Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Days [IC]

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Days [IC]

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Postby Burger of Power » Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:28 pm

OOC: Well, this is it!... To be honest, I'm nervous. SO VERY NERVOUS... But there's no reason to stall anymore, so here goes nothing!

Episode One: Contact

At the very beginning there was nothing but darkness... However, the spirit Moved upon the face of the waters.

"So it's you..."

The darkness was slowly dispelled as the sound of the engine making the metallic wheels of the train spin reached the ears of the Children. Slowly, the interior of a wagon became visible, the crimson tones of the light that tinted the place revealing that the sun was setting.

In their minds, they were alone, yet they were all present in the train together, all of them too mesmerized from the transition to notice the others.

Across them, a silhouette stood, it's body shrouded by shadows that obscured its identity.

"I've been waiting a long time, you know... And I've felt so, so lone...", the silhouette's words were not heard by their ears, but they resonated within their minds, sounding with a different voice for each of the Children. "But you've returned to me, as I always knew you would...", the silhouette turned to face the Children. "The world will fall for our sins, and the Lilin will all disappear.", said the voice, despair tainting it.

"But... I don't want you to meet the same fate... I want to help you hold on to your life... That's why I'll never abandon you..."

And as the train begun slowing down and a voice begun announcing that the train had finally arrived to the New Shibuya station, the shadows were dispelled from the mysterious figure's face, revealing it along the kindest smile that ever was or that will ever be.

[center]"It's time for you to do what you must."[/center]

And they all plunged back into the darkness.


Noah's eyes hastily opened, but he did not move until a few instants passed. He incorporated from the bed, checking the unfamiliar surroundings as he did so. 'That's right. This is Nerv HQ.', he thought to himself. It had been a pair of days since the two of them had arrived to Tokyo 3, a little bit earlier than the rest of the pilots, and Noah had since been residing in the small room within the Geofront that had been provided to him since his arrival.

"That dream..."

Noah sat on the bed, holding his head between his hands as he waited for the body to fully wake up, it's blood rushing through the vessels and transporting the necessary oxygen to his cells. It still felt alien after so many time.

Making an effort, the boy tried to recall the vision. The train, the figure, the setting sun... It still was there... Even the figure's face.

His face. Their face.

Noah's expression grew serious. This could be no mere coincidence. If he had ever learnt anything, that was that there were no such things as coincidences. Everything and everyone had a reason to be.

However, the meaning of the dream escaped him as of now. Who that was and what did it meant were mysteries that he could not unravel yet... But the time would come, Noah was sure of that.

And when it came, they would be ready.


"Status Report, Doctor", said Commander Faust Marlowe. Another man stepped forward. Mayo Paraskevi was surprisingly young for being the head of Nerv's Research department. Not a day older than 30, the Afroamerican man's perpetual mischievous smile contributed to his youthful aspect. On top of that, his extraordinary height and muscular build made him look more fitted for the brutality of a football game rather than for the delicacy and precision of a laboratory. "As you wish. Everything's going as scheduled. Units 04, 07, 13 and 14 have arrived and currently are in their respective bays undergoing technical inspection, they should be ready for active use soon enough. Unit-08 is already here, but Nerv 06 had some issues with the U.K.'s government and its special equipment will take a little bit to arrive. Unit-12 will take a little while to arrive. 12 is the heaviest unit with difference, in fact, it's so heavy that a special transport must be prepared so to bring it here. However, such a contingency had already been accounted for and currently the set up of the shipment operation is almost complete. Regarding our resident Evangelions, Unit-00 is still being repaired, however, Unit-01's preparations took less than what was expected. Currently it is in bay two, ready for lunch... There's still the issue of the pilot though. It must be addressed Marlowe. The sooner, the better.", said the good doctor, letting go of his smile for the first time since he had started talking. The Commander answered him with a slightly annoyed look which Mayo deliberately ignored. "I see. What about the pilots?"

"Ah, I fear that there are a few issues regarding the Children. As you know, the Eleventh is already here, awaiting orders while the First Child is in the medical complex, recovering the wounds received during last week's test... If I am to be sincere, I don't think we'll be able to use Unit-00 anytime soon. The Seventh and Eighth are being led to the designed conference room and as soon as the Unit-07's Pilot enters the Geofront, he'll be guided there as well... However, 12's pilot is being rather... Difficult." Mayo said with a chuckle, "It seems she didn't take her Eva's delay too well."

"Irrelevant. Get her to the conference room, wether she likes it or not. Her complaints can wait.", said Marlowe that cold tone of his that admitted no discussion whatsoever. "Also, order Unit-14's pilot to get on his way here."

"So shall be done sir. I assume that Mr. Lancaster will be the one taking care of the introductory session, is that right?" Mayo waited for the answer expectantly.

"Unfortunately, Lancaster has other matters to attend, so you'll be taking his stead. Now go and be brief. I want the pilots to be ready as soon as possible.", said Marlowe as he observed Mayo's eyes glimmer, it didn't escape the commander that Paraskevi had been interested in the pilots for quite a while now, so why not pull some strings to grant him the chance to know them in person?, After all it was a very simple task. Surely the doctor would do it as well as anyone else.

"It'll be my pleassure.", Mayo slightly bowed his head, before leaving the room.

As soon as he left the Commander's presence, the doctor pulled out his mobile phone and proceeded to make a call as he made his way towards the conference room, "Here doctor Mayo Paraskevi reporting orders from Commander Marlowe, identification code 6420SSTB6240. Escort pilot Noah Halel to the Conference room CD1-A immediately"


"Excuse me, we have been instructed to guide you to Central Dogma in order to assist assist to an introductory meeting with the rest of the pilots. Are you ready to go?"

Noah had just finished dressing up after coming out of the shower. He glanced at the security personel "Of course, just give me a moment.", picking up from the table a necklace with a small wheel-like amulet made of black volcanic stone, Noah put it around his neck. "Alright, let's get going."

'And so it begins.'
Last edited by Burger of Power on Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby BPES » Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:38 pm

Gale sat on a train as it clanked along its track heading towards some unknown foreign destination. He’d never been on a train before and was vaguely aware that he had not even planned to be on one, and yet here he found himself again. He wasn’t sure if he could cll it a lucid dream or not, he had experienced it before once or twice and yet he forgot it quickly despite how aware he felt during his time there. He remembered though, the clanking of the train, the seat. It put him at ease and set him on edge at the same time, its rhythm soothing but its unfamiliarity frightening. But both feelings were cast aside when it appeared.

"I've been waiting a long time, you know... And I've felt so, so alone..." it began, Gale couldn’t bring himself to glare; he merely stared at it his mind emptier than it usually was. Something about this place, something about this dream? Was it even a dream? He wasn’t sure any more.

"But you've returned to me, as I always knew you would..." It spoke again. Gale knew the voice behind it but also knew it didn’t belong. It couldn’t, didn’t make sense. But even so it was the only voice that would set him at ease and so he reasoned that was why he heard it. Whatever it was it wasn’t hostile, but it wasn’t known to him. Merely a shadow he’d assigned a friendly voice to out of some kind of association. What did that mean exactly?

"The world will fall for our sins, and the Lilin will all disappear." It spoke with a miserable tone that didn’t suit the voice he’d assigned. That tone never came up, the voice he’d assigned was of someone who refused to ever give into such things and wail of them. It also spoke of Lilin, and Gale knew what it meant despite never having crossed the term before. Was this another way his mind was trying to compensate for whatever it was?

"But... I don't want you to meet the same fate... I want to help you hold on to your life... That's why I'll never abandon you..." It spoke again, making such promises. Gale turned away not willing to accept what it was offering, but that didn’t stop him glancing back, a weakness on his part perhaps? Tempting, so tempting…

The figure looked like someone Gale knew, someone he respected, someone he trusted more than anyone else. His Base Commander, Dallas Walker. The man who pulled him from the hell he’d been engulfed in all his life. Who’d tried so hard to help him. That smile was everything to Gale, even though he knew it couldn’t be the man himself. He wanted it to be though, that’s probably why it appeared as it did. Whatever the truth though he’d not find it now.

"It's time for you to do what you must."

And all went black.


Gale awoke with a start immediately reaching for a knife hidden on his waist only half unsheathing it before he took in his surroundings. Putting it away again he stood up and walked for the door, planning on leaving his assigned room immediately. He looked rather out of place currently, wearing a long coat over a shirt over a vest. He’d probably looked stranger sleeping in that getup as well, but he wouldn’t part with it, not until he was sure it was safe.

“You’re being overly paranoid you know. They are your allies here; they have no reason to harm you.” A small figure with brown hair and glasses floated around his head. He nodded briefly and it seemed to vanish from his view.

“That’s right… we’re allies here.” He calmed himself somewhat losing some tension in his body.

With that in mind he decided to conclude his journey at the HQ’s shooting range. Typically it was meant for the older staff to get in some practice, as Pilots such as him would normally be using the simulators instead. But Gale was used to handling a gun himself, had been for most of his life after all and the thought of practice gave him comfort.

He was well aware how ill adapted he was for civilian life, he’d been informed as such many times. It was one of the reasons he had grown so fond of Area 51, no one there expected him to do such things. They would let him carry guns, they would let him work and train and relax in the manner that worked for him. HQ so far had been less kind since the thought of letting him walk around with a gun seemed to be a tad unappealing to them.

Or maybe it was the odd looks they tended to give him from time to time? He still hadn’t figured out why they did that. Maybe they just weren’t used to him around? Area 51 had been like that at first but they had grown used to him soon enough.

“If they want the gun that badly I say shove it down their throat!” A fiery redhead floated into Gale’s vision.

“They are allies though; I should probably avoid causing too much harm.” He responded before the redhead sulked and disappeared.

Finally arriving at the shooting range, he quietly moved down to the end and began gathering what he needed. After a few minutes of preparation, taking his time since he was here to relax more than to train, he stood ready to shoot.


Four shots, general spread around the chest. It would be enough to ensure death of most men; the chances of survival were slim. Still Gale wasn’t entirely happy.

“Back in Africa, we were taught to kill, that hitting the target was enough, that general aim was better. I never needed to be exact in my accuracy back then.” He spoke aloud as four figures floated into view, the four most prominent of those who appeared.

“High accuracy shot’s require more time and focus, it’s harder to achieve on a battlefield when there is so much to take in.” The bespectacled brunette reasoned.

“Yeah, it was chaos back then, but you get used to it, and I’ll have to learn. If what was said about Angel theory is true, then there’s only one real weakness, that ‘core’ thing, its heart.” Gale commented. The theory was based off the three angels documented, though he’d never seen the files. Far too classified for someone of his level. He’d simply been instructed on the theory behind killing them.

“Shoot it enough and it’ll die anyway right? Better yet, cleave its heart out, there, no need for all this Accuracy crap.” The redhead piped up, frown firmly in place.

“Certainly sounds effective, but I shouldn’t compromise on my other skills just because I could do that.” He said though he did frown a little mirroring the redhead. Evangelions WERE built with hand to hand in mind after all.

“Orrr, and just hear me out here. You could try… Making FRIENDS with it?” A bright blue haired figured bounced into view and Gale felt his eye twitch.

“Making peaceful contact would be… interesting. But I don’t believe it’s viable.” He commented trying to ignore the disappointment on the bluenette’s face. Instead he glanced at the last of the figures, a stoic figure with tied up green hair.

“… Shoot…” Was quietly but firmly stated.


Gale allowed a small smile as his shot hit dead centre. That was right; maybe he didn’t need to think about it so much, just focus on doing it.

He took a deep breath and continued his practice, occasionally chatting and responding to the small figures that floated around his head. This was normal for him; they’d been with him ever since he had first stumbled into that room with unit 04. He was so used to them now that he tended to forget that others couldn’t see or hear them, though he never understood why.

Commander Walker always commented that it was due to his connection to unit 04, but he never elaborated. No one in area 51 seemed to care at all once Dallas had made it known to the staff, in fact there were a number of days where he’d been asked about them in detail, and numerous tests to find out how many there were.

“Maybe the OTHER pilots have their own us with them? We could be FRIENDS!” Blue spoke up all hyper again. Gale did what he did most of the times the Bluenette spoke, he focused entirely on ignoring whatever was said.

“Who the hell needs friends? It’s not important, let’s just do what we always do!” The redhead responded with gusto and Gale began to nod.

“Friends are valuable comrades as they tend to have a stronger effect on morale and are generally easier to place faith in then unfamiliar allies. However it also makes betrayal and disappointment all the more poignant.” The bespectacled Brunette rationalized and gale couldn’t help but agree.

“And what about you? You got an opinion?” He asked looking at the Stoic one.

“…Dunno…” The green haired one commented with a shrug. Gale sighed and tried to think of something else.

“Hmm… was there somewhere else I was meant to be?” He questioned.

“Making friends?”

“Who gives a damn?”

“Was it important? If it was then it’d be best to remember.”


“Oh well… If it was important, I’ll recall it sooner or later.” Gale commented and decided to return to shooting.
Last edited by BPES on Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
In my experiance, there's only one thing harder than learning something new... and that is teaching it.


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Postby Lance of LoL » Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:00 am

"So it's you..."

Veronika blinked. Her eyelids fluttering open as light poured in through the rattling windows. A steady clack clack filled her ears as she took in her surroundings. It was a train. Really nothing else needed said. She'd been on thousands of them, your run of the mill train. Looking back and forth, she felt there was something she wasn't seeing. Like shadows in the corner of her eye, but when she tried to look for them, nothing appeared.

"I've been waiting a long time, you know... And I've felt so, so alone..." Her eyes shot to the seat opposite her and widened in confusion. It was as if one of the shadows had failed to move and now occupied the seat across from her. Veronika felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck.

"But you've returned to me, as I always knew you would..." the voice seemed unnervingly familiar. Veronika backed into her chair, staring at the figure across from her, trying to understand what was going on.

"The world will fall for our sins, and the Lilin will all disappear." Veronika's expression contorted into one of confusion. What the hell was a lilin? Standing up, she backed away from the figure, making a stand several seats down, so she could observe the figure, but still run if she needed to. The familiarity of the voice continued to disturb her.

"But... I don't want you to meet the same fate... I want to help you hold on to your life... That's why I'll never abandon you..." The origin of the voice clicked in her mind. Veronika fell to the floor, gripping the standing bar as she stared at the figure in horror. The train slowed, the tinny voice of the PA announcing their arrival at New Shibuya as a new light filtered in through the windows, dispelling the shadows encasing the figure.

"It's time for you to do what you must." smiled the dark haired man, waving at the Russian Pilot.


Veronika's head slammed against the window ledge, rudely awakening the pilot from her sleep in the back of the truck. She winced, rubbing the side of her head as she looked around. The truck sailed along slick roads as it neared the entrance to the Geofront. Veronika stared out the window at the city below. Tokyo-3 blanketed in rain. It was quite pretty, but almost as soon as she had seen it, the view disappeared as the truck entered the tunnel. The driver next to her sighed.

"Я думал, что погода будет более хорошо в Японии. Это, как предполагается, Летний все время." he said morosely.

"Мне очень нравится дождь." she answered quietly. "Где мой Ева?" she continued, still staring out the window as the truck was loaded into the elevator. The driver glanced at her, weighing up his reply.

"Не здесь. Это слишком большой, чтобы двигаться, как другие Евы." he answered. Veronika spun round in her seat, staring hard at the driver.

"Что?" she exclaimed. "Недопустимо!" she barked, throwing herself back into her seat and folding her arms. There was no point yelling at a driver, she knew that, but when she got to headquarters, she was going to have words.


When she had reached Central Dogma, the Russian pilot was more than a little upset that her complaints were not being heard. Of course being dragged away by two rather burly members of Section 2 really didn't help her sound anymore rational. it took them no time at all to locate the conference room where the pilots were to be gathered. Shoving her into the room, the door shut before her, leaving both men flanking the door outside, lest an attempt at escape was made.

"Где мой Ева?" she demanded, kicking the door with surprising force. Breathing heavily, Veronika turned to face the room. There were already a handful of pilots there and she stared at them harshly before moving away from the door. Pulling off the massive lined coat she had been wearing, she threw it over a chair, revealing her vest and camouflage combo beneath. Throwing herself into a chair, she put her feet up on the conference table, crossing her heavy military issue boots.

"Значит, вы других пилотов?" she asked, putting her hands behind her head lazily.

>>>>Rebuild of Evangelion RP "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."~Meister Eckhart<<<<

Nuke-kun: I know not of this "civil conversation" bullshit you speak of.

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Postby Dovah » Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:11 am

Carter frowned at the burly men who came to pick him up at 7:00, right on the dot. He seriously wanted a few more hours of sleep. Between saying goodbye to all his friends and packing, he had stayed up quite late.

Just what am I doing anyway, he asked himself.

His uncle had been reluctant to let him leave. There was a look of fear and shock when Carter read the letter addressed to him out-loud. Carter had never seen such a look on his uncle's face. Most of the time he wore a hard-to-read expression. His reaction, Carter figured, probably had to do with his sister. When Carter was still a child, she died in a NERV related incident.

Incidentally, this was what spurned Carter to visit NERV. No one could tell him what happened that day. Not his uncle, not his aunt, and certainly not his father.

But if he could just find the fate of his mother, he felt he'd be able to move on.

And in perspective Carter felt a little bit of excitement. The monotonous every day life he lived felt like it slowly constricted him. As if it a was a serpent weighing down on his shoulders. Wake up, eat, school, home, eat, sleep. Here was a new opportunity. An opportunity that would lead to unknown consequences sure, but an opportunity nonetheless.

Carter's shoes made no sound as he walked across his uncle's mahogany porch, out into the dewdrop yard with its vibrant grass. Once he got in the car, he noticed that there was a man in the velvet seat besides his. This man was tall and thin, and wore an expensive suit and shiny, polished shoes. Carter sat down besides him.

The man had a small leather briefcase on his lap. He opened it curtly and handed Carter a small booklet stamped, CLASSIFIED, FOR STAFF VIEW ONLY.

He then asked Carter, "The papers?"

Carter quickly retrieved the documents he kept in a manilla folder. Filling them out had been boring but he had gotten it done quickly. The form asked for his name, gender, allergies, medical records, and disabilities among other things. The thin suited man grabbed the papers, examined them, straightened them up and put them away in the briefcase.

"It's going to be a long flight to NERV's headquarters so I suggest you take your time and read through this carefully. And remember, not a single word comes out of your mouth", the man explained quite rapidly.

Why are they these type of guys always so... tight?


Carter finally figured out why everyone complained about airplane services. Between the waiting time, the security checks, and the various passengers yelling, complaining, and sitting in between two rigid security guards, the flight had been a complete headache.

At least I had something to read.

He sighed. Just how deep had he gotten himself into. The booklet informed him about his "mission", and he could barely keep his mouth shut when he started reading about the robots. What. The. Hell. No one told him about this! He though he was going in order to... Well, he didn't know why HE, out of so many people was chosen for a mission of this magnitude. He hoped he wasn't the only one. Piloting this machine, that was one of the many things that in his old mundane life he would never have done.

The basic idea he had was that he was testing these things. Maybe they were prototypes or something? He felt utterly conflicted about his decision. At the beginning he had thought that some resolution over his mother's death and a break from the tired cycle of school life would be an exhilarating experience. That had just been a shining example of his naive mind.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

But it's not like he could just say,"Nope, I'm out. Take me back please!"

At this point, it would be suicide to refuse going to NERV. He knew far too much. He knew about a robot called "Evangelion", and it didn't help that he had already signed various documents. No one bothers reading the small print so for all that Carter knew, he could have just signed away his soul.

In any case, the flight was over. The NERV men led Carter to another car, which was scheduled to take him to NERV, and left on their own not-so-merry way. This car had velvet seats as well, but smelled like cheese for an odd reason. He chalked it up to the driver being a lover of cheeses and tried not to think too hard about it. It's not like it matters.

It was already evening when the car pulled into what seemed to be a tunnel, but sloped downwards. Down, down, and down they went and a brilliant flash of light gleamed through the windows as Carter was gripped by the sight of the Geofront.

It was... something else alright! Carter felt a giddy rush of ecstasy when he saw it, for some inexplicable reason. The grass was certainly greener down here. And so were the trees. Lakes and ponds gleamed and their crystal surfaces captivated him. He wondered if the air down here was fresher. The driver chuckled when he saw Carter's reaction to the Geofront and remembered how flabbergasted he had been his first time here.

However, it wasn't long until Carter had to be stuffed back into a waiting room. This one was much quieter though, so he could finally hear the pleasant waiting room music. Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon" played, followed by another of his works, however the song's name was not known by Carter. He took this time to reflect on everything that had happened and decided to be just a little bit optimistic.

It's not like anything bad is going to come out of this is it? Like I though before, they probably just want some kid to pilot the robot in order to test it out... or something? I dunno. But it makes sense. Who wouldn't want to pilot this thing?

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Postby MAGI_01 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:52 pm

"So it's you..."

Eliza’s eyes slowly opened. Everything was a blur and difficult to make out. She rubbed her eyes and began to look around to try and figure out where exactly she was. As her surroundings slowly came into focus, she recognized that she was on a train and lowered her gaze.

Looking down at her feet she listened to the steady clacking of the train as it traveled along its track. Where exactly this train was headed, she was uncertain about. She had never really traveled on a train before and felt uneasy. She raised her gaze and scanned the car once more, but she felt as if something was not quite right.

"I've been waiting a long time, you know... And I've felt so, so alone..." Eliza’s gaze darted all over the car, searching for the source of the voice.

"But you've returned to me, as I always knew you would..." The voice was comforting and felt familiar. The voice was friendly, comforting, and warm and was oddly familiar. Whatever who or what it was, she felt slightly at ease. Her gaze locked on to a figure, now standing before her.

"The world will fall for our sins, and the Lilin will all disappear." The Figure said in a melancholy tone. It was if the warmth and kindness it exhibited before was suddenly ripped away from it, leaving it in despair. Eliza continued to stare at the figure, her expression unchanging despite the figures sudden change in tone. She had never heard the term Lilin before and didn’t have a clue as to what it meant.

"But... I don't want you to meet the same fate... I want to help you hold on to your life... That's why I'll never abandon you..." Suddenly, tears started to stream down Eliza’s face. She raised a hand and wiped them away the best she could. She stared at her hand for a moment in confusion before returning her gaze to the figure. The train began to slow and the PA suddenly came to life announcing the train’s arrival at New Shibuya. Eliza was startled by the sudden announcement, causing her to glance out the window before returning her gaze to figure. The figure had gone however, just as quickly as it appeared.

"It's time for you to do what you must."

And suddenly, the world went black.


Eliza sat in utter silence in the waiting room. There was one of the other children in there with her, but she paid her no attention. She had been escorted in with her, but not once did she attempt to introduce herself or even crack a smile at her. Instead, she sat quietly with a blank expression, looking her over without her having the slightest clue.

She was sizing her up, as she did many others as she was escorted in. She relished the thought of what she could do if she had been allowed to bring her trusted rifle with her and a faint smile started to creep onto her face, but she dismissed it and her thoughts as fast as they came.

We are all allies here… She thought to herself.

It’s no surprise to her that she was not allowed to bring her rifle. She cited that it was only for practicing purposes, so that she could continue to refine her skills outside of the Eva, but the suits at Nerv weren’t dumb. They knew what she was capable of and how unstable she could be.

Dismissing the last of her bloodlust filled thoughts; she continued to stare blankly until the door suddenly opened. A dark brown haired boy came in and the door quickly shut behind him. Eliza glanced at him with the same blank look on her face before continuing to stare off in to space, paying no attention to the new arrival.

No more than a handful of minutes went by before the door opened again. A blond haired girl was forced into the room and the door shut as fast as it opened.

"Где мой Ева?" The girl shouted as she kicked the door. Eliza jumped, startled by the sudden act of aggression. The girl turned around and harshly stared at her and the other two before pulling off her heavy coat, revealing her camouflaged garb and vest beneath. Throwing herself into a chair, the girl put her feet up on the table and crossed them.

"Значит, вы других пилотов?" she said, as she put her hands behind her head.

Eliza stared off into space trying to formulate a proper response. It sounded like a question had been asked but, what the context was she had no clue. She didn’t know an ounce of Russian. After a few moments had passed she glanced over at the new arrival.

“I don’t understand.” Eliza said quietly.
"If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid." - Me
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Postby Agentomega » Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:00 pm

"So it's you..."

Seung-jin felt it. The rhythmic clickety-clack of the train on the rails below, the swaying of the car. She could not recall the last time she'd been on rail transportation. The setting sun dyed the landscape and the interior of the car a bloody orange. Across from her, a feminine silhouette contrasted with the harsh glow. Her eyes had not adjusted to the light, and thus the figure remained in shadow.

"I've been waiting a long time, you know... And I've felt so, so lonely..."

The voice "sounded" familiar to her, yet it was clearer than she was used to.

"But you've returned to me, as I always knew you would... The world will fall for our sins, and the Lilin will all disappear. But... I don't want you to meet the same fate. I want to help you hold on to your life. That's why I'll never abandon you."


Seung-jin glanced at the overhead speaker. Her grasp on Japanese was rudimentary at best. She only understood "Shibuya", "train", and "exit". Presumably the next stop was Shibuya. The skyline disrupted the constant stream of photons from the star to the train, and at last it was dim enough to see her conversation partner. Seung-jin's eyes widened with shock and recognition.


Hye-jin's expression comprised of a gentle smile and caring eyes that only a younger sister could have.

"It's time for you to do what you must."

Then the train was shrouded in darkness.

Seung-jin rose from her futon with the alarm. The sun had not yet risen on the metropolis, a change to her routine. Stretching groggily, she briefly wondered why the New Chinese Republic still only had one time zone. Naturally, it wouldn't at all help the time she was getting up at, but at least the day would be in synch with her expectations. At 0600, one expected to see the sunrise. Effectively, it should be closer to 0500. It was understandable, however. Between flight time and preparations, it was only natural that she should be awake at this ungodly hour.

She showered, brushed her teeth and put on the Golgotha uniform. It was sensible, comfortable, and admittedly appealed to her aesthetic. In addition to the special meal they had eaten yesterday, her aunt prepared some breakfast for her before they retired for the evening. It was a simple dish (eggs over rice with mushrooms), but it was one of her favourites. As she savoured the food, she read the note her uncle had left her.

"My niece, you have grown to resemble my sister. To us you are like a daughter. I wish you luck in your duties, and hope to remain in contact.

Park Ji-Hwan"

She pocketed the note, cleaned her bowl and grabbed her luggage. She left the apartment and the door automatically locked behind her. The interesting thing to note about this building is that everyone was supplied an ID card. The doors and elevator all required it. It was purportedly for residential security, when in actuality the building sat directly atop Golgotha base. Furthermore, most of the residents were Nerv staff. All others were either deemed not dangerous (like Seung-jin's family) or were constantly monitored. After swiping her card in the elevator, she selected a floor from the touchpad and was prompted to input her access code. Upon doing so, she was whisked downward to her waiting superiors.


She snapped a smart salute. "罗杰!"

After the three hour flight and accounting for time zone changes, Seung-jin was slightly early for the meeting. She was directed to the conference room where one of the pilots was already waiting. Having read the briefing, she knew that she would be able to converse with one or two of the pilots. Sadly, this was not one of them, nor was the boy who followed. Then...

«Где мой Ева?»

Seung-jin was mildly surprised when the newcomer kicked the door. Fortunately, she could talk with this pilot.

«Значит, вы других пилотов?»

She watched as the other pilot slumped into a chair and put her legs up on the table. The other girl that was there seemed to stare at the wall for a couple second before murmuring something Seung-jin couldn't understand.

Very well, might as well give it a shot.

„Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Was fragst du über die Eva?“

The blonde gave her a look while maintaining her laid-back posture.

„Deutsch, ja. Ich frage mich, wenn Sie die anderen Piloten sind?“

Seung-jin nodded. „Ich bin, ja. Die anderen sind vermutlich auch. Mein Name ist Seung-Jin, Pilot der Unit-13.“

„Veronika Armenia, Unit-12.“

„Vergnügen, Sie zu treffen,“ she replied politely.

„Ja, sicher,“ said the blonde indifferently.

Silence descended upon the conference room.
Avatar: Rhoe Amariyo (© 2010-2014 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY X|V)
Karigane Shirou in LoL's RP - Rebuild of Evangelion: We Are (Not) Together
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Postby Dovah » Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:21 pm

Carter snapped out of the day dream and back into the cold waiting room as he heard the other children speaking. He felt like he had dozed off, but in reality was only remembering the dream he had the night before arriving at the Geofront.


The sun had been setting he remembered. And he was in a... train?
Yes, he recalled. Of course, he could not forget the voice, and what it spoke:

"So it's you..."

Carter stared at the speaker with a transfixed look.
I remember.

"I've been waiting a long time, you know... And I've felt so, so lone..."
But... why?

But you've returned to me, as I always knew you would.."

"The world will fall for our sins, and the Lilin will all disappear"
The voice became masked with anguish and Carter felt small.

"But... I don't want you to meet the same fate... I want to help you hold on to your life... That's why I'll never abandon you..."
Carter felt a longing he had no memory of before. It was primal and yet completely unfamiliar to him. What is this?

"It's time for you to do what you must."
A smile.


Snap back to reality, he thought.

He looked at the pilots. They spoke in a language he could not identify at all, and they did so very rapidly.

Just what have I gotten myself into?

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Postby Burger of Power » Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:38 am

"She's asking you if you are one of the pilots.", said a voice coming from the door frame. There stood a perfectly white young boy that observed the scene with steely red eyes. some sort of device similar to a pair of headphones covered his ears. On them were written the words 'Babel P.C.T.S.'.

Abandoning his post at the door, the boy crossed the room with large, impatient steps and took a seat the besides the brown-haired girl he had just talked to, leaving a free seat in-between them. The chairs were disposed forming a semicircle with a composite wood table in the middle, having taken the nearest chair from the door from which he had come, he ended up on the left extreme, directly opposite to a blonde girl with blue eyes. Crossing his arms, the albino leaned back on his chair, as he stared forward, his gaze not fixated on the fellow pilot in front of him, but rather lost in the distance, as if in deep thought.

"My name's Noah Halel from the Babel base, I'm the pilot of Unit-14. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances". Once this had been said, he proceeded to repeat himself, this time in German, the language both of the other girls seemed to have in common. "It seems we will face our enemy soon enough. What other reason would there be for us to be summoned here after all?...", Noah's eyes drifted from face to face as he tried to read the pilots' expressions, "Tell me, Are you... Afraid?"


Everything was quite quiet at the shooting range... Well, as quiet as a place where people were constantly shooting all day long could be. Besides Gale, there were only three or four people making use of the facility, and all of them were too busy minding their own business to even notice the young pilot, or to escort him to where he had to go for that matter. Thus, Gale 'Bomani' Winters was left alone for some time...

... However, a slight fragrance, a delicate perfume, started slipping into the room. At first, it was almost undetectable, but not after long the unique, soft scent concentrated enough for it to caress Gale's senses...


"My, my... look what we've got here~", unfortunately for Gale, it was way to late to run, for behind him stood one of the most bizarre spectacles one could be doomed to behold. A middle-aged, burly man with a single eye, an eyepatch covering the empty socket. He would have been quite the casanova if it wasn't for his already whitening hair, the wrinkles that were already appearing on his visage and the many scars on his body, some of which had disfigured him quite a bit... However, what truly stood out was his choice of attire, which consisted on a two-piece bikini. Yes, a two-piece bikini.

The upper part barely managed to cover his wide, hairy, muscle-bound chest and the lower part was a thong that could barely be qualified as such. The whole thing was completed by a pair of stockings made of fishnet and a pair of tremendously high (and sharp) stilettos.

"C'mon, don't be shy and come with me big boy~<3"


As he neared the approached the conference, Doctor Mayo double-checked his list. The Sixth and Eleventh had been taken care of and had already joined the Third, Seventh and Eighth. Some of the pilots were still due to arrive though, including Unit 01's... Honestly, what was Marlowe thinking?, It wasn't like him to hesitate like this. This was very disappointing of him to say the least... However, the Good Doctor did not doubt that Marlowe would meet his expectations in the end.

'However, it can't be helped right now can it?... at least we still have Units 04, 07, 13 and 14 ready to launch...', For some reason, as soon as he thought this, Mayo couldn't help but to feel a slight discomfort, as if he had forgotten something... Well, he'd eventually remember.

After two minutes, Mayo found himself in the backdoor of the conference room where a suit awaited him, "Hello sir, everything's ready for you to address the pilots. We've checked every single square centimetre of the room in search of all sorts of transmission devices. As expected, two were found and disabled, several extra searches were conducted afterwards, but nothing else was found, so it's sure that no one will be listening", Mayo assented with his head, pleased to hear this. It wasn't like it really mattered wether or not he was being recorded, after all, he was just going to welcome them and little more, but what kind of organization would Nerv be if they let any lowlife eavesdrop on them whenever they pleased?, "Perfect. Is there anything else I should be aware of?"

The moment Mayo finished his sentence, the suit audibly gulped. "W-well..."


"H-how should I put this?... You know Unit-04's pilot?, Gale Winters?... We sort of can't find him anywhere..."

"... What."

"He was supposed to await orders in his room, but when we went to get him, he had disappeared."




"... Sir?"

"Fifteen minutes."


"You have fifteen minutes to find Gale and bring him here before I quarter you with my bare hands. Understood?"

The suit's face went ghostly pale. The Doctor's stare was blank, but was regardlessly filled with seemingly unending murder. If stares could kill, probably the Doctor would have already destroyed the entire Geofront with his. The suit didn't need to be told a second eyes and departed as quickly as he could, shouting orders through his walkie-talkie.

Once he was out of sight, Mayo took a deep, deep breath and smiled. He had to calm down. There would be plenty of time for a bloody rampage later on. Right now he had to address children and he had to look as if everything was perfectly ok.


"No. Only cowards run from a fair fight."

The girl's response was quick and straight to the point. For the very first time, Noah smirked, his eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and interest. Well well well... Wasn't this one confident?...

Letting out a low chuckle, Noah assented. "That's the attitude. I hope you manage to keep it up until the very end".

Just then, the door behind the atrium located behind them opened, revealing a large, latte-colored man. Was it just him or the amount of big, burly men was surprisingly high in Nerv HQ?, Perhaps they had a free gym for employees or something.

Noah's trivial line of thought was cut off soon enough by the man, who approached the atrium. On his command, one of his subordinates went seat by seat, handling every pilot a device similar to Noah's, only labeled as 'Babel iFSH'. As Noah was explained when his turn arrived, they were universal translators. Possessing already one, he politely declined the man's offer.

"Good night everybody, my name's Doctor Mayo and I'm glad to welcome you all to our Headquarters!, Here I'm tasked with leading the scientific department, but, as you'll soon find out, I'm also the guy-for-everything here hehe...", joked the man after the preparations were done to try to lighten the mood, "I see that some of you still aren't here, but we'll have to make-do with this... "

"Hi there~!, Sorry for interrupting you, Daddy Mayonnaise, but I thought you'd want to meet my new friend~!"

Even before the man could finish his sentence, the left door of the conference room opened, revealing the pilot of Unit-04 and... The burly, skimpy dressed travesty that accompanied him.

Silence fell upon the room. Noah had looked over his shoulder to see who the newcomers were and though he looked pretty unaffected, in reality his brain couldn't process what his eyes were perceiving thus falling in a state of absolute indifference to prevent his brain from melting inside his skull. On the other side of the spectrum, Doctor Mayo's was a poem which not even Shakespeare could hope to match in terms of expressiveness.

"Daddy... Mayonnaise?..."



What followed was, to say the least, 'interesting'. After a few seconds, Doctor Mayonnaise begun chuckling below his breath, a chuckle that soon exploded into a loud laughter, "Well, I suppose it DOES fit such a stallion as myself." He boisterously said, "So, you did lost the bet huh?"

"I think it's pretty obvious I did.", replied the man in the bikini, response which was only met with more laughter. "Well, I hope that teaches ya' a lesson!, Any of these days they'll have you cleaning all the toilets in the Geofront with your toothbrush, you know. Man, I'm sorry for those spies. The stuff they are missing is juuuuuusssssssttt priceless."

The man grinned as he turned to exit the room (exposing his hairy behind for everyone to see in the process), "Well, better to be unlucky in gambling than in love. Or so they say."

And with this said, he left the room shaking his (un)sexy, (un)sexy booty along the way.

Mayo cleared his throat, "And now, unless we all want to spend the rest of our lives having nightmares about it, let's forget this ever happened, alright?"

"Anyways, the reason why you are all here is that every single one of you is very, very special. Special enough that you are gonna fulfill the dream of every boy and girl, saving the world!... In fact, you are so damn special that no one else can do it. For better or worse, you are literally humankind's last hope. If you fall, every man, woman and child will perish. Probably in a very painful, terrible way. But since here at Nerv we don't feel like seeing that happen just yet, we'll make sure that doesn't happen.", taking a remote control, he turned on a projector that showed several pictures, some from the Tokyo-3 and others from Antarctica, finally, there were also some diagrams regarding the analysis of some Angel samples. "As you all know, the event known as 'the Second Impact' took place almost 15 years ago, melting the pole's ice, tainting the sea red, killing almost all sea life, causing wars, and the convulsion of the whole planet. And let's not forget the billions of people that died... Certainly it was one of very worst catastrophes the world has ever faced. The population was told that the that a large meteor had struck Earth, but the truth is that the Angels caused the event. For 15 years we have been preparing ourselves to defend ourselves should they return; the result of all these years are the Evangelions and you, my precious Children... And though we hoped this day would never come, we knew it would. And it's already here."

The pictures of the Antarctica on the screen were magnified. "Just three days ago we begun registering mysterious activity on the south pole. We don't know what that might be, but it didn't come alone. The same day we detected signs of what the analysis of the rests of the Third Angel in Bethany Base have permitted us to classify as Angel activity. Since Tokyo-3 is the only place that has experienced this anomalies, we obtained permission from governments all throughout the world to congregate you here with the object of investigating the origin of this phenomenon and, of course, to destroy any angel that threatens Tokyo-3 and the Geofront... We can't afford another impact. Perhaps some would survive, but humankind would never manage to recover from the blow and would be eventually exterminated. That's the reason why I and Major Levi Hobbes (who you will be meeting shortly enough) will request from you the utmost diligence and effort."

"Regarding your daily lives, our original intention was to have you live here in the Geofront and focus on testing and improving your skills as pilots. You know, things that are actually useful. Sadly, that cannot be. When the media found out that you were all teenagers, they clamped down on us until they forced us to provide you an education like normal people your age. Thus, you'll reside in the surface where, for the sake of convenience, you'll live in a common dorm and assist the same school. I know, I know, this is bullshit. But it's NOT negotiable, so don't waste saliva complaining. Perhaps it's for the best, socializing will probably do you good. This isn't going to be pretty or pleasurable for anyone after all."

With this being said, the Doctor turned off the projector, "Buffffff, that took longer than expected. Anyways, any questions?"

PD: Sorry for the massive delay ^^"

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Postby BPES » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:36 am


The sky above Tokyo 3 was clear and its blazing sun beamed down as was typical of the land of eternal summer. Even indoors, light shone through a certain window and unto the legs of a 14 year old red-headed girl who was laying front first on her bead, chatting away on her phone. Rolling over onto her back she held an object above her head.

“I still can’t believe he got me this thing, I mean what am I supposed to do with it?” She complained with a frown.

“I think it’s nice that your boyfriend got you something before he left.” Was the response from the other end of the line. The redhead rolled her eyes even though it wouldn’t be seen.

“What would’ve been nicer is if he got me something that was actually useful. I mean, this is such a boyish gift.” She complained again looking over the wooden object in her hand.

“It’s not that bad, I mean didn’t he practice Kendo or something? So it makes sense he got you something like that.” Her friend once again reasoned.

“But I don’t do Kendo, and besides it’s not even a kendo stick, it’s a bokken. Why are you defending him so much anyway?” The girl asked suspiciously whist sitting up.

“Because he was a cutie.” The reply was cheery.

“Yeah he was wasn’t he? Too bad he’s moving to god knows where… I bet it’s got something to do with whatever my stupid dad is doing.” The girl bit out.

“Oh jeez, not THIS again. Your dad’s job only started getting super busy a couple days ago, and you’ve known Hayashi-kun would be leaving for weeks.” Her friend tried to reason and the redhead shrugged.

“Pfft, Maybe, but I still reckon he’s got something to do with it. I mean, how many people have left our school now? Our class feels half empty with all the vacancies lately.” She pressed irritably.

“I am NOT having this conversation with you again, Carolina Marlowe. I have to go.” Carolina’s friend responded.

“Ah wait Eri, I’m sorry. I’ll stop. It’s just, no never mind, don’t go.” Carolina pleaded worrying about driving her friend away. She got a giggle in return.

“Don’t worry, it’s not that. I just really have to go… got to get groceries for dinner. I’ll call you later all right?” Eri spoke cheerily.

“Yeah, ok. Talk to you later.” Carolina replied.

“BYE~NII~” Eri cheered just before she hung up.

Carolina sighed and set down her phone, a pout on her face. It wasn’t fair, the nicest boyfriend she’d ever had was gone and her class was getting fewer and fewer with more time passing. And all she had to show for it was some stupid stick? When was she ever going to use a sword? Still she stood up and held it in both hands with a look of concentration on her face. She took a deep breath before raising it up and swinging down.

“CHESTOI!” She called as she swung.

Silence hung in the room after the little swing and Carolina shut her eyes, a twitch appearing on her eyebrow. She then casually tossed the Bokken aside and flopped on her bead again.

“I knew it. So lame.” She muttered and covered her eyes with her arm. Despite what Eri said Carolina was still certain her father had something to do with all the recent withdrawals and moving away being performed by a number of families. It was like they were being sent away or maybe they just knew something that everyone else didn’t and were running for it.

Carolina turned onto her side and stared at the one of the photos on her bedside table, a picture of a time she couldn’t remember portraying her mother holding her as a baby. The side of the picture seemed to have been cut, as if there were previously more than what was shown. Carolina sighed as she looked at it.

“If you were still around mom, I bet things would be so much better. “ The girl quietly stated before her phone buzzed to life

Grabbing the device she picked it up and checked the caller, it was her father. Promptly setting it back down again she let it ring through until it stopped. She didn’t want to talk to him right now, or ever really. Most people tended to think she was overly harsh on the man, but Carolina didn’t. Despite that though she had conceded to try and give him a little more slack, maybe listen to him for once, it wasn’t as if he didn’t try to do nice things for her, just that she’d never accept them.

Her phone went again, this time signalling a text message and Carolina sighed. She’d read it if it was from her old man but he better not be asking her to make dinner for him or something like that. Instead what she got was far more baffling.

I need you to come to Nerv HQ where I work as soon as you can manage it. It is very important; the necessary security pass is on the table in the kitchen. That is all.

“What the heck? Why would I even bother with that? Urggh…” Carolina complained. This was certainly new though, the topic of her father’s work never came up in conversation between the two. Not that those conversations were particularly pleasant but it was like some unspoken law between them that Nerv was not to be brought up. To be suddenly asked to go there?

Heading downstairs she grabbed the pass that the text had mention and went for the door. She was still tempted to ignore it, especially since had said it was important, but she had also promised her friends she’d try and patch up their relationship a little, though she suspected it was due to how sick they were of her rants about her father.

Taking a step into the warm light of a typical Tokyo 3 day, Carolina headed towards he Elevator gates that belonged to Nerv.


Gale stood before the spectacle of a man with a neutral expression as he was addressed. It was only to be expected due to his particular state of being after all. However whilst Gale was certainly holding a neutral expression, the figures floating around his vision were anything but, it was quite the spectacular freakout indeed.

“WHAT THE ACTUAL!?!? AAAHHRGGH I CAN’T UNSEE THIS!?!?! “ Red screeched howling like a maniac and making wild motions all around.

“It’s not there, I don’t see, it’s not there, I don’t see.” Blue sat rocking back and forth, hands clamped over eyes.

“T-there’s got to be a reson for this! There has to be… Aliens perhaps, maybe its commander shark invading… wait what? No I can’t think! URRGHH! We’ve heard about this though, maybe he’s just insane, yes that’s it, that must be it, one of those creepy, insane, perverts. A pervert. A PERVERT!” Brown rattled on hands over ears and wobbling around as if dizzy.

“…fly away… fly away… run away… run away… hide away… hide away…” Green chanted, back turned to the man before them.

“SHOOT! YOU HAVE A GUN! SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT!” Red screeched again and gale felt his fingers twitch on the firearm he was currently holding.

“URghah.” Came the gagging noise from another of the figures, one Gle didn’t recognize, that was quite odd. According to studies it usually took a large stimulas and typically being in the Eva for another one to manifest. Looking at the new arriveal, Gale noted it looked sickly, dark ink green hair and an expression that only construed negativity. It also appeared to be retching and convulsing slightly, glaring at the man in front of them. “You disgust me!”

Gale’s expression finally changed into a hard frown and a mild snarl, completely agreeing with the newcomer about the person before them. Yeah, disgust was the word. The man had clearly been through a lot so perhaps something like this meant nothing to him, but it was atrocious to se ein a military facility. Gale made a point of readying his gun.

“I’ll go, but I warn you. Get too close to me and I will shoot you!” Gale said with hostility. He may be a child in the eyes of many, but he was a soldier and had killed many times in the past. It was inappropriate to make such threats to allies, but not quite as inappropriate as the man’s getup in his opinion.


After being talked down by several of the other staff members at the range, Gale had finally relinquished the gun. Apparently while his threat had initially earned a chuckle, the dead serious expression he had kept on after that had aroused concern. Even so Gale kept as far as possible from the pervert as possible, his hands buried in his clothing, out of sight. The Taser he was rolling in his hand hidden from view was comforting.

Arriving at the room was interesting in itself as the dead quiet that fell upon the room was intense. Gale took the opportunity to move away from his guide as quickly as possible, moving to the corner of the room and staring impassively at the wall opposite of the entrance. Gale quirked his head back round when the laughter erupted and tilted his head. The conversation that followed cleared up one or two things, but not everything.

“Oh see, it was a bet… that’s… relieving?” Brown commented.


“…Idiot…” Green muttered.

“Complete and utter fool.” Gale followed up quietly to himself.

After that began a n explanation of what was going to occur during their stay here. It started with the reminder of their responsibility and following with a summary of the second impact’s effects, tainting the seas, causing disasters, prompting wars. That last one struck true for Gale, after all, being the reason he was orphaned. Next addressed was the cover up and the truth of the matter, the idea that a meteor did it was the common belief and certainly preferable to the actual truth. But the truth was what they would be dealing with, and so it was important to note.

The next was addressing why they had all been called together, the revelation that their fated battle for the righto live was upon them. Gale was fine with the idea of fighting, those who knew him would attest to it, especially if it meant survival. It wasn’t just his survival that was at stake though, but his survival would only come through victory, and that would mean that everyone else would survive too. So long as he survived then he was doing his job.

And then the topic of school came up, and Gale frowned. There were many things about it that came to mind but when asked if he had any questions he instead responded with.

“I refuse.” It was a simple statement, one that would likely not go over well, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t go to school, he was too ill adapted to civilian norms, and he’d been kept away from such things for a reason. The media could say all they wanted on the matter as well, but the fate of the world rested on this, he wasn’t going to waste his time with something that would only cause problems.

“Aww, but we’ll miss out on making friends.” Blue complained.

“Forget that, we came here to fight and work, not go to some stupid school.” Red replied.

“I agree, there is nothing useful to learn in school that is needed for the upcoming battle. It would be folly to go along with this.” Brown added.

“…Denied…” Green pitched in.

“And for the record, sir, this is also “NON negotiable”. I may be here now, but my previous commanders words and orders mean more to me than yours and what the media says. If that’s all I’ll be heading back to the shooting range.” Gale said before promptly leaving the room.

In my experiance, there's only one thing harder than learning something new... and that is teaching it.


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Postby Lance of LoL » Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:11 pm

The meeting would stand out as one of the strangest things Veronika would ever encounter... Ever. Between a man who was dressed as no man ever should be, 'Daddy Mayonnaise' , and that one kid with the headphones, she could honestly say she was not expecting that. A pain began to form in the back of her head as the insanity of this meeting carried on before her.

Listening to Mayo explain their duties and the Angels, she recalled the creature buried beneath Bethany. A monstrous skeleton frozen in permafrost. A chill ran up her spine. She was not frightened by the idea of the Angels, but every time she thought of them, the memory of that frigid place returned to her. Especially when she piloted her Eva, the LCL was freezing, a cold so biting it was as if she was sealed in right alongside that monster. As the Doctor finished his presentation, the boy who entered with the ugly stripper made himself heard. Apparently he had no interest in going to school, which made sense. After all, it might not be a life long career, but the pilots practically had jobs at Nerv already. Veronika herself intending to join the Russian Military should her position as an Eva pilot become redundant. She wasn't as vehemently opposed to the idea of school as he seemed to be, but she could understand his position on the matter. Veronika on the other hand was a through and through soldier. Old orders didn't matter, what mattered was what happened now, so she would go to school as ordered.

Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a silver case. Opening it, she took a small white tablet from within and popped it into her mouth. Crushing it in a single bite, she swallowed it before replacing the case in her pocket. Pulling one side of the translating headphones onto her ear, she looked around the group questioningly.

“So who are you all?” she asked, her words being filtered through everyone else's headphones to something they could understand. She drummed her fingers impatiently on the table, waiting expectantly for replies.

>>>>Rebuild of Evangelion RP "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."~Meister Eckhart<<<<

Nuke-kun: I know not of this "civil conversation" bullshit you speak of.

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Postby MAGI_01 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:27 am

Eliza stared in confusion as the two girls conversed in German while she was unable to understand a word of what they were saying. She continued to observe quietly as more people filed into the meeting room. Between a man who was unsightly dressed to the others who earlier spoke in a language that she could not understand had her a bit on edge.

She listened intently as their duties were explained; tuning some of it out as it had been some of the same stuff she had been briefed on many times before. Her job… their job, was to kill the Angels by any means necessary. As the doctor finished his briefing, one of the others, a boy, made it clear that he very much protested the idea of going to school. She felt rather indifferent about having to go to school, but more or less felt that it could just get in the way of their duties, serving only as a distraction for the harsh reality they all faced.

She stared at the universal translator that had been placed in front of her and slowly picked it up and placed the headphones into her ears, as did the girl that spoke in German and Russian earlier before everyone else gathered and the meeting took place.

“So who are you all?” she asked, her words being translated by the device quickly from Russian to English. She drummed her fingers on the table in an impatient manner. Eliza cleared her throat.

“I’m… Eliza.” She said in a very soft voice. “Eliza Thompson.”
"If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid." - Me
"Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" - Akio's most famous line.
Akio in Lance of LoL's Rebuild RP
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Postby Agentomega » Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:12 pm

Seung-jin was curious at the arrival of the albino boy. He introduced himself as Noah Halel of Babel, pilot of Unit-14, and subsequently asked if they were afraid, presumably of the enemy. She was certainly not; that is why they had been training. Before she could reply such, Veronika beat her to the punch.

„Nein. Nur Feiglinge von einem fairen Kampf laufen.“

Seung-jin smiled a little. It was good to know at least one other pilot mirrored her sentiments. There was no honor in retreat; one could not fulfil one's duty by cowardice.

The albino chuckled. „Das ist die Haltung. Ich hoffe, dass es Ihnen gelingt, sie aufrecht zu erhalten, bis zum Ende.“

Any further conversation was interrupted by two fellows. One moved to the front of the room whilst the other distributed similar devices to the one Noah wore. Placing it upon her head, the technician explained that it was a universal translator device; hers was already configured to Mandarin.

Well, I suppose this will make it easier to learn other spoken languages. However, I think I shall ask sister later how to reconfigure this device.

"Good evening, everyone. My name is Doctor Mayo..."

The introduction by the good doctor was somewhat awkward, but no one was prepared for the burly man that entered the room dressed in naught but a bikini. Seung-jin schooled her features into a neutral look before purposely wrenching her gaze toward the Doctor. Internally though, she was crying tears of blood. I am unfit for marriage, she sobbed to herself. She didn't even notice that the man had dragged in the pilot of 04. Had she not registered Doctor Mayo mentioning that this was a bet, she likely would have asked if this was going to occur on a more regular basis. Even at present, she was somewhat revolted at just how casual Headquarters was compared to Golgotha.

As the other man departed and the door shut, it was like a wave of absolute terror left the room with him. Suddenly she was able to pay attention to what was being said again.

"And now, unless we all want to spend the rest of our lives having nightmares about it, let's forget this ever happened, alright?"

Seung-jin gave a stiff nod.

The Doctor proceeded to present information that was already readily available at Golgotha before segueing into the reason for the summons. Apparently there was Angel activity in the south, and it would be headed this way for whatever reason. The brass back home had ideas and notions, but no confirmation for any of them. She supposed that was another one of the reasons she was here. He also went on to mention that they would be attending school; this was acceptable to her, as it did not interfere with her duties. or desires The pilot of 04, on the other hand, expressed extreme displeasure at this, and departed.

"So who are you all," asked Veronika.

The other girl who had said nothing cleared her throat. "I'm... Eliza. Eliza Thompson," she replied quietly.

She glanced at Veronika before facing the others. "For the others," she said deferentially, "I am Seung-jin Preussen, Pilot of Unit-14: codename Jinjiang."
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Postby Burger of Power » Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:08 pm

Mayo sighed. This was certainly tiresome but he had already known that it was bound to happen. At least it was just one out of six, not to mention he how couldn't blame the youngster at all... However, that mattered not. If the boy thought he could defy his words and HQ's decisions he was in for a rude awakening.

"Gale Winters, if you exit this room, it'll be to return to Nerv-02 in the soonest flight available."

The Doctor's voice had given a radical spin, the gravity of the threat being palpable through the deadly, impersonal coldness of Mayo's words.

"Of course, this would not only mean that you would not be taking part on the defense of Tokio-3 and humankind as a whole, but it would also mean your decommission as the pilot of Unit-04, which would be either assigned another pilot or scrapped for parts. Probably the latter."

Mayo's eyes drilled through the boy, unflinching. He knew far too well how far he was going. Just a little further and the levee just might break... However, he couldn't help but to think of the elephant's story... In order to tame an elephant, its owners tie it to a post when it was still too young and weak to break free. Thus, after experiencing how futile it was to attempt to struggle, the elephant would stop struggling altogether, even when it became strong enough to easily escape if it only tried... If it only tried...

"So, what's it gonna be chap?, Will you give up just like that for a few hours a day?", he added, challenging the fourth child with his eyes, ready to make an example of him.

[center:2kfrl9ay]'It's time to tie down these elephants'.[/center:2kfrl9ay]


As Carolina reached the elevator's door, she would find it opening in front of her, revealing the back of a tall, slender woman with light brown hair which came out taking gracious yet regal strides unknowingly towards her, for she was too focused on some kind of document.

Before Carolina could react, the woman crashed against her, causing the woman to stagger. "Oh. Excuse me, I was-", she started saying as she confusedly recovered her footing, however, her words were cut short as she truly noticed Carolina for the first time, who had fallen to the floor from the [strike]third[/strike] Impact "My my~, if it's no other than the famous Carolina~", she said, putting her hand on her hip, not repressing in the slightest her amused smile, "Here, let me help you up.", she added afterwards, offering her hand to the girl.

"My name's Levi, Mayor Levi. Your father sent me here to show you the place, so how about if we get going?, There's a lot to see after all."

Just a minute later, both of them would be treated to the vision of the Geofront unfolding before them, the ever blue artificial skies seeming so real that one would be forgiven to question wether or not the place was really located underground. Truly, the Geofront seemed some sort of forbidden Paradise, even more so since the Second Impact had almost erased completely such places, making the soil infertile and leaving barren wastelands where lush prairies could be found. Levi would observe Carolina's amazed, almost bewildered expression "Oh, that's right. It's your first time seeing the Geofront, right?, Well, I guess I hardly notice it anymore myself. Still, I find it hard to believe that being the Commander's daughter you don't know this place from tip to bottom... Oh well, guess he didn't want to involve you more than what was strictly necessary.", she'd take then a step towards Carolina "So, how about if we go and try to catch the other pilots?, With any luck, Doctor Paraskevi's exposition won't be over yet."


"I knew that Unit-14 was certainly an excellent machine, but I did not expect for someone to try and snatch it from me already.", said Noah, attempting to crack a joke as he forced a smile, however, his tone didn't reflect his intentions, seeming completely serious even if he didn't notice. what he did notice was that the expressions he saw on his comrades' faces was not the one he intended to get '... I think I'm doing it wrong...', Noah thought, deciding to observe and analyze before risking any more faux-steps

"... I apologize, I didn't mean to come out like that", he told Seung-Jin.

And then the alarms went off

'Is this what is known as "being saved by the bell"?'


In the Command Centre the activity was truly frantic. As everyone wondered how this could have happened, the personnel at the bridge typed furiously, the keyboards were on fire as the information displayed multiplied by the moment. Still, no matter how great the effort on assessing the situation, it wasn't going to change one very simple fact.

That the Fourth Angel was inside the Geofront


"WHAT?!", said Mayor Levi as he saw the alarms going off in the entire Geofront, Carolina would perhaps notice at that very momemt that something was wrong with the artificial lake. For some reason, some sort of black substance seemed to be quickly spreading through the waters. Then something truly bizarre happened, the lake itself stood, it's waters combing upwards and then rising hundreds of meters, suddenly taking form and solidify to form a terrifying monster with black oil-like flesh and a bird's skull for a head. The bones of the monster emerged from everywhere in it's body, as if it was in an advanced process of decay. For a few moments, the Angel just stood there, silent unmoving, while Carolina and Levi's elevator passed right before it's massive, horrific visage, the two alien eyes shinning with an unfathomable consciousness outside human understanding.

There were no words. Or at least Levi couldn't think of any as she looked upwards, not even breathing.

Luckily enough, the angel didn't attack. Instead it turned around, wandering aimlessly, as if it tried to figure something up. Meanwhile, the elevator arrived to Central Dogma safely. Unbelievably.


"Prepare units 00, 04 and 08 for launch", said Faust , his firm, cool voice cutting through the general confusion like a knife, "B-but sir, Unit-00's not safe for...!", began saying a member of the Bridge personnel. However, he was cut sort by Marlowe who glanced at him through the corner of his eye. Honestly, if Faust Marlowe had been an Angel, the poor sod would have been cross blasted several times already. "You were saying?..."

"... I figured.", added the commander when the young man deviated his eyes from him in silence. "One last thing..."



Levi put down her walkie-talkie, both her and Carolina had just gotten off of the elevator and she had already received her first orders... Well, she didn't take this position to live a quiet, relaxed life, did she?

Without any further ceremony, she just grabbed Carolina's hand and pulled her along, running through the hallways


"Well... It looks like it's showtime...", said Mayo as he put down his own walkie-talkie, ordering around the security personnel that poured into the conference room.

"By order of the commander units 00, 04 and 08 are to be deployed immediately. This is not a simulacrum, the Fourth Angel has appeared", would restate the Doc to the pilots with solemnity, "Winters and Thompson are to be escorted to their respective bays by the security staff. The rest of you will come with me to the bridge. It's crucial that you witness this battle and learn about the enemy as possible.", he then turned and exited the room alongside the pilots that wouldn't participate in the battle, the group being closed by two suits, that would follow closely by in case something, anything happened. On the other hand, both Eliza and Gale would be politely asked to come with their escort, a group of no less that 8 Men in Black, soon enough, both would reach their destination.


The lights turned on in the bay.

The unit's 'face' was partially hidden by the pool of LCL below, but with just the visible part was already imposing. Long, sharp horns erupted from the forehead and it's bright, blue colors shone vibrated like a cloudless sky. Truly a shocking sight.

"So you are finally here..."

The voice of Marlowe boomed through the audio system as the man himself entered the observation post above and behind the head of the beast. With a slow pace, full of pomp and circumstance, he made his way to the protective glass that separated him from the bay, not looking away from the two below him.

"... Carolina"

Taking his shades off, he inspected her with his bright blue eyes, exactly the same than Carolina's own eyes. They differed in just about everything else, but those eyes, even the way she glared back, were his and only his. "I've already been told what happened outside... I'm glad you are alright", he stiffly said, "However, if I summoned you here today is for one reason and one reason only..."

"Carolina, I want you to pilot the Eva."

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Postby BPES » Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:27 pm

Gale Winters  SPOILER: Show

Gale had just reached the doorway when the Doctor addressed him again, despite how he’d said his piece. Half turning to acknowledge the man speaking, Gale waited to hear exactly what it was the man had to say.

"Gale Winters, if you exit this room, it'll be to return to Nerv-02 in the soonest flight available." He spoke with a cold authoritative tone. Gale raised his eyebrow slightly at that.

“Huh? What’s he even babbling about? Doesn’t he know that we were called here to fight? What is it now?” Red fumed while Gale began to frown.

"Of course, this would not only mean that you would not be taking part on the defense of Tokio-3 and humankind as a whole, but it would also mean your decommission as the pilot of Unit-04, which would be either assigned another pilot or scrapped for parts. Probably the latter." The doctor continued keeping a stare on Gale who met it with the same frown he’d been wearing since this conversation had picked up.

“What tripe, we came here as willing combatants, To be dismissed over something so trivial is nonsense, the threat is far too great. And Commander Walker would never allow unit 04 to be lost like that, at least not until a suitable replacement could be found.” Brown piped up.

“This jerk is just throwing out empty threats ‘cause he’s got nothing else! This is a bad joke.” Red continued to boil.

“So, what's it gonna be chap? Will you give up just like that for a few hours a day?" He finished up and Gale simply stood there not answering initially.

“Flip this idiot off and let’s go, we don’t have time for this!” Red growled flipping off the doctor.

“Yeah, I think it’d be best to avoid this guy too. But we need to think about how this’ll look, We don’t want to upset Commander Walker over this guy.” Blue reasoned. Gale cast a glance at the usually friendly Blue who seemed to be giving the Doctor the cold shoulder.

“Seconded, much as I loathe admitting it, his threats may be empty but the trouble he could cause is not so.” Brown commented and Gale closed his eyes briefly.

“… Taze him?” Green offered and Gale’s eyes snapped open.

“Tempting as all hell but that’d just be a hassle. Besides where does this guy get off? We came here to fight for Humanity and he’s acting as if we’re the bad guys!” Red continued to rant.

“We would never abandon everyone like that, I can’t believe he’d try and force us to!” Blue began to float energetically near red, the two seemingly in agreement in some form or another.

“Over a measly few wasted hours a day? I do hope this isn’t the quality of the whole staff here, their priorities are horrendous… even so… a mere few hours…” Brown muttered and Gale nodded. He was Stubborn but he wasn’t going to let some fool take him out of the most important battle in history.

“… Fight on.” Green finished and Gale sighed before looking at the doctor again.

“Fine, I’ll comply. I would never turn my back on Humanity over a few wasted hours a day.” He said evenly. He took a second, closing his eyes before he fixed the doctor with a glare filled with blatant contempt. “I’m disgusted that you’re willing to threaten humanities safety to waste a few miserable hours of my day. I’ve lost what little respect I might have had for you, sir.”

Gale, having said his piece leaned against the wall again as Red and Blue danced by his side, both apparently happy at Gale’s continued defiance. The other pilots in the room had taken to talking amongst themselves instead it seemed, probably for the best.

If there was to be any further debate, it was cut off by the alarms screeching to life and drawing everyone’s attention. Gale himself found himself folding his arms and gripping extra tightly, startled by the sudden loud shift. His grip normally would’ve loosened after a second or two but the grim realisation of what an alarm like this could mean held them fast in place. Mere moments later the sound of a phone joined in and Doctor Mayo began receiving instructions. Soon enough he set the phone down with a mutter and turned to face the pilots.

"By order of the commander units 00, 04 and 08 are to be deployed immediately. This is not a simulacrum, the Fourth Angel has appeared” He spoke seriously and solemnly, this was the real deal all right.

“HAH! TIME TO BOOT THAT SORRY MONSTER STRAIGHT TO HELL!” Red roared and Gale finally relaxed. He was here, he was going to fight. He would win, because he couldn’t fail. There was far too much at stake.

"Winters and Thompson are to be escorted to their respective bays by the security staff. The rest of you will come with me to the bridge. It's crucial that you witness this battle and learn about the enemy as possible." The doctor said before heading for the door with the other pilots in tow.

“Seems that threat wouldn’t have gone so well huh?” Gale quietly taunted the doctor as he walked past.

“Well that was childish.” Brown admonished immediately afterwards.

“That was worth it.” Red chuckled in response.

“Would the two of you please come with us?” A man in a suit asked, flanked by others dressed in similar style. Gale nodded calmly and followed, Eliza walking in step soon after. The pace was brisk and the atmosphere oppressive.

“You need to say something to her. You’re allies after all.” Blue barked floating in Gale’s face hands on hips.

“Something…” Gale muttered before shaking his head and looking to Eliza. “Keep your guard up out there, this is a first for both of us, let’s get through this in one piece ok?”

“Good good, now ask to be friends!” Blue beamed happily.

“Get lost! Friendships can form on the battlefield, let’s get geared up!” Red roared.

The group stopped at the pilots changing room. Gale took a deep breath and entered, with the knowledge that he could only keep moving towards the battle now firmly at the forefront of his mind. Maybe it was just Red’s eagerness, but Gale found himself anxious to get in his Eva and get this showdown on.

Carolina Marlowe  SPOILER: Show

Carolina wasn’t waiting long by the elevator gates of her Father’s workplace before it opened and revealed a woman who then promptly walked right into her, knocking her to the ground. Carolina groaned from the small fall she took as the woman began to apologize then promptly stop.

"My my~, if it's no other than the famous Carolina~" She said putting a hand on her hip and smiling, to which Carolina pouted a little. “Here let me help you up.”

“Thanks.” Carolina responded taking the offered hand and being pulled to her feet. After a brief check to make sure she and her clothes were still fine, she turned back to the woman whom bumped into her. “How do you know me?”

"My name's Levi, Major Levi. Your father sent me here to show you the place, so how about if we get going? There's a lot to see after all." The woman responded and Carolina took a brief moment to sulk. So she was one of her father’s employee’s huh?

“Yeah sure, that’s why I’m here right?” Carolina said trying to force a cheery tone but faltered a bit. Though it seemed the Major didn’t mind as they began heading in soon after. Carolina fiddled with the security pass her father had left for her as the seconds ticked by. She really wanted to try and start some form of conversation but nothing came to mind. Why was she called here? It had never happened before? She had never been interested really, and her father didn’t want her involved. She never wanted to be near him if she could. So why? Why now? What happened?

Whatever it was she was immediately distracted by the sight before her as they pair descended into the geofront. She’d heard about it, of course, but this was her first time seeing it. It was so very green. It looked so vivid and bright, the beautiful blue that was the sky like ceiling added to it making it all seem so untouched. It was surreal to think they were actually underground.

"Oh, that's right. It's your first time seeing the Geofront, right? Well, I guess I hardly notice it anymore myself. Still, I find it hard to believe that being the Commander's daughter you don't know this place from top to bottom... Oh well, guess he didn't want to involve you more than what was strictly necessary." Major Levi commented idly and Carolina sighed. Just what did the people here know about her anyway? "So, how about if we go and try to catch the other pilots? With any luck, Doctor Paraskevi's exposition won't be over yet."

“Huh? Other pilots? What do you mean?” Carolina asked looking perplexed. Was the Major a pilot of some kind? Did she want to introduce Carolina to other soldiers? Idly Carolina wondered what kind of planes might be kept here. Before the Major could get a chance to answer though an alarm sounded around them causing Carolina to look even more confused and begin searching for the cause.

Laying her eyes upon the artificial lake in front of the large pyramid structure, Carolina saw something that wasn’t right in many senses. For starters some of the water was dyed an oily black and it seemed to be spreading through the water. If that wasn’t enough soon the water began to shift and writhe before bursting high into the air as if climbing itself, stretching to dizzying heights before shifting and shaping into something bizarre and alien.

“M-Major?” Carolina meekly called for the adult, taking a step away from the monster forming in front of her. Whatever this was, it was not like anything she’d ever witnessed before. Combining this with the surreal environment and Carolina began to wonder if she had not slipped into some kind of dream.

Its bird like skull head and its abyssal eyes stood before them and Carolina found herself hopelessly lost before it. This was so far beyond her understanding that she couldn’t find words to speak, she had even forgotten to breath at this point. The nightmarish beast before her lost interest, if it ever held any, in them and began walking away. Carolina however couldn’t tear her eyes away from it and found herself with that familiar rush she got from her more hazardous hobbies. Her body cried out for air and she quickly began gulping what she could as her mind desperately tried to calm.

The rest of the ride was silent, Carolina just sat on the floor of the elevator trying to regain her bearings and Major Levi standing resolutely behind her, though Carolina was sure the other woman was still tense. Not that she could fault her after seeing something like that, what even WAS that? As the Elevator started slowing, Major Levi began talking with someone over her walkie talkie as Carolina slowly got back to her feet.

“Understood.” Carolina heard her say before her hand was grabbed and she was dragged at a running pace through the unfamiliar halls of Nerv.

“W-Wait! What’s going on? Where are you taking me? What WAS that thing? Major? MAJOR?”

There was no answer, the pair kept running and Carolina found herself even more lost and confused. Why was this happening? What was going on? Where was she being taken? Why wouldn’t the Major answer her? Carolina squeaked as the two went through a heavy door into a darkened room, the Major pulling Carolina to a walkway in the centre. Her hand finally being released, Carolina stumbled a little before the lights flashed to life, Carolina shielding her eyes from the sudden shift.

As she opened her eyes once more, Carolina found herself face to face with another monster. A brilliant blue that belonged to the sky cloaked the beast whose three horns stood proudly even as the vast majority of it lay hidden beneath the odd liquid that filled the room below the platform she stood on. It was imposing, easily as much as the monster from before but somehow, it gave off a different feeling, something that Carolina just couldn’t identify. That feeling though scared her on an entirely different level to the mysterious being outside.

"So you are finally here..."

His voice sounded throughout the room, speakers attached to the walls booming to life and drawing the mystified girl’s attention away from the creature. Looking up she saw a glass window, some kind of observation point with an all too familiar figure there, walking closer towards the barrier.

“Dad…” Carolina muttered, a frown forming on her face. She had forgotten why she was here in all the chaos. It was him, he was the reason, Faust Marlowe, her father. “…Why…?”

"... Carolina"

“What is going on? What is happening? Why was there a monster outside? Why is there a monster in here? Why did you call me here? Why now? WHY?!?” Carolina yelled at him, meeting his level stare with her own glare. She needed answers, something, anything.

"I've already been told what happened outside... I'm glad you are alright" he stiffly said, "However, if I summoned you here today is for one reason and one reason only..."

Carolina clenched her fists as she waited for him to finish, her heart racing and her mind trying to think a dozen things at once and failing at all of them.

"Carolina, I want you to pilot the Eva."


That was what he wanted? What did that mean? Carolina’s face showed nothing but confusion as she tried to understand his words.

“You want me…. To pilot the… Eva?” She repeated still not sure what to make of what he was saying. What was he talking about? What was the Eva? And what did he mean pilot?

Her eyes widened as she slowly looked at the thing lying dormant before her with a sickening realisation. This thing before her was the Eva wasn’t it? This was what he wanted her to pilot? A sleeping monster hidden below murky depths. She looked back to her father and then back to the Eva and shook her head briefly.

“What is this? What kind of joke is this? Are you serious? You want me to… to pilot this thing?” Carolina asked again motioning to it. He couldn’t be serious could he? He wanted her to pilot this thing, this Eva? This thing that looked like it belonged to the sky itself? What would it be like? How fast could it go? How high? The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to know. This was too good to be true though, there had to be something more.

“… Why? Why me?”

In my experiance, there's only one thing harder than learning something new... and that is teaching it.


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Postby Lance of LoL » Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:34 pm

Veronika was surprised when the alarms went up. She started cycling through her mind the procedure for this event.

First, receive full report.

Second, proceed to Eva Bay.

Third, Subdue the Angel and return it to cold storage.

"Well... It looks like it's showtime..." Mayo's voice snapped Veronika out of her reverie. Looking around, she followed the conversation as the confrontational boy and one of the girls was taken to pilot their Evas. They were also deploying Unit-00, which was unusual. Thinking over it, she couldn't place who piloted that machine, seemingly no one here as they only lost two pilots. Following Mayo out of the room, Veronika cursed the fact that her Eva hadn't arrived yet. She was used to standing guard over an Angel, used to being a soldier against these creatures. Following Mayo and the others to the Command Centre, the instant they stepped into the room, Veronika was struck by the massive monitor and sloping stations that took up the majority of the space. It was certainly more impressive than the Command Hub at Bethany, which was actually on a ship off the coast.

The images on the screen flicked back and forth. Vital statistics, logistics, map layouts, it was all there except... Just as the thought came to mind, the monitor switched to a live feed from the Geofront. A massive monster seemingly composed of water towered over the area. This more than anything surprised the Russian pilot. She had expected the Angel to look like the one they had sealed in the ice, but this beast seemed completely different, an entirely separate chain of evolution. Fists tightening, Veronika observed as the creature moved aimlessly, as if unsure how to proceed. As much as she now wanted to fight, she was unsure if her Eva could even dent the demon that stood before them.

>>>>Rebuild of Evangelion RP "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."~Meister Eckhart<<<<

Nuke-kun: I know not of this "civil conversation" bullshit you speak of.

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Postby MAGI_01 » Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:06 pm

Eliza was startled when the alarms went off.

Well... It looks like its show time..." said Mayo as he put down his walkie-talkie. "By order of the commander units 00, 04 and 08 are to be deployed immediately. This is not a simulacrum, the Fourth Angel has appeared. Winters and Thompson are to be escorted to their respective bays by the security staff. The rest of you will come with me to the bridge. It's crucial that you witness this battle and learn about the enemy as possible."

So the enemy has finally arrived… Eliza thought.

“Would the two of you please come with us?” A man in a suit asked. The other pilot to be deployed, Gale nodded calmly and followed, with Eliza following suit. The pace was fast.

“Something…” Gale muttered before shaking his head and looking to Eliza. “Keep your guard up out there, this is a first for both of us, let’s get through this in one piece ok?”

Eliza nodded in agreement.

The group stopped at the pilots changing room. Eliza entered and began to change into her plugsuit. She found herself shaking in anxiety, scared at the prospect of what sort of danger they would be facing, but also anxious due to the amount of pressure that would be riding on them. This would be the first real test of their abilities and failure was not an option.
"If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid." - Me
"Has anyone ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" - Akio's most famous line.
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Postby Burger of Power » Mon May 05, 2014 6:37 am


For the last two weeks since the accident happened, Diciembre Nativitas had been feeling as if in a cloud. It was true that he had been kept in the medical unit the whole length of it, but at the very least that had given him some time to relax from the frenetic lifestyle of NERV HQ and his Eva. But now, even through the thick, almost completely soundproof walls, Diciembre could hear the alarms ringing all throughout the Geofront. He knew what they meant, he had always known that sooner or later they would ring… Still, Diciembre had hoped to never hear them in his lifetime. ‘Foolish, huh?’, he thought for himself, anxiously staring at the ceiling as he waited, trying to hear the rushed steps of the troupe that would promptly burst in to get him and take him back into Unit-00 and out to fight. Just thinking about it sent shrivels down his spine.

They took actually longer than Diciembre had expected, even though that might had just been the anticipation distorting his perception. More than once did he hear approaching footsteps only to realize that it was just his mind playing tricks on him. At the end, it was even a relief when they did come for him. Trying perhaps to gain back the time that had been lost, the security staff deposited him oh a wheelchair and promptly set off at a speed that risked what could have been an unfortunate setback. Diciembre could understand though. Probably, despite being adults and cool-headed professionals that had the situation under control, in the end they were just as dread-filled as anyone else. It was hard not to feel like the events escaped your control, specially if you were just a goon that could do little even being part of the guys that were supposed to save the world.

And so, after a short trip to the lockers, Diciembre stood in Bay-00 clad in his black plugsuit with purple undersides, observing from the quiet repose of his wheelchair the last preparations before the deployment procedure. Unit-00 impassively stared back at him with its hollow black eyes.

To be honest, he had never liked Unit-00, even when he saw it for the very first time he knew something was very wrong with it, despite never being able to quite put his finger on it. No, Diciembre would rather pilot Unit-01. The blue Eva was still rather intimidating, but it felt warm and confortable to be around, unlike the cold loneliness he felt when he was inside 00… But alas, he knew such thing was not meant be.

His train of thought was interrupted when he received a videotransmision from Doctor Mayo, which he was thankful for. It was better not to think too much about these things anyways. “Oh, hello Doctor. Good… Afternoon?”

“Night, actually”

(OOC: I know that it has been stated in different posts that it’s both morning and afternoon as well as being sunny and raining. To solve this contradiction and since battles are way more climatic that way, we are going with a dark, stormy night, outside the Geofront, that is. Inside it it’s day 24/7 unless I happen to come across some source material that says otherwise. Overlook these temporal & meteorological inconsistencies IC if you please)

“I’m glad to see you recovering fast and steady, Diciembre. Do you feel in condition to pilot?”

The boy sighed. For an estranger to the situation it might have sounded as if he was actually being given a choice, but the doctor’s words were just out of consideration and nothing else. There was one and only one possible answer and that was ‘yes’. Not that he would have even considered answering anything else, but this sort of things had always got on his nerves. All those manners and protocol just made interaction with others feel orchestrated and false in his opinion.

“Of course sir. These are but scratches”, he answered with resignation.

“Good. We find ourselves in a dire predicament and Unit-00 might be what marks the difference. The angel, through means yet unknown has managed to infiltrate inside the Geofront, already having caused substantial damage to its structure. Units 04 and 08 are about to be deployed as we speak. Regarding the target, we are mostly without much intel about its capabilities, but it has displayed much plasticity, so be careful approaching it, the standard weapon might not prove very effective. We’ll keep contact through the Eva and provide as much support as humanely possible. Make sure you come back in one piece and good hunt”.

And with that, the frenzy resumed.

Mere minutes afterwards, Diciembre found himself within the entry plug. He breathed in, he breathed out. Knowing that soon the plug would be filled with LCL made him want to get out of there. Sure, the stuff was perfectly safe (as far as he knew), but he always felt like he was being drowned. ‘Well, sue me’.

And so, half a minute after 04 and 08’s deployment, Unit-00 emerged in the battlefield. It was strikingly different from its teammates. Whereas the other two other Evas were covered with thick, metallic plates, Diciembre’s was clad in some sort of tight, extremely dense fabric dark as tar, a colour not unlike the molten flesh of the angel confronting the three. The blackness prolonged behind the creature in a fashion similar to an overcoat and was uninterrupted all throughout its form except for its hands, feet and face. On the two former it had long polar white boots and gloves that reached and almost entirely covered its forearms and knees. The later however was covered with a protruding, feral-looking steel mask that drew a permanently twisted, jagged grin, reminiscent of a large predator’s skull if not for its sharp and smooth surfaces made the whole thing look dreadfully unnatural.

Bewildered by the magnitude of the situation, Diciembre observed how the angel turned towards them ‘am I really going to be able to do this?’.

Nonetheless, he HAD to try, so he proceeded to open a communication channel with the other pilots. One was a tan, dark-haired boy in a plugsuit and the other was a (pretty cute) girl with pale, brown hair in a grey plugsuit, “Unit-00 pilot, Diciembre Nativitas here. I’ll be providing suppo-“

In a second, Diciembre found his words cut short. A heavy blow at blistering speeds took the pilot’s breath away and the next thing he knew was that he’d been smashed into the side of the pyramid that was the heart of the Geofront, pinned down by hands of deceptively powerful fingers trying to choke the life out of him. “W-what?!”, let out the boy, almost whimpering as he gripped his own throat, fighting to draw in another breath. The angel’s arms had stretched to impossible dimensions, as if it was a daddy-long-legs. Not willing to surrender, Diciembre gripped the angel’s arms, struggling to shake it off… The angel however didn’t loose any time.

With a powerful motion it dragged the Evangelion along the wall, tearing through stone and steel only to throw it into the air with herculean strength. Then, as its arms regained their original proportions, a halo of pure white light momentarily appeared above the angel’s head and its eyes shone with a malicious glitter.

The entire Geofront and Tokyo 3 above trembled when the three explosions of the powerful cross blasts impacted against Unit-00, which dropped like a moth that had hit an electrical fence, loudly crashing against the ground.

One thing was clear...

[center]The Fourth Angel meant business

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