others all know instantly without having to be told. One pilot notices an imminent threat on the other Eva, she can move the other Eva out of the way while the other Eva's pilot is using hers to counterattack.
Strategic Cyborg Evangelion : an average author's aspiring attempt at awesomeness. Currently at chapter 42.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby mammaluser » Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:53 pm

I was writing some units for a story that i was writing ( a follow up to the NGE manga) but in the end i didn't finished it (probably will in other question do you think that i should continue?) and so here they go...

Unit 01-A
Designation: Papa alpha/ Alpha foxhound
Built during: August 20th, 2049 - april 25th, 2058
Current pilot: CLASSIFIED (Alive as of 2070)
Test pilot: Papa omega alpha (2061)
Armor type: B-prototype/A (former test form)

Unit 01-B
Desigation: Big momma/ Hoxton omega
Built during: Sept. 30th, 2049 - june, 2058
Current pilot: CLASSIFIED (Alive as of 2070)
Test pilot: Zulu x-ray omega (2061)
Armor type: F advanced prototype/A (former test form)

Unit 02
Designation: Eight digie/ Eagle foxhound
Built during: Jan. 15, 2050 - march. 10th, 2061
Current pilot: CLASSIFIED (Alive as of 2070)
Test pilot: Wanko omega charlie (2062)
Armor type: F.2/A (former)

Unit 04
Designation: Secret lover/ Kilo foxhound
Built during: April 20, 2052 - june 30, 2062
Current pilot: CLASSIFIED (Alive as of 2070)
Test pilot: CLASSIFIED (2060)
*Destroyed During "Battle of the Geofront"/Rebuilding in process(2071-74)
Armor type: S-X1

Unit 03
Designation: Brown cobra/ Lima red
Built during: May 30, 2053 - jan. 01, 2064
Current pilot: Yuri Asuwawa (As of 2060) (Deceased)
Test pilot: Yuri Asuwawa (2060)
*Destroyed during Berserk Attack (Killed pilot during activation test)
Armor type: S (prototype)

Unit 00
Designation: Unknown assasin/ Juliet omega
Built during: October 5, 2054 - april 20, 2064
Current pilot: CLASSIFIED (As of 2067) (Deceased)
Test pilot: CLASSIFIED (2066)
*Destroyed During Tokyo - I raid (Early 2067)
Armor type: O (prototype)
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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby IronEvangelion » Mon Apr 04, 2016 9:36 pm

View Original Postamitakartok wrote:Anyway... in case anyone cares, what I intend to put into the fic in my sig:

Very nice! I like how detailed the descriptions are.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby amitakartok » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:40 am

I wouldn't exactly call that detailed. I've been trying to stay vague, because to explain everything fully would go beyond this thread's topic.
Strategic Cyborg Evangelion : an average author's aspiring attempt at awesomeness. Currently at chapter 42.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby Shamsiel-kun » Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:44 am

Unit number/Name: Type X-0 "Peacemaker".
Type: Prototype Close-Combat Model.
DNA Base: Babel.
Head: Two-eared design with single visor and faceplate, hiding single massive red eye that appears in Beast Mode.
Torso: Classic.
Shoulder Pylons: Revised model that places two classic pylons parallel to each other at a 30 degree angle from horizontal, upper pylons emit pulsating red light.
Arms: Standard classic model.
Legs: Upper legs standard classic model, lower legs bulked up to serve as storage for Revolver Beam Cannon.
Wings: None.
Power Source: Special 24h long-range battery unit.
Entry Plug: Single-entry, classic back-inserted version.
Primary Color: White.
Secondary Color: Black.
Other Colors: Translucent red upper shoulder pylons, translucent orange details all over body, gold star on chest.
Special Markings: Special Vehicle Unit 1 markings, Tokyo-3 Police markings.
Primary Weapon: Claws attached to extending arms, Eva-03-like.
Secondary Weapon: Revolver Beam Cannon.
Emergency Weapon: Beast Mode.
Special Features: Angel-virus attribution function for functional copying of Angel behaviour, special pilot protection mode that forces pilot to perform at all times, automatic mode when pilot is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated (includes protest against current functioning).

AKA "Creepy Patlabor Model"
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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby Fyrstorm » Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:06 pm

Oh, why not. Here's some of the Evas from my fic, NGE: (Not) the End (link in signature for those interested)

Here's Unit-00, Post-Ramiel upgrade.
NtE Unit-00'  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: Evangelion Unit-00' (Kai)
Type: Prototype Eva, upgraded to Production capabilities.
DNA Base: ADAM-base v1
Head: Similar to Canon!Unit-00, but with four holes on its temples and a sliding blast shield on each cheek.
Torso: Production-grade stomach plating, maintains initial Prototype chest design. Thruster array on back.
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Production-type Pylons
Arms: Standard Eva design, Bracer Pylons replaced with conical thruster pods.
Legs: Standard Eva design
Wings: N/A (unless fitted with Seraphim Aero-Space Maneuvering Equipment)
Power Source: Internal battery (10 minutes), Umbilical power cable (mounts on spine, Standard), N2 Reactor (mounts on spine), Battery packs (mounts on pylons)
Entry Plug: Standard Entry Plug
Primary Color: Soft grey-blue
Secondary Color: Deep blue, dull grey
Other Colors: Orange light-piping (replaces standard green light-piping)
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapon: GAU-34 Pallet Gatling Gun, EM75 Hand Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: MM-99 Pallet Rifle
Emergency Weapon: PKN-01C Progressive Knife Mk I (pylon storage)
Integrated Weaponry: Elbow Rocket (x2), Cranial Gatling Guns (20mm, x4)
Special Features: Cranial Ra-dome, Beast-Mode Functionality up to Stage II

Pilot: Formerly Shinji Ikari, Third Child, now Rei Ayanami, First Child. Ikari piloted Unit-00 against the 4th-6th Angels, before exchanging Evas with Ayanami. Unit-00 was upgraded to its Production-grade at this time. Ayanami continued to pilot Unit-00' until [REDACTED].

...and here's Unit-01, also Post-Ramiel upgrade.
NtE Unit-00'  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: Evangelion Unit-01, Type-II Model
Type: Test-type Eva, upgraded to Type-II Model capabilities.
DNA Base: LILITH-base v1
Head: Canon!Unit-01.
Torso: Production-grade stomach plating, Test-type chest design (type-II model). Thruster array on back.
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Test-type Pylons (type-II model).
Arms: Standard Eva design, Bracer Pylons enlarged, secondary set fitted on inner surface.
Legs: Standard Eva design
Wings: N/A (unless fitted with Seraphim Aero-Space Maneuvering Equipment)
Power Source: Internal battery (10 minutes), Umbilical power cable (mounts on spine, Standard), N2 Reactor (mounts on spine), Battery packs (mounts on pylons), S2 Engine (retrieved from Zeruel)
Entry Plug: Standard Entry Plug
Primary Color: Candy-purple-indigo
Secondary Color: Black, bright green (shifts to red when S2 Engine is active)
Other Colors: Standard green light-piping (shifts to red when S2 Engine is active)
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapon: GAU-34 Pallet Gatling Gun, EM75 Hand Bazooka
Secondary Weapon: MM-99 Pallet Rifle
Emergency Weapon: PKN-01C Progressive Knife Mk I (pylon storage)
Integrated Weaponry: Arm-Mounted I-22 Plasma Casters (x2)
Special Features: Beast-Mode Functionality up to Hypothetical Stage III, Berserker, S2 Engine

Pilot: Formerly Rei Ayanami, First Child, now Shinji Ikari, Third Child. Ayanami piloted Unit-01 against the Jet Alone and 6th Angel, before exchanging Evas with Ikari. Unit-01 was upgraded to its Type-II configuration at this time.

...and finally, here's Unit-05.
NtE Unit-05  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: Evangelion Unit-05
Type: Experimental Prosthetic-Armature Assault-type
DNA Base: ADAM-base v4
Head: Resembles Rebuild!05's head, with a shorter forehead spike, and a neck guard. In Beast Mode, visor may open to reveal six eyes.
Torso: XPAA-type (Provisional), Thruster array on back.
Shoulder Pylons: XPAA-type (Provisional)
Arms: Mechanized, each equipped with a four-fingered hand. Upgraded to a sturdier model post-Sachiel.
Legs: Mechanized, x4 (Rebuild!05 legs). Utilizes All-Terrain Wheel Bases and Jump Thrusters.
Wings: N/A (unless fitted with Seraphim Aero-Space Maneuvering Equipment)
Power Source: Internal battery (10 minutes), Umbilical power cable (mounts on spine), N2 Reactor (mounts on spine, Standard), Battery packs (mounts on pylons)
Entry Plug: Emergency Escape Craft integration, allows for rapid exit of combat zones.
Primary Color: Silver, Gunmetal (Torso, Head)
Secondary Color: Army Green (Limbs)
Other Colors: Gold light-piping (replaces standard green light-piping)
Special Markings: RAF Roundel on left breast.
Primary Weapon: 05-Lance (Longinus-type, Replica Mk I), Long-Range Positron Sniper Cannon (JSSDF/NERV co-developed)
Secondary Weapon: MM-99 Pallet Rifle
Emergency Weapon: Teeth, Claws, Etc.
Integrated Weaponry: Shock Anchors (pylons), Cranial Gatling guns (20mm, x2)
Special Features: Anchoring Drills (undercarriage), Prosthetic Armature, Jaw Lock Override, Beast-Mode Functionality up to Hypothetical Stage III

Pilot: Mari Makinami-Illustrious, Fifth Child. Sortied once by DMYSYS-01. Synchrony has also been confirmed to exist between Unit-05 and the Second Child, though this has not been acted on.
My ongoing fanfics: NGE: (Not) the End, Evangelion: Regenesis

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby anti_pope » Fri Oct 20, 2017 1:24 am

There wasn't a reply for a long time but I Post my EVA here for fun :D

Unit number/Name: EVA-05. The Massproduction series begins with 06 in my own EVA universe :D
Type: it's an all-rounder. So it is good in close combat and with fireweapons. It can be modified that it is a better sniper for example ^^
DNA Base: Adam
Head: the forehead is similar to EVA-02s, it got 3 eyes like EVA-02. Means like these green lenses but in Red. Two of the eyes are placed normal, the third is above them on the forehead. It has a chinplate like EVA-00 but a bit longer and wider and above is a mouth opening like similar to EVA-03s
Torso: it uses the standard EVA armorplating like EVA-02-04
Shoulder Pylons: uses the standard one as well. The little glowing triangle pieces that cover the Prog-knife storage are red
Arms: normal EVA arms with these underarm things. Don't know how they are called XD
Legs: normal EVA legs with the knee protections in black with a red stripe on the upper edge
Wings: it got no wings. It's a regular EVA :D
Power Source: umbilical cable. Later refitted with a S2 Engine after they build a working one
Entry Plug: a standard one with in Black with red markings
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: red
Other Colors: between the black armor where they are splitt on the belly and chest the EVA is darkgray colored
Special Markings: it got turned pentagrams on the shoulders and on the front chestplate
Primary Weapon: a pallet rifle with the design of a H&k G11. This version of the pallet rifle is also produced by H&k.
Secondary Weapon: a butterfly style prog-knife
Emergency Weapon: everything that can be a weapon
Special Features: it can go in berserk mode on command like EVA-02 in RoE but only the strengh reducer get pushed out and parts of the armor get blown off. It remains on both legs and doesn't turn into a feral monster like EVA-02. It's berserk mode allows it for higher jumps, A.T. Field jumps (like Sachiel does it in the first episode) and it hits harder. It's A.T. Field is stronger in the mode to. For example it can easily withstand many hits of Ramiels beam and a few of Zeruels.
Here is a bit of background to it and history :D it was build in germany. Originally it was made to defend germany but a angel never attacked germany so it was shipped to Japan after Sahaquiels attack to replace EVA-01 until it's repaired. When the next angels attack it fights with the other 3 very succesfully. When Zeruel attacks it helps Asuka and EVA-02. After EVA-02 get's beheaded, the Pilot of EVA-05 turns on the berserk mode what doesn't help much and it looses it's right leg, arms and half of the head. It get's repaired after that and continues serving with the others. It get's it's S2 Engine after the fight against Arael. After all angels are beaten and the JSSDF attacks the NERV HQ EVA-05 fights against them on it's own. The pilot does this all very brutal in his hatred on them and stomps them, squish them with it's hand and devours serveral soldiers. Only when the massproduction EVAs (in my universe it's all 12 of them, not just 9) arrive the pilots attention goes to them. First He wants to help Asukas but see's how well she does so he turns attention back to the JSSDF attack first. When the fake Longinus Lance penetrates EVA-02s head and the EVA Series awakens again and mangle EVA-02 He turns his attention to them but he get's stopped by EVA-01, Shinji and Lilith after killing 3 of them by destroying their cores who start the second impact. There EVA-05s story ends at first :D

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby ArvisTaljik » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:27 am

Here's mine that I came up with. Building a few using the Bandai model kits where I can. :)

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit 0.9
Type: Multi-Purpose Decisive Humanoid Battle Weapon
DNA Base: Adam v1
Head: Mark.09
Torso: Standard torso w/production type chest plate and Mark.06 back plate
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Production Type (Unit 2)
Arms: Standard but slightly more muscular
Legs: Standard but slightly more muscular
Wings: None
Power Source: Internal Battery (5:00 limit), External Pylon Batteries (+15:00 limit); eventually Core S2 Engine (no limit)
Entry Plug: Standard; white with orange and black stripes
Primary Color: Flat Brilliant Orange
Secondary Color: Flat White
Other Colors: Flat Gray and Flat Black
Special Markings: Shoulders marked with EVA0 signage and forearms are marked "<PROJECT EVA>"
Primary Weapon: Any standard Eva hand-wielded weapon; typically a modified Pallet Rifle w/extended barrel and scope
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Knife (Left Shoulder Pylon)
Emergency Weapon: Anti-AT Field Spike Launchers (x6, Right Shoulder Pylon); AT Field
Special Features: Integrated Long-Range targeting package as part of its upgraded camera eye
Description: A rebuild of the original Unit 0 after it has both arms and its head severed by Zeruel. Though capable of mounting all standard Production-Type equipment loadouts, they are never used on Unit 0.9 prior to the conclusion of the Angel War nor the eventual conflict with SEELE and the UN. Piloted by Rei Ayanami (II).

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit 1.3
Type: Multi-Purpose Decisive Humanoid Battle Weapon
DNA Base: Lilith v1
Head: Unit 1's with Unit 13's horn and helmet 'loop'
Torso: Standard torso w/production type chest plate, Mark.06 back plate and Unit 1 chest plate
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Production Type (Unit 2)
Arms: Standard but slightly more muscular
Legs: Standard but slightly more muscular
Wings: 'Pseudo Wings' only appear when it is fully awakened, replacing the shoulder pylons; they are Navy Blue and Black in color. Awakened Mode does possess a halo that allows it some degree of hovering capability.
Power Source: Internal Battery (5:00 limit), External Pylon Batteries (+15:00 limit), eventually Core S2 Engine (no limit)
Entry Plug: Standard; White with Navy Blue and Yellow stripes
Primary Color: Flat Navy Blue
Secondary Color: Flat Yellow
Other Colors: Flat Gunmetal
Special Markings: Shoulders are marked with EVA1 signage and forearms are marked "<PROJECT EVA>"
Primary Weapon: Any standard Eva hand-wielded weapon; typically a modified Pallet Rifle w/extended barrel and scope
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Knife (Left Shoulder Pylon)
Emergency Weapon: Anti-AT Field Spike Launchers (x6, Right Shoulder Pylon); AT Field
Special Features: Possesses an "Awakened Mode" that operates with limiters on total power output to prevent Impact-level emissions
Description: A rebuild of the original Unit 1 after it has its lower body cleaved off and its head smashed by Zeruel. Sensor readings taken during the battle with Zeruel allowed Dr. Akagi to re-design the unit's limiters to allow for temporary use of its Awakened state as an emergency against tougher foes. Piloted by Shinji Ikari.

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit 02r (repair)
Type: Multi-Purpose Humanoid Decisive Battle Weapon
DNA Base: Adam v2
Head: Unit 02 Gamma
Torso: Standard torso w/production type chest plate and Mark.06 back plate
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Production Type (Unit 2)
Arms: Standard but slightly more muscular
Legs: Standard but slightly more muscular
Wings: None
Power Source: Internal Battery (5:00 limit), External Pylon Batteries (+15:00 limit); eventually Core S2 Engine (no limit)
Entry Plug: Standard; white with red and orange zig-zag stripes
Primary Color: Flat Dull Red
Secondary Color: Flat Brilliant Orange
Other Colors: Flat White, Flat Gray and Flat Black
Special Markings: Shoulders are marked with EVA2 signage and forearms are marked "<PROJECT EVA>"
Primary Weapon: Any standard Eva hand-wielded weapon; typically a modified Pallet Rifle w/extended barrel and scope
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Knife (Left Shoulder Pylon); Progressive Anti-AT Field Pistol Type-2 (can be externally mounted or carried)
Emergency Weapon: Anti-AT Field Spike Launchers (x6, Right Shoulder Pylon); AT Field
Special Features: Possesses a "Brawler Mode" similar in function to the original "Beast Mode" but designed specifically to increase Unit 02r's physical strength. When activated, the unit's torso, arms and legs increase their muscle mass by about 75% and the helmet restraints disengage to reveal its mouth (it has normal looking teeth like Unit 1 +longer incisors instead of the toothpick teeth of "Beast Mode")
Description: A rebuild of the original Unit 2 after having its left arm severed and the right side of its skull smashed in by Zeruel while in "Beast Mode." Due to the left arm being regrown and the cranium re-shaped, those portions are painted gray. Piloted by Asuka Langley Shikinami.

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit 5
Type: Multi-Purpose Decisive Humanoid Battle Weapon
DNA Base: Adam v4
Head: Unit 5
Torso: Standard torso w/production type chest plate and Mark.06 back plate
Shoulder Pylons: Unit 5 Provisional Type (without the electrical power grid connectors)
Arms: Standard but slightly more muscular (biological arms, not mechanical ones)
Legs: Standard but slightly more muscular (2 biological legs, not 4 mechanical ones)
Wings: None
Power Source: Internal Battery (5:00 limit), External Pylon Batteries (+15:00 limit)
Entry Plug: Standard; white with green and silver stripes
Primary Color: Flat Silver
Secondary Color: Flat Olive Drab
Other Colors: Flat Yellow, Flat Gunmetal, Flat Black
Special Markings: Shoulders marked with EVA5 signage and forearms are marked "<PROJECT EVA>"
Primary Weapon: Progressive Jousting Lance
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Knife (Left Shoulder Pylon)
Emergency Weapon: Anti-AT Field Spike Launchers (x6, Right Shoulder Pylon); AT Field
Special Features: None
Description: Originally built by NERV-London, Unit 5 was transferred to Tokyo-III upon completion along with its pilot. Piloted by Mari (Mary) Makinami-Illustrious.

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit 8
Type: Super Long-Range Decisive Humanoid Battle Weapon
DNA Base: Adam v5
Head: Unit 08
Torso: Elongated Mark.06 torso w/production type chest plate
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Production Type (Unit 2)
Arms: Standard but slightly more muscular
Legs: Standard but slightly more muscular
Wings: None
Power Source: Internal Battery (5:00 limit), External Pylon Batteries (+15:00 limit)
Entry Plug: Standard; white with pink and orange stripes
Primary Color: Flat Pink
Secondary Color: Flat White
Other Colors: Flat Brilliant Orange and Flat Black
Special Markings: Shoulders marked with EVA8 signage and forearms are marked "<PROJECT EVA>"
Primary Weapon: Custom-built Anti-AT Field rail-accelerated Sniper Rifle w/extended barrel
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Knife (Left Shoulder Pylon)
Emergency Weapon: Anti-AT Field Spike Launchers (x6, Right Shoulder Pylon); AT Field
Special Features: Integrated Long-Range targeting package
Description: Utilizes the core from the heavily damaged Unit 5 as the basis. Designed to be a long-range sniper unit after the determination was made that the assigned pilot's tendency to engage in reckless hand-to-hand combat scenarios plus an exceptionally high tolerance for sympathetic pain feedback resulted in too much damage to previous units. Piloted by Mari (Mary) Makinami-Illustrious.
Last edited by ArvisTaljik on Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby Fyrstorm » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:22 pm

Eh, I feel like writing some stuff up for here again. Might as well indulge myself.
A note: These Evas are intended for the (Not) the End setting-- the fanfic in my signature-- specifically from near the end and finale of it. However, they will likely end up being changed or remain conceptual. In any case, they're not the final versions, but it may end up spoiling stuff a little bit, so only read on if you 1) aren't actually following along with the story, or 2) don't care about spoilers and just want to see some cool cyborgs. Enjoy!

Heurtebize 1.0  SPOILER: Show
Unit Designation: Evangelion Mark.02 "Heurtebize" - Initial Equipment Ver.
Type: Human Instrumentality Committee High-Performance Concept Unit
Pilot: Nagisa Kaworu
DNA Base: Tabris
Head: Externally, as EoE Unit 02's. Internally, possesses a pattern of darker flesh in the shape of a five-pointed star. Yellow irises.
Torso: As Neon Genesis Production Type
Shoulder Pylons: As ANIMA Unit 02's
Arms: As Neon Genesis Production Type
Legs: As Neon Genesis Production Type
Wings: Modified thermonuclear hydrogen-fuel flight pack affixed to umbilical port and scapular armour (contains N2 Reactor)
Power Source: External-mount N2 Reactor Pack, Emergency Internal Battery (600 seconds). This more conventional choice of power was due to issues in the growth of Mark.02's internal S2 Engine.
Entry Plug: Wide-visibility model
Primary Color: Light Grey
Secondary Color: White (arm sheathes, pylon tips, and head stripes)
Other Colors: Red-pink throat; dark grey pylon sections
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapon: Lance of Cassius type-2 (double-ended lance, with replica Longinus core and two Pallet Guns built into the hilt. Heurtebize IEV is unable to access the improved functionality of this weapon due to a malfunctioning S2 Engine)
Secondary Weapon: 2x PKN-02' Improved Progressive Knife (pylon-mount), contains a segmented blade to allow for multiple uses in the case of weapon breakage.
Emergency Weapon: 2x multi-missile ordnance racks (pylon-mount), contain a large number of conventional missiles for bombarding or distracting enemies.
Special Features:
- Special circumstances mean that the Mark.02 is incapable of synchronizing with anyone besides Nagisa Kaworu.
- Possesses an internal S2 Engine, though its stunted nature renders it inoperable.
- Heurtebize is the "True Body" of the Angel Tabris. While Heurtebize holds Tabris' flesh, Nagisa holds Tabris' soul. Tabris is thus capable of operating Heurtebize "remotely"-- though actually being inside the entry plug allows Heurtebize/Tabris to access its full Angelic strength.
Operational History: Before the completed development of Heurtebize's S2 Engine, it was to have this equipment set-up. However, the Mark.02 never saw actual combat in this state, before it received its final equipment loadout.

Heurtebize 2.0  SPOILER: Show
Unit Designation: Evangelion Mark.02-f "Heurtebize" - Final Equipment Ver.
Type: Human Instrumentality Committee High-Performance Concept Unit
Pilot: Nagisa Kaworu
DNA Base: Tabris
Head: Externally, like EoE Unit 02's, with the visor cut out more to match the star pattern on its flesh. Internally, possesses a pattern of darker flesh in the shape of a five-pointed star. Yellow irises.
Torso: A mix between EoE Production Type and EoE MP Eva. Heurtebize possesses a standard entry plug mechanism, but loses its umbilical port and standard scapular armour for wing mounting points.
Shoulder Pylons: As ANIMA Unit 02's.
Arms: As Neon Genesis Production Type, with enlarged vambrace pylons for storing secondary weaponry.
Legs: As Neon Genesis Production Type, with rotating magnetic bolt on left thigh for storing secondary weaponry.
Wings: Retracting, feathered pinions, designed to focus the AT Field for flight capability.
Power Source: Internal S2 Engine. Before its deployment, data from Unit-01 and Bardiel's S2 Engines were used to "fix" the issues in Mark.02's own, allowing it to replace its previous power source.
Entry Plug: Wide-visibility model
Primary Color: White-gold
Secondary Color: Dark grey (torso bands, arm sheathes, breastplate)
Other Colors: Orange pylon tips and ankle guards; red-pink throat; white head stripes
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapon: Lance of Cassius type-2 (double-ended lance, with replica Longinus core and two Pallet Guns built into the hilt. With the S2 Engine, the Lance can be transformed into a spear-like state with superior AT-penetration abilities).
Secondary Weapons: Progressive Long-Sword (external hip-mount, left side), also known as the Magoroku-Exterminate, and designed as a complement weapon to the Short-Sword; 2x Progressive Short-Sword (forearm-mount), also known as the Counter-Sword, and designed as a complement weapon to the Long-Sword. Obviously, only two of these three weapons are meant to be used at any one time, but this set-up allows the Mark.02 great flexibility in deciding its role in close combat.
Emergency Weapon: Cranial AT Plasma Beam, emitted from the star pattern on its face (restricted by power issues and previous helmet design)
Special Features:
- Special circumstances mean that the Mark.02 is incapable of synchronizing with anyone besides Nagisa Kaworu.
- Possesses a fully developed internal S2 Engine. Its maximum output is unknown, but Heurtebize is fully capable of surpassing the output of Sahaquiel's S2 Engine (incorporated and enhanced by Eva Unit-01). Its AT Field is, naturally, incredibly strong.
- Heurtebize is the "True Body" of the Angel Tabris. While Heurtebize holds Tabris' flesh, Nagisa holds Tabris' soul. Tabris is thus capable of operating Heurtebize "remotely"-- though actually being inside the entry plug allows Heurtebize/Tabris to access its full Angelic strength.
Operational History: After receiving its final equipment loadout, the Mark.02 was deployed to Tokyo-3 in 2017, just in time to assist in defeating the Angelic threat present. However, several weeks later, its pilot revealed himself to be the final Angel, Tabris, and descended towards Terminal Dogma alongside the Mark.02. Evas 01, 02, and 05 intervened, and engaged Tabris/Heurtebize in combat. Upon Tabris' death, the Mark.02 shut down completely. In 2018, the Eva was dismantled, and its parts used in the upgraded Unit-02 and the cobbled-together Eva-06.

Mark.03  SPOILER: Show
Unit Designation: Evangelion Mark.03
Type: Human Instrumentality Committee High-Performance Command-Role Limited-Production Unit
Head: Based on Provisional Unit-05's, with a longer spike and a segmented neck guard. Mark.03 does not possess restraining bolts in its mouth, and can unhinge its jaw without issue.
Torso: Similar to Provisional Unit-05's, with a protruding breastplate and narrow body. Unlike Unit-05, Mark.03 does not possess the escape craft around its Entry Plug or the mechanised ports for prosthetic limbs, instead using armour closer to the standard Production Type.
Shoulder Pylons: As EoE Production Type
Arms: As Neon Genesis Production Type, with enlarged vambrace pylons.
Legs: As Neon Genesis Production Type
Wings: None, but capable of limited flight with its AT Field
Power Source: replica S2 Engine (based on data collected from Unit-01, Bardiel, and the Mark.02)
Entry Plug: [CLASSIFIED]
Primary Color: British racing green
Secondary Color: Dark yellow (arm bands, torso bands, and visor)
Other Colors: Black pylons and arm sheathes; grey jaw, throat, and ankle guards; pale green pylon tips and hands
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapon: Lance of Cassius type-2 (double-ended lance, with replica Longinus core and two Pallet Guns built into the hilt. With the replica S2 Engine, the Lance can be transformed into a spear-like state with superior AT-penetration abilities)
Secondary Weapon: 2x Pilebunker (forearm-mount), an electromagnetically-accelerated armour-penetrating spike that extends from the vambrace pylon, the Pilebunker is made for extremely close-quarters combat.
Emergency Weapons: 4x 20mm Cranial CIWS; Progressive Edges on its teeth and retractable claws.
Special Features:
- Dummy Synchronization Network, allows instantaneous communication and decision-relay between all with the network to optimize combat efficiency. It is unknown whether the Mark.03 includes this system due to its role as a commander unit for the Nemesis Series, or due to being a Dummy-controlled unit itself.
- Enhanced neural systems give Mark.03 152% the reflex speed of most main-series Evas, allowing it to outperform them in close combat.
Operational History: The first and only deployment of the Mark.03 occurred in 2018 with SEELE's assault on Nerv HQ, accompanied by the Nemesis Series. Mark.03 served as a commander unit, directing the Nemesis Series during the initial fight, until finally seeking out one-on-one combat with Evangelion Unit-05. There, the Eva's superior reflexes and power let it overpower and cripple Unit-05 completely. It then attempted to fully destroy the Unit, before the Fifth Child overloaded Unit-05's self-destruct system and ejected. The subsequent explosion completely vaporised both Unit-05 and the Mark.03.

Harpies  SPOILER: Show
Unit Designation: Evangelion Ver. MP "Nemesis Series" Unit (01-18)
Type: Human Instrumentality Committee High-Performance Mass-Production Unit
Pilot: Dummy Autonomous Control System, Version 3.5 (version 3.0 suffered widespread metaphysical denaturation in December, 2017, forcing a complete redesign of the control system)
Head: Whale-like, with a flexible laminated cover and enlarged jaw area. To eliminate a common weak spot, the Nemesis Series has no external cameras, nostrils, or ears. Sensory information is instead gathered through a combination of an internal radome, minor AT Field projection, and a set of wide-range photo/phono/chemo-receptors in the lips.
Torso: As EoE MP Evas
Shoulder Pylons: As EoE Production Type, with equipment similar to the RS Hopper packs present on Eva 13. Unlike main-series Evas, the Nemesis Series uses their pylons as storage and recharge racks for their RS-HPR Units.
Arms: As Neon Genesis Production Type, sans vambrace pylons
Legs: As Neon Genesis Production Type
Wings: Retracting, feathered pinions, designed to focus the AT Field for flight capability.
Power Source: replica S2 Engine (based on data collected from Unit-01, Bardiel, and the Mark.02)
Entry Plug: Dummy Plug, but can be fitted with a standard plug for use with human pilots.
Primary Color: Flat white
Secondary Color: Sky grey
Other Colors: Red-pink lips and throat area; black arm bands, wing interiors, and pylons
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapon: Lance of Cassius type-2 (double-ended lance, with replica Longinus core and two Pallet Guns built into the hilt. With the replica S2 Engine, the Lance can be transformed into a spear-like state with superior AT-penetration abilities)
Secondary Weapon: 2x Ramiel-Synthetic HPR (High-maneuverability Protective Remote) Unit. Based off of Ramiel's remote defensive/focus plates, the RS-HPR relies on a Core structure to generate its own AT Field, which propels the Unit, and can be used defensively (barrier projection) or offensively (AT-blades/spikes) according to the Eva's decisions.
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Fangs. The metallic construction of the Nemesis Series' teeth allows them to function as miniaturized Progressive Knives, and their enlarged designs make bringing such a weapon to bear far more effective than otherwise.
Special Features:
- RS-HPR Control System, developed from Unit-03's remote weapons control system to function wirelessly with the aid of an AT Field.
- Dummy Synchronization Network, allows instantaneous communication and decision-relay between all with the network to optimize combat efficiency.
- Unlike previous Dummy Plugs, Dummy System Version 3.5 is capable of generating an AT Field, though at a weaker strength than main-series Evas. This necessitates the presence of RS-HPRs in order to reinforce their Fields to a comparable level.
Operation History: The first deployment of the initial Nemesis Series units occurred in 2018 with SEELE's assault on Nerv HQ, accompanied by the Mark.03. Initial forces were confronted by Evas 01-03 and 05, until Mark.03 engaged Unit-05 in combat. The Nemesis Series managed to inflict moderate to heavy damage on the remaining three due to their numeric superiority, before Unit-05's self-destruct temporarily knocked them out of commission, and completely disabled Eva 03. Unfortunately for the Nemesis Series, it was soon after this that Eva 02 entered Beast Mode, and managed to gain an advantage. The Nemesis Series were put on the defensive, until they managed to transform their Lances, and temporarily disable the Eva. However, a quick intervention by the then-finished Eva VI prevented further action on their part, and led to the remaining four NS Units attempting a retreat.

Yet another Eva  SPOILER: Show
Unit Designation: Evangelion Unit VI (or Eva-06)
Type: Nerv Hybrid High-Performance Concept Unit/Technology Demonstrator
Pilot: Ayanami Rei
DNA Base: Tabris/Adam Base v.4
Head: Similar to 04's and 02's, with the upper eyes visible through slits on its "mask", and the lower pair hidden beneath a hinged cheek plate. Two flattened horns extend from the back of its head, above the upper eyes, and the jaw is pronounced. Yellow irises.
Torso: Like EoE Production Type's, with an ovoid power pack covering the umbilical port, and ball-jointed thrusters in the scapular armour.
Shoulder Pylons: Like canon Mark.06's, with a pair of gun-barrels it the bottom half of each pylon.
Arms: As Neon Genesis Production Type, with enlarged vambrace pylons for storing secondary weaponry.
Legs: As Neon Genesis Production Type, with magnetic bolt on left thigh for storing secondary weaponry.
Wings: None, but capable of limited flight with its AT Field.
Power Source: External-mount N2 Reactor Pack, Emergency Internal Battery (600 seconds). After initial deployment, outfitted with a Nemesis Series S2 Engine.
Entry Plug: Wide-visibility model (taken from Heurtebize)
Primary Color:
- initial deployment version: Gunmetal grey (unpainted)
- final rollout version: Sunny yellow
Secondary Color:
- initial deployment version: Dark grey (arm sheathes)
- final rollout version: White (arm sheathes, torso bands, pylon tips, lower jaw, and legs from the knee down)
Other Colors:
- initial deployment version: Dark red hands and throat
- final rollout version: Dark red hands and throat; dark grey pylons; navy blue arm bands, ankle guards, and knuckles
Special Markings: N/A
Primary Weapons: EM-144 Super-Electromagnetic Crossbow, next-gen prototype weapon combining the accuracy and power of the Flechette Rifle with the endurance and reliability of the Pallet Rifle, fires superconducting anti-armour bolts; Enhanced Variable System (ESV) Shield, one-handed tower shield carried on the left arm, features electro-reflective coating against positron and charged particle attacks, built-in dual anchoring spikes (can be used as a melee weapon or let the shield function as deployable cover), and spare ammunition storage.
Secondary Weapons: Progressive Long-Sword (external hip-mount, left side), retained from Mark.02; 2x Type-24y Positron Handguns (internal pylon-mount), fires short-ranged sprays of superheated positron plasma, but lacks the battery or storage capacity for more than six shots at a time without recharging.
Emergency Weapons: 4x 90mm Integrated Autocannon (limited ball-mounts at the bottom half of each pylon, two per pylon); 2x Progressive Short-Sword (arm-mount) as Heurtebize.
Special Features:
- Though it uses the same core as Heurtebize, Eva-06 does not seem to have the same synchronization lock, though this may be due to the pilot's unique nature.
- 06's Power Link can feed electrical energy from the Eva's reactor to anything stored in its pylons or held in its hands that requires it-- such the Positron Pistols, or the power cells of the Super-Electromagnetic Crossbow-- continually recharging whatever it's assigned to.
Operational History: Constructed in 2018 using the pieces of the dismantled Mark.02 and the decommissioned Unit-04, Eva-06 was only barely completed at the start of Nerv's battle against the Nemesis Series, and deployed just in time to save the temporarily-crippled Unit-02. Eva-06 was the only remaining Evangelion Unit not to require serious repairs or maintenance afterwards.
Last edited by Fyrstorm on Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby ArvisTaljik » Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:21 am

Another one of mine. :)

Unit number/Name: Eva Unit 4
Type: Multi-Purpose Decisive Humanoid Battle Weapon
DNA Base: Adam v2
Head: Unit 2
Torso: Standard torso w/production type chest plate and Mark.06 back plate.
Shoulder Pylons: Standard Production Type (Unit 2)
Arms: Standard but slightly more muscular
Legs: Standard but slightly more muscular
Wings: None
Power Source: Internal Battery (5:00 limit), External Pylon Batteries (+15:00 limit); Core S2 Engine (no limit)
Entry Plug: Standard; white with black and silver stripes
Primary Color: Flat Alluminum
Secondary Color: Flat Black
Other Colors: Flat White and Flat Dull Red
Special Markings: Shoulders marked with EVA4 signage and forearms are marked "<PROJECT EVA>"
Primary Weapon: Progressive Scythe
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Knife (Left Shoulder Pylon)
Emergency Weapon: Anti-AT Field Spike Launchers (x6, Right Shoulder Pylon); AT Field
Special Features: Possess a SEELE-installed Operating System Override; received an Angel Pattern-Blue blood transfusion during construction
Description: Constructed in the United States and assigned to Toji Suzahara after the incident in Tokyo III with Unit 3. Due to treaty limitations, Unit 4 is kept in the US and Toji and his family are moved to NERV-3 in Nevada. Unit 4 isn't deployed until the final conflict between NERV and the UN/SEELE and is deployed on the UN side of the conflict. It is referred to by Kaji Ryoji as the "Vessel of Adam" though the reason does not become apparent until it is deployed against NERV.
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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby VUX » Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:19 pm

I've got my own Eva Unit
Ps. This is from an alternate "what if" universe
Name: Evangelion Unit A
Description: Originaly the angel Sachiel, after its defeat at the hands of Evangelion Unit 1, it was successfuly captured before it could self-destruct and was taken to a secret Nerv facility, where it underwent months of agonizing modification, which included the addition of restraints and the careful study of its s2 engine, a feat that nearly killed those studying it. Although it was briefly considered to give it a pilot, this idea was later abandoned, as the newly created being in question was far to dangerous to control. After the defeat of the 2nd and 3rd angels Shamshel and Ramiel, their genes were used to genetically modify Unit A, allowing it to fire a powerful energy beam, as well as create it's own energy whips. While the unit does possess an s2 engine, this was purposefully deactivated in case it would become out of control similarly to that of Unit 04.
DNA Template: Adam
AI Template: Rei Ayanami
Weapons: Double Barrel Shotgun, Elbow Blades, Energy Whips, and Energy Beam
Armor Color: Black
Visor Color: Yellow
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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby AdamMalkovitch » Tue Mar 13, 2018 12:32 pm

My Evangelion

Unit number/Name: Unit OMEGA
Type: Hexapedal Semi-Aquatic combat/maintenance type
DNA Base: Lilith combined with ichthyostega genes
Head: Saurian, a more flattened version of a tyrannosaur-type head, similar to that of an axolotl, complete with feathered pairs of fins on the sides of the head behind the eyes. Four eyes, two on each side of the head right behind one another, the ones in front are smaller than the ones behind
Torso: Thin and amphibian, slender and horizontal, with a long tail
Shoulder Pylons: Tall spines on the shoulders of each pair of arms, each one's tip launches reinforced kevlar ropes that wrap around and restrain targets or structures
Arms: Three pairs of humanoid, muscular arms on sides of body, covered in nerveless feathers that can be trimmed or removed entirely. Hands are human, but with webbed fingers
Legs: n/a
Wings: A pair of retractable flesh wings behind the first two pairs of arms, used both for flying, and to increase swim speed
Power Source: QR Signum, mesh is spread along underside of the torso, and covering the tail
Entry Plug: Triple-entry system, entry slot between each arm pair. Almost always operated by a trio of Dummy Systems.
Primary Color: Pink-salmon
Secondary Color: Black
Other Colors: Green human eyes
Special Markings: Shark-like claspers on underside of torso, between furthest-back pair of arms. Between claspers is a retractable fin that administers an immensely powerful electric shock which dazes targets, but cannot kill them.
Primary Weapon: Claws and teeth
Secondary Weapon: Shoulder Pylons' restraining kevlar
Emergency Weapon: Electric shock from mechanical fin between claspers. Dazes targets but does not kill. Uses so much energy that it can only be used once per battle
Special Features: Can be operated by as few as one Entry Plug, but loses the use of it's extra arms, extra pylons, and both pairs of wings. If both of the back sections are damaged, they can be dropped manually, and the remains of the torso will swing around on the front pair of legs, so that the head is between the arms.
*injects Angel blood* I know what the fuck an EVA is now :)

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby ZQFMGB » Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:36 pm

NOOOOOOO, I was wroting a big post with four cutom Evas with losts of details, I had to left the computer for a while and when I returned, the page rebooted and my reply disappeared ! GRAAAAAH! :facepalm:

Anyway, I'll just post this one and I'll edit later if I have the courage...

My Evangelion

Unit number/Name: Evangelion Mark.07
Type: A.T. Field manipulator prototype.
DNA Base: Lilith.
Head: Dinosaur-looking head, with two independently rotating eyes on each side of it. Has a ATF manipulator device attached to it (basically a big black box).
Torso: Reinforced in order to prevent the Eva from falling apart due to the effort caused by the use of the ATF manipulators.
Shoulder Pylons: Classic stuff.
Arms: Equipped with ATF manipulators.
Legs: Same as the torso.
Wings: None (except in rare occasions when in berserk mode due to the amplificated ATF manipulation), but it can wear a fly gear.
Power Source: Classic stuff.
Entry Plug: Intelligent Dummy System, capable of doing smarter moves than just running in front of the enemy.
Primary Color: Yellow.
Secondary Color: White.
Other Colors: Red eyes and dots.
Special Markings: Esoteric hieroglyphs on the ATF manipulators.
Primary Weapon: Gatling gun.
Secondary Weapon: Pallet rifle.
Emergency Weapon: Progressive knife.
Special Features: The Mark 07 can throw energy blasts at its enemies and deploy an energy shield to protect itself (in the same way Awakened Unit 01 does, although not as powerful), thanks to its ATF manipulators. However, it makes it more unstable, and this Eva has already gone berserk on several occasions. Seele scientists also stated that there is a possibility that a totally out of control Mark 07 might cause a mini Second Impact-like explosion the same way Unit 04 did, so this Eva is closely watched.

Nice thread, I hope it won't sink. ^_^
Nerv is recruiting new employees ! Check the list below to see what are the required competences for each job !

Commander : being as unexpressive as possible and doing a perfect "Gendo pose".
Vice Commander : looking constipated.
Operations director : shouting orders which have 95% chances of failing.
Chief scientist : looking amazed and puzzled when something goes wrong with an Eva.
Bridge operator : saying what's going wrong with an Eva and which emergency procedure isn't working.
Therapist : thera what ?

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby Neepa » Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:31 am

Here are versions I use in my fic. Will make a spoilerfree version of each of them.

Spoilerfree Unit01  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: Unit01 (prolonged Angel war modifications 2019)
Type: Test Type
DNA Base: Lilith (genetically augmented)
Head: Standard mods: chin portrusion mostly cut off, side "inlets" with the ring running around the back of the head removed, jaw lock removed
Torso: Standard modifications: restraining armour removed, batteries removed, back hump less portruding
Shoulder Pylons: Standard left shoulder Pylon, right shoulder Pylon replaced with preproduction Unit00 shoulder Pylon
Arms: Standard (bits and pieces of the armour mesh missing)
Legs: Standard modifications: knee armour portrusions cut back with rounded front edge
Power Source: S2 engine (absorbed from Zeruel)
Entry Plug: modified EntryPlug systems repurposed to a nerve-computer interface, made independent from the systems to achieve near normal biological function of central nervous system, by that no direct control through the EntryPlug anymore, only optional
Primary Color: purple
Secondary Color: black
Other Colors: standard green markings
Special Markings: markings for the number of defeated Angels
Primary Weapon: 800mm Super Heavy Revolver from old Nerv surplus weapon projects
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Combat Knife with scabbard also from old surplus
Emergency Weapon: Standard Progressive Knife

After an incident and the battle that took place after that all restraints once put onto the machine/being have been rendered non functional or don't even exist anymore. The S2 engine is active 24/7 supplying power and keeping it active.
To remove weight and the physical restraints of the armour the useless batteries were removed along with chunks of the armour to allow for almost human movement capabilities.
As the piloting systems became defunct after the incident the EntryPlug was repurposed as a brain-computer-interface to allow for access to nonbiological components, connections and as a tactical battle interface. Blockers built into the piloting system preventing normal biological function have been deactivated and the systems have no control anymore. Any measure of outside control is only allowed only by itself.
It is fully independent being powered by its S2 engine and only relies on Nerv Central for repairs of remaining electro-mechanical systems/components, ammo and supply of biomatter (LCL) for regeneration after battle.

SPOILER Version Unit01  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: Unit01/ Shinji Ikari
Type: Test Type/independent being
DNA Base: Lilith (genetically augmented)
Head: Standard mods: chin portrusion mostly cut off, side "inlets" with the ring running around the back of the head removed, jaw lock removed
Torso: Standard modifications: restraining armour removed, batteries removed, back hump less portruding
Shoulder Pylons: Standard left shoulder Pylon, right shoulder Pylon replaced with preproduction Unit00 shoulder Pylon
Arms: Standard (bits and pieces of the armour mesh missing)
Legs: Standard modifications: knee armour portrusions cut back with rounded front edge
Power Source: S2 engine (absorbed from Zeruel)
Entry Plug: modified EntryPlug systems repurposed to a nerve-computer interface, made independent from the systems to achieve near normal biological function of central nervous system, by that no direct control through the EntryPlug anymore, only optional
Primary Color: purple
Secondary Color: black
Other Colors: standard green markings
Special Markings: markings for the number of defeated Angels
Primary Weapon: 800mm Super Heavy Revolver from old Nerv surplus weapon projects
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Combat Knife (more a very short sword) with scabbard also from old surplus
Emergency Weapon: Standard Progressive Knife

After three years after one particular costly battle in 2019 Nerv had no other option than to reactivate Unit01, Unit02 along with the three Pilots of the first Pilot roster from mothballing and their prison inside the Geofront. During the first activation test of Unit01, which took place earlier on the request of its Pilot, Pilot Shinji Ikari facilitated a SyncroRatio of beyond 400% and replaced his mothers Soul inside the machine with Yui Ikari being reinstitued inside the EntryPlug. The Pilots Soul was absorbed into the fused Core/S2 engine while it supplied energy to the Unit. Due to the Unit now possessing an active S2 engine the Pilot didn't went dormant once absorbed. All in all he now is Unit01. The human body was also reinstated inside the Plug after the process with now a 50% share of Unit01's genetic material while retaining the human body structure. However due to similar particles to the core/S2 engine in the human body he still lives inside the human body while the body of Unit01with the Core/S2 engine is the vessel of his Soul. Quoting once head of Project E "the main body is like a gaint antenna broadcasting him into the human once".
After the battle later on dubbed "The Beginning of the End" he/it requested removal of most of the cybernetic implants and piloting system which prevented normal biological function of the body. Body armor and the now useless batteries were also removed to make it lighter and restore near human movement capabilities. Now it is unbound by almost any restraint once put onto the body.
As the piloting systems became defunct after the incident the EntryPlug was repurposed as a brain-computer-interface to allow for access to nonbiological components, connections and as a tactical battle interface. Blockers built into the piloting system preventing normal biological function have been deactivated at his/it's request and the systems have no control anymore. Any measure of outside control is only allowed only by him/itself.
He/It is fully independent being powered by the S2 engine and only needs repairs of remaining electro-mechanical systems/components, ammo and a supply of biomatter (LCL) for regeneration after battle.

Further Units will follow shortly.
Namely Unit03.2, 04.2, 05, 06alpha and beta, 07, 08, 13.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby Neepa » Fri Jun 15, 2018 3:26 pm

Here some more Units I will use in my fic.
Will do the sixes, 07, 08 and 13 tomorrow.

New Production Type Evangelion  SPOILER: Show
Name: New Production Type Evangelion
Type: Baseline Production Model
DNA Base: Adam
Head: Unit03 just smaller
Torso: Unit03 just smaller
Shoulder Pylons: Unit03 variant but not as thin and tall, double the width and only 2/3rds as tall
Arms: Unit03 just smaller
Legs: Unit03 with redesigned kneecap armour, less portruding upwards and slightly wider, B-Type (small) attachment point for secondary weapons
Power Source: new advanced batteries with up to 4 minutes at maximum consumption
Entry Plug: Gen.2 EntryPlug and Piloting System, safer to use, better system integration, user friendlier and more intuitive soft- and hardware, seat features belts that attach to the PlugSuit
Primary Color: varying
Secondary Color: varying
Other Colors: writing/designations in black (surrounded with neon color when on black ground)
Special Markings: name of the Pilot, flag of production country, number of defeated Cherubim
Primary Weapon: varying
Secondary Weapon: 350mm Conventional Pistol, 10 rounds per magazine, varying ammunition types
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Knife Model 3

A new baseline Production Type Evangelion with smaller overall physical dimensions to cut down cost. Thought up after the declared failure of the first Production Type Evangelion due to demand of maintenance and resourcess/repairs.
Several Units built to date (2019) with six deployed in combat and with further three in final construction.
To make them more resource efficient, less costly to built and maintain the height was cut down to around 87 meters from around 120 meters of the Prototype, Test Type and first Production Type.
Due to that and more advanced batteries longer operation time of 4 minutes at full consumption.

Deployed Units: 03.2, 04.2, 06alpha/06beta, 07, 08
Under construction: 09, 10, 11

Unit03.2 Spoilerfree  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: New Production Type Evangelion Unit03.2
Type: Baseline Model
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: light purple
Other Colors: red accents
Special Markings: American flag, pilot initials: T.S. , markings for 6 defeated Cherubim
Primary Weapon: 400mm Pallet Battle Rifle with close quarter combat attachments
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Dagger
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Knife Model 3
Special Features: Slightly altered and adjusted EntryPlug and Piloting Systems, necessary due to empairments of the Pilot

First New Production Type Evangelion to be fully completed and used in battle in 2017. Officially a Production Type Evangelion altered during construction to New Production Type specifications. It's Pilot is the most expirenced of them all operating from close to medium range. His stoic behaviour, readiness to achieve victory with disregard to himself and non boasting behaviour earned him the name "Nerv's Soldier"

Unit number/Name: New Production Type Evangelion Unit03.2
Type: Baseline Model
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: light purple
Other Colors: red accents
Special Markings: American flag, Pilot: Toji Suzuhara , markings for 6 defeated Cherubim
Primary Weapon: 400mm Pallet Battle Rifle with close quarter combat attachments
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Dagger
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Knife Model 3
Special Features: Slightly altered and adjusted EntryPlug and Piloting Systems, cables connecting to the Pilot's arm and leg protheses with some functions of the EntryPlug directly controlled through nerve connections and small head implants,
no A10 nerve connector headset needed because superficial

With the New Production Type Evangelions Nerv had to draft Pilots that were never included in the old Scenario. At first thought of as a stopgap measure they turned to the only candiates available with some knowledge on the programm and even some piloting experience. Toji Suzuhara was reselected as a Pilot and trained for the prolonged Angel war as much as Nerv could. His first battle had to be fought alone against designated Cherubim 19 due to problems with Unit04.2.
Till date the most expirienced and best Pilot Nerv officially has and still in service due to the demands of the war. Dubbed "Nerv's Soldier" by the media.

Spoilerfree Unit04.2  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: New Production Type Evangelion Unit03.2
Type: Baseline Model, later modified to tactical command role
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: yellow
Other Colors: green accents
Special Markings: Japanese flag, pilot initials: K.A. , markings for 2 defeated Cherubim and several assists, outline of a tricorne around the Units head
Primary Weapon: 600mm Semi Automatic Pallet Rifle optimised for medium to long range, additional cruise missile one-shot rocket launcher or 800mm grenade launcher
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Sword
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Knife Model 3
Special Features: Enhanced EntryPlug Systems with two additional screens and better communications suite and processing power for tactical oversight and planning, modified with a small portruding tower at the back of the head housing cameras for 360 degree sight

With the New Production Type Evangelions Nerv had to draft Pilots that were never included in the old Scenario. At first thought of as a stopgap measure they turned to the only candiates available with some knowledge on the programm and even piloting experience. Due to Pilot's exceptional personal qualities/aptitude he received further tactical training by Maj. Katsuragi and has authority in tactical coordination during battle over other Pilots in the manner of the "Auftragstaktik" (mission-type tactics) provided no other orders from higher up exist. Essentially the connecting element to Central Dogma and Maj. Katsuragi to the situation above ground. Only possible due to his more distanced general role on the battlefield. Dubbed "Napoleon of the Angel war" as a result by the media.

Unit number/Name: New Production Type Evangelion Unit03.2
Type: Baseline Model, later modified to tactical command role
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: yellow
Other Colors: green accents
Special Markings: Japanese flag, Pilot: Kensuke Aida , markings for 2 defeated Cherubim and several assists, outline of a tricorne around the Units head
Primary Weapon: 600mm Semi Automatic Pallet Rifle optimised for medium to long range, additional cruise missile one-shot rocket launcher or 800mm grenade launcher
Secondary Weapon: Progressive Sword
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Knife Model 3
Special Features: Enhanced EntryPlug Systems with two additional screens and better communication's suite and processing power for tactical oversight and planning, modified with a small portruding tower at the back of the head housing cameras for 360 degree sight around it

With the New Production Type Evangelions Nerv had to draft Pilots that were never included in the old Scenario. At first thought of as a stopgap measure they turned to the only candiates available with some knowledge on the programm and even piloting experience. Kensuke Aida was selected as a Pilot and trained for the prolonged Angel war as much as Nerv could. First Deployment against Cherubim 20 together with Pilot Suzuhara and Unit03. With increasing Unit count and due to exceptional personal qualities/aptitude specifically trained by Major Katsuragi for greater Unit and tactical coordination in battle. Has authority in tactical coordination during battle over other Pilots in the manner of the "Auftragstaktik" (mission-type tactics) provided no other orders from higher up exist. Essentially the connecting element to Central Dogma and Major Katsuragi to the situation above ground. Only possible due to his more distanced general role on the battlefield. Dubbed "Napoleon of the Angel war" as a result by the media.

Unit05  SPOILER: Show
Unit number/Name: Medium Fire Support Evangelion Unit05 (wheeled)
Type: Medium to Heavy Fire Support Evangelion
DNA Base: Adam
Head: New Production Type Evangelion slightly modified along the lines of 04.2 for greater peripheral view and better targeting systems and wider to house an emergency weapon
Torso: New Production Type Evangelion
Shoulder Pylons: broad and flat, raising two meters above the shoulders with hinged armour plates covering the uppermost parts of the arms, include a rotating platform with a B-Type (large) attachment point for weapons
Arms: New Production Type Evangelion
Legs: Unit05 biological legs ending at the ankles, electric motor/bio-turbines complex driving one wheel with a diameter of 20 meters per leg, electric motors used to begin movement, bio-turbines used to drive once moving
Power Source: new advanced batteries with up to 3 minutes at maximum consumption, absolute active duration depending on movement of Unit due to drive dependency
Entry Plug: Gen.2 Entryplug optimised towards aiding in firing the weapons, better targeting and fire direction systems, bigger radar/sensor suite for in field information gathering
Primary Color: russian armour green
Secondary Color: black
Other Colors: neon yellow, writing in black surrounded by neon yellow
Special Markings: Russian Flag, Pilot: Alexei Zhukov, one defeated Cherubim and 5 assist markings,
Primary Weapons: 500mm Mass Accelerator Cannon with 12 round magazine(right side), Cruise Missile Rocket Pod loaded with 22 missiles and warheads into kiloton range (left side)
Secondary Weapon: 350mm Conventional Pistol, 10 rounds per magazine, varying ammunition types
Emergency Weapon: Progressive Knife Model 3 and/or two Swarm Flechet Dart launchers

The first battle ready Unit built by the Russian Federation. Instead of legs it features wheels, which are driven by electric motors to initiate movement and then driven by turbines connected to Unit05's bloodstream. Limited however through that in absolute field time due to energy demand of the electric drive systems. Theoretically able to patrol an area and engage an enemy without any form of intelligence support infrastructure making it independent from command. The Pilot is the youngest to ever be thrown into battle as well.

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Re: Design Your Own Eva Unit!

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Postby VUX » Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:41 pm

Haven’t been here in awhile.
Anyway, I got another Eva Unit, this time, from another alternate universe.

Name: Evangelion Unit 01.
Height: 80 meters.
Weight: 1200 tons.
Type: Originally a test type, later becomes a literal god.
DNA Base: Adam.
Head: Almost identical to to its prime counterpart, but with a longer and more curved horn.
Shoulder Pylons: Same as in canon.
Arms: More muscular than in canon.
Legs: Plantigrade, like a human.
Torso: Vertically segmented armor, with a resemblance to pectoral muscles.
Power Source: Originally an umbilical cable, later gains an s2 organ after cannibalising Zurel.
Entry Plug: Standard configuration, green HUD.
Primary Color: Dark purple.
Secondary Color: Green
Visor Color: Yellow.
Skin Color: Pale grey.
Eye Color: Green.
Primary Weapon: Pallet Rifle, and originally, x2 progressive knife, later switches to x2 progressive sword.
Secondary Weapon: Combat Pistol
Emergency Weapon: x2 progressive knife.
Pilot: Shinji Ikari.
Soul: Yui Ikari.
Special Features: It is capable of awakening in a process called “Majin Evolution” which causes it to grow an extra pair of horns, and wings of light.
It is one of, if not, the strongest of the Evangelions.
Origin: Unit 01 was once a member of the Children of Adam, by the name of Satan. While originally loyal to its progenitor, Adam, it later lusted for power. It convinced 12 other angels to join it in rebelling against their kin, but they were ultimately defeated. As punishment for their betrayal, their souls were torn from their bodies and absorbed into the Chamber of Guf, changing their bodies into a more humanoid form, and reducing them to empty husks. They were scattered in ancient tombs across the globe, where it was hoped that they would never see the light of day again. Millions of years later, their bodies would be discovered in the aftermath of Second Impact by the organization Gehirn, who, under the orders of Seele, converted them into weapons against the Angels, as fortold in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Because they were missing their souls, the newly dubbed Evangelions were granted new ones from human subjects, in Unit 01’s case, it was bonded with the soul of Gehirn scientist Yui Ikari. After years of construction, Unit 01 would finally be completed in the year 2014, but wouldn’t see action until a year later, where it was piloted by Yui’s son, Shinji Ikari, against the Angel Sachiel.
"When life gives you problems..., get into the robot!"

"We VUX wanted peace with humans, until they day that insult was thrown"
"Where's you're ogrelord now laddeh?" Drek

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