The Great Catsby

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The Great Catsby

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Postby fadingreminder » Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:38 am

This is one of the most beautiful things I've ever encountered. I've started buying the books and I'm totally hooked. It's amazing. I don't generally like anime or manga and I have never read a manhwa (sp?) that I like. For me to fall so in love with this is pretty strange. I seriously recommend it to everyone here. You can read most of it online for free right now, which is why I'm posting this, so you can check it out.

The most common review I've seen is something along the lines of how it is "twisted, beautiful, funny, and sad" and that's pretty accurate... I don't know what else I can say about it without sounding cliche or boring. It seems like something that some of you here would love.

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