Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

Yeah. You read right. This is for everything that doesn't have anything to do with Eva.

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Postby ::KL7:: » Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:50 pm

View Original PostSquigsquasher wrote:Heh heh. It says "tart".

(In all seriousness though that sounds pretty cool.)

It is ^_^ . I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to volume 2.

The reason for the name Tart.
kyubey and Riz(another magical girl) ask her to spell her name and she spells it JeanneTart, not knowing how to spell but spelling it out of memory. So kyubey asks her if he can call her Tart for short.

Edit: Got some new DVDs to add to my anime collection. :)

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Postby Dr. Nick » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:53 am

Posting this here because I share this guy's loathing of cheapo-branded anime re-releases.

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Postby Kazuki_Fuse » Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:15 pm

With the purchase of volumes nine and ten I'm all caught up on Black Lagoon!
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Postby Sailor Star Dust » Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:43 pm

Just gotta wait for Venom Snake to be out next year (and in the meantime bug GSC to make a Nendo Quiet!)
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Postby Lavinius » Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:58 pm

Today with the rest of my birthday money I bought a collection of Borges stories, Historia Universal de la Infamia, so that I actually have something nice to read to better motivate me to learn the barbarian tongue.
I had already bought the Nausicaä manga hardcover set with the some time ago.
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Postby Kazuki_Fuse » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:49 pm

I adore cheesy horror films and I feel like the world needed to know about it.
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Postby soul.assassin » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:46 am

Ah, the sweet thing called Cyber Monday. :lol:


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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby Kazuki_Fuse » Sat Dec 26, 2015 9:24 pm

No one else posted any christmas loot? Oh well.

The manga volumes were a quite welcome surprise, considering my family doesn't know the first thing about anime/manga. The Blu-Rays I bought for myself today with a giftcard.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby Ray » Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:31 pm


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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby Sailor Star Dust » Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:08 pm

PC we built for under $400 and 2 more of the SH Figuarts Sailor Moon series were my main gifts this Christmas. /Is happy ^_^

I think whenever I do get a Play Arts Kai Big Boss, it'll be the Peace Walker Jungle Fatigues version based on other people's suggestions.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby pwhodges » Sun Dec 27, 2015 6:46 pm

As well as my main present, my wife bought me a little surprise to unwrap. I didn't really think she took much notice of my current interest in stuff from Japan, but this is what I found:


I'd tried to take her to the film when it was on in Oxford, but we couldn't find a time that we could get to a subtitled showing (she's pretty deaf, and prefers subs to dubs for that reason - we even watch English TV with subs on). But the book is a complete surprise, and not one I've heard of either.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby MAGI_01 » Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:53 am

My Sphero BB-8 finally arrived today (after being a month late due to delays.) Fantastic little bugger. About had a heart attack when I dropped it about 4 feet onto the floor, but it's proven poly-carbonate shell (Same as the other Spheros) held up with zero damage and it still works flawlessly so the internals are A-ok. (what I thought was a crack turned out to be a slight paint defect on closer inspection)

It's pretty expensive, but if you like the new droid and want a mini version to play with I'd recommend it. I'm now debating whither or not to buy a 2nd to put away and keep it mint, just in case 20 some odd years down the line its worth a mint.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby pwhodges » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:19 pm

I bought a new microphone, in preparation for a retirement project:


Yes, it cost a lot of money (though it's the cheap offering in that manufacturer's line)
"Being human, having your health; that's what's important." (from: Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi )
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby Shamsiel-kun » Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:45 pm

Made a fairly big manga and manhua haul during winter holidays in France:
- World Embryo vols. 12 & 13
- Mokke vols. 1-7 & 9 (grrr, couldn't find vol. 8 so will have to source that elsewhere...soon)
- Rurouni Kenshin vols. 20-22 (deluxe edition) + Kenshin Restauration vols. 1-2
- Bride Stories vols. 5-6
- Little Yu vols. 1-3 & La princesse vagabonde vols. 1-4
- Planetes manga (hardcover)
- Le dictionaire des yokais, which is a book written and illustrated by Shigeru Mizuki about you guess it ^_^ (500 of them)

I think that was close to 200 Euros of manga -o-;
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby xtr00kvltcorex » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:01 pm

About 20 or so different Star Wars Pop Vinyl, the high points being the Emperor and TR-8R complete with sick spins.

Also the 3.33. BD (finally).
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby xtr00kvltcorex » Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:02 pm

View Original Postpwhodges wrote:As well as my main present, my wife bought me a little surprise to unwrap. I didn't really think she took much notice of my current interest in stuff from Japan, but this is what I found:


I'd tried to take her to the film when it was on in Oxford, but we couldn't find a time that we could get to a subtitled showing (she's pretty deaf, and prefers subs to dubs for that reason - we even watch English TV with subs on). But the book is a complete surprise, and not one I've heard of either.

My fiance' is in love with Kaguya, such a great film.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby Dartz » Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:12 pm


Aquired one of these, at somewhat of a knock-down price after it sat idle for over a year waiting to be disposed of. It's quite old but I'm running my turntable, PC and PS3 through it with some old speakers we had lurking around from a dead surround system.

It's not even being tested but it sounds so much better than the logitech PC speakers I had everything hooked up to. Even if I didn't get a remote control with it.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby IronEvangelion » Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:57 pm

Today my video game and blu-ray collections expanded nicely.

Sorry about the shitty image quality, I opened the curtains to let in more light but it's overcast outside, which isn't helped by my tablet's camera being junk.

Blu-rays: The Great Escape, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Evangelion 3.33 in all its garish turquoise glory.
Games: Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition, Skyrim Legendary Edition, and Blazing Angels.

Fun fact: this is actually the 5th copy of New Vegas I've purchased. My first copy was the standard edition for X360 which I played until the disc cracked. After that I bought another X360 standard edition, which I later traded in towards an X360 Ultimate Edition when it released. Later I bought the PC Ultimate Edition through Steam and ended up giving my X360 Ultimate Edition to my best friend as a Christmas present back in 2014. But I never game on my laptop anymore and not having a physical copy of what I consider to be one of the greatest games of all time was really bugging me, so today I purchased the PS3 Ultimate Edition. I don't regret any of the money I've spent on this game over the years, I just love it that damn much. :heart:

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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby Kazuki_Fuse » Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:07 pm

Amazon haul came in
Return to Nuke 'Em High vol.1 DVD, TerrorVision/The Video Dead Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack and Halo 4 UNSC limited steelbook edition

And of course I couldn't pass up Q. This is a really nicely presented box, with a nice artbook inside as well.
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Re: Recent Hauls 3: The quest for more stuff

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Postby IronEvangelion » Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:12 pm

Catch of the day: Evangelion 1.11, Evangelion 2.22, Red Dawn (1984), and a Ryobi belt sander.


...What do you mean those items seem completely random? Of course they're related! Stop being suspicious! :tongue:

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