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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Chuckman » Sat Dec 10, 2016 11:28 am

Agreed. People are putting too much into the type of effect and not enough into the director and crew who make it work.

The dinosaurs in the first film hold up, despite a whole list of technical improvements since that time, because the director put in the work to make the audience suspend their disbelief. Spielberg understood how to give them a sense of gravity and presence to make the audience believe they're real. It's amazing how much subtle effort the film puts in, for example, to make us feel how heavy the Tyrannosaur is and how much the sensation that this ten ton animal has all this weight and mass contributes to the sense of immersion.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Squigsquasher » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:45 am

Regarding CGI vs practical effects, I will always and forever be a sucker for well executed practical effects. Emphasis mine on well executed. Badly done practical effects will of course suck, as with any badly done effects work. However, even with the CGI we have nowadays, I think well-done practical effects work looks a tad more convincing than CGI, simply because it's a real object. Of course, this puts constraints on what can be done with said effects because it has to work in the real world, and obviously building a prop that looks good is a lot, lot more difficult than animating a 3D model. I think the best approach is a mix of both- real props backed up with CGI.

Personally I think the best examples of practical effects done right (outside of the JP franchise) are the Alien Queen in Aliens, the skeletons in the old Jason and the Argonauts movie, and for a more recent example the vehicles in Moon (which incidentally is an absolutely great movie that I recommend to everyone). The Alien Queen in particular is ridiculously convincing, and in my opinion one of the best movie monsters of all time; if we're focusing on effects, I'd say that outside of a few minor gaffes (which every movie suffers from) aesthetically Aliens is absolutely perfect- there's nothing that the addition CGI could realistically improve.

Now obviously, CGI is improving exponentially, and I reckon within the 2020s we will have CGI that in motion is barely distinguishable from real objects. And even now, CGI can be and has been used to great effect. The Transformers movies may not be great movies, but there is no doubt the CGI is second to none. Even the first movie, which was released almost a decade ago, looks absolutely sublime. The Transformers look and feel like giant robotic organisms, and the way they move- not to mention transform- is visually intoxicating, and could not have been achieved with practical effects (outside of maybe ridiculously complex stop-motion, which would have required models with thousands of moving parts and probably a lot of visual cheats).

For big scary dinosaurs, I'd generally prefer practical effects, but I'd take CGI. I have no investment in the Jurassic Park franchise outside of the original book, which to be fair was exceptionally good, but I'd like to see a non-JP dinosaur movie. Dinosaurs are cool, and I'd like to see how they'd be handled in a movie that has to do more than just exist to get good reviews and large amounts of box-office cash. Myself, I'd like to see a suspenseful horror/slasher movie but with dinosaurs instead of a madman with a machete/rape alien/dream demon or whatever. When you stop to think about it, raptors are pretty scary things- freakishly fast bird-monsters that prey upon the weak (and compared to the average dinosaur, humans are definitely that). I honestly wouldn't mind if they went with the more "realistic" depictions of raptors (feathers and all that) or if they went full nostalgia and made them big and scaly. Well, in any case, I'd watch it.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Chuckman » Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:26 pm

I'd like to see them try stop motion (or go motion) touched up and enhanced with CGI. Not necessarily for Jurassic Park, just more of it in general. I think its' a great choice for horror movies especially as, done right, it creates a deep sense of unease.

If I was making a horror movie I'd make the monster entirely with cgi-aided stop motion and life size puppets and costume prosthetics.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Ray » Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:16 pm

This is the first image for Jurassic World 2 released.

. . . I don't think those are fossils. What if they're skeletons from the Parks 'decommissioned' animals?

https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/03/08 ... dinosaurs/

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Ray » Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:35 am

https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=you ... UDa2hg9Wc0

This deleted scene was released lately.

You know what Jurassic world was really lacking? Scatological humor. I'm sorry but you can't do the dinosaur poop joke any better than Jeff Goldblum did in the original.

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Ray » Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:12 am


First photo from Jurassic World 2 leaked. The animatronic Rex actually looks pretty awesome.

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Gendo'sPapa » Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:06 pm

Nice animatronic. Will not get my hopes up.

Won't be surprised in the slightest if the much-hyped animatronics only appear in two or three shots throughout the entire film. Jurassic World had tons of on-set animatronics work & they only used them for close ups of the dying brontosaurus.

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby silvermoonlight » Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:37 pm

I don't hold any hopes for this sequel as I hate Jurassic world in my view its one of the worst reboots I've ever watched because it takes every thing great and wonderful about Jurassic park and its sequel and pisses all over it turning it in to stereotypes and it destroys all of the hard work that the first two films set out to do characters and gender dynamics and I don't give a shit how great Chris prat's character is I never brought the whole I can tame the raptors it's bullshit the first movies showed they couldn't be tamed and they were to smart and problem solvers and lethal at six months and obey no one.

So I see the whole weaponized dinosaurs plot as a huge excuse for them to put theses dinosaurs in a city and have it all go wrong so they can rip off the T rex in San Diego scene in Jurassic Park 2 but put in way more blood and gore. Because that all the first film was about it wasn't a good story or real deep emotional journey it was lets have our shallow fantasy of seeing everything in the park go wrong and kill people horribly while throwing shallow characters in to the mix. I agree also that this franchise needs to go back to practice effects or hybrid CGI where you use a puppet then do CGI overlay as full CGI does not work for it but I don't see this helping it if the sequel does not fix its shallow character issues of the first film...
Last edited by silvermoonlight on Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Chuckman » Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:30 pm

I think Jurassic World III should be about the actual making of Jurassic Park movies up until the animatronics are possessed by the restless dead and begin murdering the crew. One of the actresses on the production knows the truth, but no one believes her because of her Lindsay Lohan-like history of alcohol abuse and she can't quit because it's her comeback film.

Poltergeist meets the Shining meets the Others meets Jurassic Park.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby movieartman » Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:04 pm

View Original PostChuckman wrote:I think Jurassic World III should be about the actual making of Jurassic Park movies up until the animatronics are possessed by the restless dead and begin murdering the crew. One of the actresses on the production knows the truth, but no one believes her because of her Lindsay Lohan-like history of alcohol abuse and she can't quit because it's her comeback film.

Poltergeist meets the Shining meets the Others meets Jurassic Park.

And Wes Craven's New Nightmare obviously. ^_^

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby FreakyFilmFan4ever » Sat Jul 08, 2017 8:31 am

I personally would prefer a reboot of Jurassic Park, but include the elements in the books where Ian Malcolm died in the first one but somehow came back in the second one. At the end of The Lost World: Jurassic Park reboot, its revealed that InGen is cloning the victims of its human casualties back to life. Malcolm, Hammond, and even Gerardo "come back from the dead." Nedry comes back as well, but with his mind reconfigured to be more obedient.

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Ray » Wed Dec 06, 2017 4:17 pm


Finally. a Movie I can actually feel excited about going to see in the movie theatres. This whole thing seems to be an apology for the missteps of the last movie, you can see the emphasis the trailer puts on the complaints people had about jurassic world.

LOOK! We've got more practical effects and we aren't going to CGI over all of them! Look! More scary moments from a director who knows this stuff! Look! Ian Malcolm is back! Love us again! PLEASE Love us again!

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby silvermoonlight » Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:21 am

View Original PostRay wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62FdQCwngTs

Finally. a Movie I can actually feel excited about going to see in the movie theatres. This whole thing seems to be an apology for the missteps of the last movie, you can see the emphasis the trailer puts on the complaints people had about jurassic world.

LOOK! We've got more practical effects and we aren't going to CGI over all of them! Look! More scary moments from a director who knows this stuff! Look! Ian Malcolm is back! Love us again! PLEASE Love us again!

Okay I'm mildly interested and that's because they said new director. but I still want to wait for reviews before seeing it as for all the jump scares and effects a poor script is still a poor script and in my view this needs to be way better than the first one.
Last edited by silvermoonlight on Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby FreakyFilmFan4ever » Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:28 am

There has never been a Jurassic movie better than the very first one, and that movie wasn't the best movie of all time. I believe that there's still untapped potential in this franchise. I doubt this new movie will know how to tap it.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Stillborn » Thu Dec 07, 2017 6:13 am

Personally, I couldn't enjoy sequels and remakes for years. Total Recall I found boring, Poltergeist was cringe and facepalm worthy for me, and I stayed away from any Alien franchiese after AVP failed all my hopes after the quite enjoyable FPS game.

Same was with JP franchiese. Jurrasic World, much to my own surprise, I actually enjoyed. I liked throw backs to the first movie and had no real problems with characters, for most of the time (aside from Zach and his blatant disregard for common sense and safety. shortly before I-Rex attack). It definitely had flaws and cheesy moments but it was fun to watch, and touched that little nostalgia bone. It interested me enough, to check fics for it. Something I havent done for a movie in a looong time. Good thing Space Battles delivered. ^^
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby MuscleRobo » Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:37 pm

The Total Recall remake was just a response to the Bourne movies though. Jurassic Park remakes are just because they're hoping to have another massive hit like Jurassic Park. That gives me some faith in it but I did not care for World at all. I mean, maybe the magic's gone because I'm not a kid but it seemed so generic and the science fiction elements were a real turn off. Part of what made the original seem so magical as a kid was because I felt like I was learning so much about this exciting world I had no concept of, the age of dinosaurs!

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Gendo'sPapa » Thu Dec 07, 2017 12:50 pm

Jurassic Park 5 is still based on a script written by Colin Trevorrow so I feel the movie can only rise as high as J.A. Bayona's talent can carry it. The likelihood of a solid narrative with actual human characters existing between the set pieces is unlikely.

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby FreakyFilmFan4ever » Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:02 pm

Jeff Goldblum can elevate almost any material to “watchable.”

Still not excited, though.

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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby silvermoonlight » Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:28 pm

View Original PostGendo'sPapa wrote:Jurassic Park 5 is still based on a script written by Colin Trevorrow so I feel the movie can only rise as high as J.A. Bayona's talent can carry it. The likelihood of a solid narrative with actual human characters existing between the set pieces is unlikely.

Now not so interested...and we already saw what happened with Jeff and Independence day resurgence and when they tried to do fan service to original by bringing back classic characters and it really didn't pan out.
Last edited by silvermoonlight on Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jurassic World

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Postby Chuckman » Thu Dec 07, 2017 4:48 pm

The best possible thing for Jurassic Park is a total reboot, preferably as a high budget television series without content limitations. There is no talent or interest in film anymore outside of short episodic stories and visual poems and there is a huge amount of depth in Crichton's books that is either ignored entirely in the movies or condensed down to soundbytes while everything is sanitized to avoid being overly critical of big business or capitalism.
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