Oz wrote:Then you haven't obviously heard about Aku no hana.
Aku no Hana has fast pacing and endearing characters, what.
Seele00TextOnly wrote:I can't even find a subbed upload in english somewhere
You are terrible at the Internet. No offence.
Anyway, Little Witch Academia is wonderful. Its expressive animation, charming characters and engaging action sequences reminded me of Girls und Panzer, but even better (well, fun and flashy can't compete with tense, emotionally-charged and blisteringly-paced, but they both succeeded equally well in their aims) and the animation was much better. Well, as expected from an OVA. The plot was a bit thin and clichéd, but for an OVA it fit.
I think I still hold Inferno Cop as the stronger of Trigger's two anime projects thus far, although LWA does come
slightly ahead in the animation department.
Qui veut faire l'ange fait la bête.