Interview with Neko Oikawa on A Cruel Angel's Thesis

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Interview with Neko Oikawa on A Cruel Angel's Thesis

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Postby FelipeFritschF » Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:32 pm

This rather amusing interview with ACAT's lyricist, Neko Oikawa was recently unearthed. It provides some additional details on the writing of ACAT and rather amusing comments. It is fairly short and sweet. As part of our ongoing translation efforts, I'm putting it here, in advance of a larger general thread on it. ... 11-n1.html


 作詞家の及川眠子さん(56)は詞を書くとき、相手とべったり仲良くならないようにしていると明かした。なぜなら、心情を理解しすぎると詞を慮(おもんぱか)ってしまい、突き放せなくなるから。Winkのヒット曲「愛が止まらない Turn It Into Love」(昭和63年発売)は本人らに会いもせずに書いたという。アニメの名曲「残酷な天使のテーゼ」(平成7年発売)は…。(聞き手・木ノ下めぐみ)


 及川 書いたのは30代半ばのとき。発注時は当然、放送前でしたから、未完成の2話分のビデオと企画書を渡されて、プロデューサーに「難しく」「哲学的に」と言われました。


 及川 いや、企画書を熟読したことなんかないですよ。


 及川 熟読するものではないと思い込んでいるんです。流し読むと大事なところがパッパッと浮き上がってくる。「年上の女性」と「母親」「14歳の少年少女」。詞を書く上での大事なところというのは関係性。これだけのネタがあれば十分。テーマ自体はそう難しいものではないですよ。「坊や大きくならないで」と願う母親の心情をレトリックを駆使して書きました。「この子は今こんなにかわいいけどいつかは巣立っていくのだな」と…。


 及川 ありますよ。「残酷な~」はほぼないですが、「神話になれ」の歌詞は最初、「凶器になれ」としていたんです。すると、「狂気」に聞こえちゃうから、といわれて…。


 及川 あれは偶然です。私は職業作家なので、ものを書くとき、自分を殺しています。私らしさをアピールする必要はないわけですから。でも、私の中から出てきたものの一つではありますから、そういう要素はあるんでしょうね。


 及川 音楽出版社に所属していたときの作品で、権利を譲渡しているので、細かいことはわからないんです。聞けばわかるでしょうけど、いちいち聞くことはしませんし…。



 及川 手を離れていますし、執着はないです。替え歌にされても全然構いませんし、内容が変わってても「いいっすよ」って。作詞家としてはものすごくやりやすいですよ。歌詞を変えないでという作家もいますが、何が正解ということもないでしょう。



 おいかわ・ねこ 昭和35年、和歌山市出身。60年に三菱ミニカ・マスコットコンテスト最優秀賞受賞。和田加奈子『パッシング・スルー』でデビュー。代表曲にWink「淋しい熱帯魚」などがあり、ポップスを中心にミュージカルやアニメなど幅広いジャンルで活躍。執筆業も行っており、『夢の印税生活者』(講談社)などがある。

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Re: Interview with Neko Oikawa on A Cruel Angel's Thesis

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Postby Kendrix » Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:03 pm

Running it through deepL gives:

The story behind the birth of Eva Takajin's lyrics 3
The lyrics of "Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis", "Mythology ni nare" was originally "Weapon ni nare"...lyricist Neko Oikawa

 Lyricist Neko Oikawa, 56, has revealed that when she writes lyrics, she tries not to get too close to the person she is writing about. She said she wrote Wink's hit song "Ai ga Tomarenai Turn It Into Love" (released in 1988) without even meeting the singer. The famous anime song "Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis" (released in 1995) was.... (Interviewer: Megumi Kinoshita)

 -- "Cruel Angel's Thesis" was my favorite too. I'm interested in how you made it.

 Oikawa: I wrote it when I was in my mid-thirties. When I placed the order, it was naturally before the broadcast, so I was given two unfinished episodes of the video and a proposal, and the producer told me to be "difficult" and "philosophical".

 --So that was all the material you had to work with, assuming you read the proposal carefully?

 Oikawa: No, I never read the proposal carefully.

 --Oh no, you haven't!

 Oikawa: I'm convinced that it's not something to be read carefully. If you read it in a stream, the important parts will come out quickly and easily. An older woman", "a mother", "a 14-year-old boy and girl". The important thing in writing lyrics is the relationship. That's all there is to it. The theme itself is not so difficult. I used rhetoric to describe a mother's wish that her little boy would never grow up. She's so cute now, but one day she'll leave the nest...

 --Do you ever rework your work?

 Oikawa: Yes, I do. Almost never for "Zankoku na -", but for "Mythology ni nare", at first I changed the lyrics to "Weapon ni nare". Then I was told that it would sound like "madness"...

 --There seems to be a subtle overlap between the lyrics and your life with your ex-husband...

 Oikawa: That was a coincidence. I'm a professional writer, so when I write, I kill myself. There's no need to show off what I am. But it's one of the things that came out of me, so I guess there are elements of that.

 --The song is very popular in karaoke and also in pachinko. Isn't the amount of royalties amazing?

 Oikawa: I don't know the details because I transferred the rights to this work when I was working for a music publishing company. I'm sure I could find out if I asked, but I don't ask every time...

 But in the last 20 years, my annual income from royalties on all my works has never been less than 30 million yen. You may be surprised to hear the amount, but 30 million yen for us freelancers is like less than 10 million yen for a salaried employee. We have to pay for our own entertainment, transport and even business cards. We also have to pay half of our income in taxes.

 --So you don't feel so attached to your "breadwinner"?

 Oikawa: It's out of my hands and I'm not attached to it. I don't mind at all if it's made into a new song, and even if the content is changed, I'll say "it's fine". It's very easy for me as a lyricist. Some writers don't want to change the lyrics, but I don't think there's any right way to do it.

I only have feelings for things that are not out there. I'm more attached to the ones that didn't make it to the world, for whatever reason. I could have written something very good, and I like it very much.

 I like it very much.

 Neko Oikawa was born in Wakayama City in 1960, and won the top prize at the Mitsubishi Minica Mascot Contest in 1960. She made her debut with Kanako Wada's "Passing Through". Her best-known songs include Wink's "Lonesome Tropical Fish", and she has performed in a wide range of genres including pop music, musicals and animation. She also writes, and has published several books, including "Yume no Inzei Seikatsu-sha" (A Dream Life of Royalties) (Kodansha).

hm, interesting

Oikawa explains his process (apparently he quickly skimmed the proposal without getting too much into detail, & how that's enough to pick out the central ideas & emotional beats that stand out)

It's interesting though that this implies that the opening is roughly from Yui's perspective or what would be its equivalent.

I would've assumed Misato just from the vaguely encouraging tone. Or no particular poV.
I wanted to try harvesting the rice

I wanted to hold Tsubame more

I wanted to stay together forever with the boy I like

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