Kare Kano - his / her circumstances - yet more anno magic

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Postby Heromaster111 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:30 am

View Original Postesselfortium wrote:For all the supposed complaints about Luc making troll posts, I don't think he's gone as far as making up fictional motives for other people who disagree with him about something. What ever happened to "stick to the points, not the people"?

I wasn't being serious at all. Just found it funny nothing malicious behind it just nagging him.
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Postby shinji_ryoji_89 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 9:01 pm

Hypohetical question, guys. How would you feel if Anno decided to do a "Rebuild" of Kare Kano? I'd think it'd be more worthy of that status because
1) I think it'd be easier to make into a film. Sure, you would have to take out a lot of subplots but I think the heart of the story is really with Arima and Yukinon.

2) This series turned to crap after episode 19 and it was left without concluding the story.

I'd rather have Anno make an original anime but if he wanted to revisit Kare Kano, I don't think I'd mind. The only problem is that the mangaka would probably object.

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Postby Heromaster111 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:53 am

He already is in a sense with all that Kare Kano music in 2.0
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Postby Baz » Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:18 am

KareKano doesn't need a rebuild, I'd leave the series as is and just add one movie to conclude the story. Or maybe not even that, I actually liked the way the Arima/Yukino story ended ambiguously. What I didn't like was all the irrelevant crap and clip-show garbage they used as filler at the end.
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Postby shinji_ryoji_89 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:55 am

For those of you who don't know, the show is pretty much available right now from imdb/hulu:

I just watched the first episode at random and I'm hooked again.

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Postby C.A.P. » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:20 am

Well this is a pleasant surprise.

Before anyone ask, it's subtitled.
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Postby Kendrix » Mon Jun 11, 2012 5:35 pm

So I finally managed top squeeze some time to watch it into my shedule - Now, I usually don't watch romance comedies because while I do like romance and comedy, shows that consist of only that don't tend to be very memorable, I feel like they're all the same - but since I heard that this was another of Anno's mayor works I decided to watch it.

It's really a proof that everything that man touches turns to gold, because the basic story/manga was not worth that much, this could have gotten *very* Twillight-y... but then, Anno pokes it with his little finger, and suddenly it's a profound yet entertaining piece of modern, avantgardistic art that is all about human identity, and what could have been cheap angst got twisted into delightful psychoness. (Arima ~<3)

What was WRONG with the original author, anyway? Fire Hideaki Anno? Really? No kidding?

Since it was an adaptation, he didn't have to write the outline of the story and could focus on the "methods", the actual directing, so to speak. His style is evident, the urban imagery, random life action stuff, descripte fast cuts and the way he really uses the advantages of a medium that has sound, (yeah, its that cool music that got reaused for Rebuild!) the basi text a book would have and then the entire screen, I would often pause to stare at all the many details, the use of captions/telops was superb.
You know, when I watch an Anime, now and then, there are these awesome montages where the words read like poems and the images capture the emotions in an unique way... The Kare-Kano anime is made up of NOTHING but such genius montages, and often, the episodes would open with an introduction to some character's inner universe that flat out told us who they were, there was this steady, logical progress, some very epic uses of perspective and, of course, I could feel Anno's inner teacher trying to tell us inexperienced kids about relationships, just that entire theme of "living better"....
I didn't think this would make me *bawl* so much! Honestly, I started crying at episode three and just couldn't stop until episode 18 or so.
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Sure, it's not Evangelion or Ghost in the Shell, but it *does* show that those Gainax ppl are freakin geniuses.

As for the ending, I don't think the later episodes ever really got bad - You *could* tell that some of the je-ne-sais-quoi walked out of the door after episode 18, but after all, Tsurumaki was still there, there were still many good, artful moments and I think they did the best with what they had... even if it *was* abrupty cut short, you can sort of assume how it would continue since everything that had to be said had been said but I would have loved to see that ending Anno wanted to write.
Knowing that he probably *did* have an ending we never got to see planned out in his head makes me feel a little cheated.
Again, I wonder what exactly the original author could possibly have been thinking.

I will definitely take this as an an inspiration for my own writing.
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Postby C.A.P. » Sun May 05, 2013 5:01 pm

Bumping this because a reliable anime historian, Fred Patten, recently talked about the show on a website called Cartoon Reserach.
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Re: Kare Kano - his / her circumstances - yet more anno magic

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Postby kuribo-04 » Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:56 am

Trailer for the new Kare Kano bluray box-set, edited by Anno himself.
Shinji: "Sooner or later I'll be betrayed... And they'll leave me. Still... I want to meet them again, because I believe my feelings at that time were real."
Ryuko: "I'm gonna knock ya on your asses!"
-Asuka: THINK IN GERMAN!!! -Shinji: Öh... Baumkuchen...
Hayashida: "As game developers, our work is special. All of us here can put smiles on very many people's faces with our work."
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Re: Kare Kano - his / her circumstances - yet more anno magic

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Postby kuribo-04 » Sun Nov 26, 2023 2:40 pm

Shinji: "Sooner or later I'll be betrayed... And they'll leave me. Still... I want to meet them again, because I believe my feelings at that time were real."
Ryuko: "I'm gonna knock ya on your asses!"
-Asuka: THINK IN GERMAN!!! -Shinji: Öh... Baumkuchen...
Hayashida: "As game developers, our work is special. All of us here can put smiles on very many people's faces with our work."
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Re: Kare Kano - his / her circumstances - yet more anno magic

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Postby Asugran233 » Mon Mar 04, 2024 3:10 am

I'm planning this

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Re: Kare Kano - his / her circumstances - yet more anno magic

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Postby Tim Julius » Fri Aug 23, 2024 4:37 am

View Original PostAsugran233 wrote:I'm planning this

What are you planning?

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