Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water

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Postby Xard » Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:22 pm

View Original PostMasterblast wrote:And thats where the Nautilus Story film cut comes in.

Nautilus Story does have quite large number of questionable omissions though so I would't really recommend it over Nadia prope. Hell, I'm not even sure if it has been fansubbed properly.

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Postby Kendrix » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:03 pm

View Original PostJTurner wrote:I really don't think being a vegetarian is something to be ashamed of at all;

The thing is that Anno isn't a vegetarian because "zomg cute animals" or any ethical/environmental related reasons, but more as a 'weird autistic genius trait' ("Biological things are yucky!") so being proud of it would make little sense in that context.
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Postby Guy Nacks » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:37 pm

View Original PostKendrix wrote:The thing is that Anno isn't a vegetarian because "zomg cute animals" or any ethical/environmental related reasons, but more as a 'weird autistic genius trait' ("Biological things are yucky!") so being proud of it would make little sense in that context.

Anno also drinks moo-cow fuck milk, so that really doesn't make him a full on vegan.
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Postby Ray » Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:00 pm

Do you think Anno will ever do a "Rebuild Of Eva" for Nadia?

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Postby BrikHaus » Sun May 04, 2014 4:03 pm

View Original PostRay wrote:Do you think Anno will ever do a "Rebuild Of Eva" for Nadia?

I kind of doubt it. It concluded rather well, and there would be no point in a remake. I guess if he is fresh out of ideas, then sure, but I really don't think it would happen.
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Postby Xard » Sun May 04, 2014 4:05 pm

Anno and GAINAX have so poor memories of working on Nadia I doubt they want to ever return to it.

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Postby Guy Nacks » Sun May 04, 2014 5:58 pm

I always thought it was interesting that whenever I've seen an autograph done by Anno, he often draws a picture of King from Nadia and he never draws any character from Evangelion.
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Postby Gendo'sPapa » Sun May 04, 2014 7:24 pm

Honestly I'd much rather prefer a "Rebuild of KareKano" where Anno can wield the story away from what the ridiculous original writer wanted & adapt the series with an ending instead of what it became in the last 6 episodes.

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Postby FreakyFilmFan4ever » Sun May 04, 2014 8:19 pm

Kare Kano is a decent enough TV show with an... artfully handled "ending.” Honestly for me it’s something that would have barely worked together towards the end without the strangeness in how it was handled. It’s certainly not a horse I’d like anyone to beat now that it’s dead. (Which isn’t to say I hated the show. I loved it.)

I’m not trying to steer this conversation away from Nadia, but ultimately I’d much rather see Anno do a project he hasn’t done yet after his NTEs are finished, maybe even something original. I rebuild of Nadia would be more than nice to have, but the former would definitely excite me more than the latter.

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Postby Guy Nacks » Sun May 04, 2014 9:30 pm

View Original PostFreakyFilmFan4ever wrote:I’m not trying to steer this conversation away from Nadia, but ultimately I’d much rather see Anno do a project he hasn’t done yet after his NTEs are finished, maybe even something original. I rebuild of Nadia would be more than nice to have, but the former would definitely excite me more than the latter.

This, so much. I'd love if his rumored Star Trek-like project would get off the ground. That would be AMAZING. Either that or the Nausicaa sequel.
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Postby robersora » Mon May 05, 2014 5:51 am

I don't think a remake of Nadia is necessary, it's good for what it is. Maybe they could polish it to Hi-Definition QUALITY and reedit it a little bit. (Kill the island-arc with fire)

Instead I'll be waiting for my Gunbuster III. Or Nausicaa II. How much of the comic did the first Nausicaa movie cover anyway?
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Postby Fireball » Mon May 05, 2014 8:49 am

View Original Postrobersora wrote:Instead I'll be waiting for my Gunbuster III. Or Nausicaa II. How much of the comic did the first Nausicaa movie cover anyway?

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Postby RichardFromMarple » Thu May 15, 2014 3:01 pm

Apart from leaving out the Island / Africa arcs the only thing I would change would maybe to flesh out the background of Nadia / Nemo / Neo / Gargoyle, as great as the ending was it still left some questions unanswered I would have liked some closure on.
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Postby TMBounty_Hunter » Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:21 pm

Sweet Jesus look at what Kotobukiya is about to splurge out in November


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Postby JTurner » Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:59 pm

View Original PostRichardFromMarple wrote:Apart from leaving out the Island / Africa arcs the only thing I would change would maybe to flesh out the background of Nadia / Nemo / Neo / Gargoyle, as great as the ending was it still left some questions unanswered I would have liked some closure on.

I agree about this. I think it would have been far more rewarding to have the epilogue stretched out by several episodes and I felt that there were a lot of missed opportunities regarding answers to the questions that are still left unanswered.

How exactly did Nadia end up in that circus?
It is implied Nemo and Gargoyle were good friends, so how did they become enemies?
How did Neo get converted to Gargoyle's side before the Tower of Babel incident?

There were so many possibilities that the creators could have done -- should have done -- instead of wasting all that time with those filler arcs.

View Original Postrobersora wrote:I don't think a remake of Nadia is necessary, it's good for what it is. Maybe they could polish it to Hi-Definition QUALITY and reedit it a little bit. (Kill the island-arc with fire)

That's what Anno did many years ago with The Nautilus Story, and interestingly, if Carl Macek still had his hands on the show back when he was distributing it for America he was thinking of making similar cuts. Sadly, since he lost the license long before the company formerly known as ADV (resurrected as Sentai) got their hands on it, we probably may never know.

But either way that is a very entertaining question. What if Nadia was released as a 30-episode series as intended instead of the overlong 39 episodes it ended up becoming? I actually have thought about making a thread about that.

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Postby pwhodges » Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:49 pm

View Original PostJTurner wrote:What if Nadia was released as a 30-episode series as intended instead of the overlong 39 episodes it ended up becoming? I actually have thought about making a thread about that.

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Postby FreakyFilmFan4ever » Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:17 pm

In defense of the Island Arc (and the much worse Africa Arc), they are a good way to put yourself down for the evening. If you have trouble sleeping then just put one of those episodes on and you’ll be out in minutes.

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Postby JTurner » Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:51 pm

View Original PostFreakyFilmFan4ever wrote:In defense of the Island Arc (and the much worse Africa Arc), they are a good way to put yourself down for the evening. If you have trouble sleeping then just put one of those episodes on and you’ll be out in minutes.

LoL! No way, are ya kidding?! I wouldn't touch those filler episodes with a ten-foot pole! The island arc I can understand but only marginally (those should have been three episodes at most, and keep the characters in character), but the Africa arc? Sorry, but there's no excuse for that.

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Postby FreakyFilmFan4ever » Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:42 pm

^ Haha! Well, I never said you had to actually pay attention to them. It’s just possible to use them as white noise in the battle against insomnia. :wink:

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Postby Guy Nacks » Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:28 pm

I still can't get over how noticeably bad the quality of the animation is in some of those episodes. Fuckin' North Korea always gotta fuck shit up, man.

I know that the animation was probably farmed out to South Korea and not the North, but I didn't want to give up the opportunity of more Kimmy bashing.
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