sephiroth2004 wrote:Kadmon is a technically capable writer. His stories are basically all well-written and run the gamut between happy to bittersweet to "where's the brain bleach, I don't want to remember this". The later examples, you might have to look beyond FF for some of them, are some of the most...difficult to read fics in eva that aren't written purely for shock value like certain aquatic themed author.
Funny how (relatively) recent this reply is as Kadmon just posted a new oneshot that showed that he does, in fact, still got it (in terms of making dark and depressing stuff). But yeah, I've heard about what the original Witness is actually about, what Second Other is about, what I Knew Him When is about, and I believe that he's fully capable of what his reputation has told me (and tbh I'm not sure I want to see them for myself lol).
As for his new story, Adrift, yeah the master of dark and depressing reveals has returned. Story starts off pretty idyllic and slice of life-esque with a nice little insight into this AU version of the world and characters, with few hints sprinkled here and that something has clearly gone wrong for this version of Shinji. As the story continues, it gets more and more into Shinji's depressive state and how that affects his view of his friends and family while giving more and more details to the point that you can more or less piece together what probably happened that led to Shinji's current state. Then in the last act the plot ramps up in speed and starts revealing much more about the events, so much so that you'll probably end up missing a bunch on the first read through, while at the same time not giving away too much explicitly. And finally the story ends with a scene that ties all the disparate bits of info together, re-contextualizes it all to make it all make sense with one last major reveal, and gets the dubious honor of being the first thing I've read in awhile that left me feeling genuinely horrified and nauseous (which I guess was the point so....good job?).
So yeah, overall solid story; characters and world felt very grounded and real, prose and dialogue were strong as always with Kadmon, and I ended up feeling depressed by the end of it. So I guess I did end up getting the classic Kadmon experience afterall. Yay? ((also to whoever's reading this, if you still haven't read Patient but somehow have read this story, I'd say now would be a good time to read that one))
So yeah, overall solid story; characters and world felt very grounded and real, prose and dialogue were strong as always with Kadmon, and I ended up feeling depressed by the end of it. So I guess I did end up getting the classic Kadmon experience afterall. Yay? ((also to whoever's reading this, if you still haven't read Patient but somehow have read this story, I'd say now would be a good time to read that one))